Nilai-Nilai Adat Jawa Sebagai Landasan Untuk Menyelesaikan Konflik Antar Siswa di Sekolah
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Javanese traditional values can be a basis for resolving conflicts between students in schools. As a multicultural society, Indonesia often faces challenges in maintaining harmony due to conflicts arising from differences in identity and interests. This study highlights the importance of implementing Javanese values such as rukun (harmony), tepa selira (empathy), gotong royong (cooperation), and sabar (patience) to handle student conflicts constructively. These values not only strengthen social relationships, but also shape students' character, improve interpersonal skills, and create a harmonious school environment. This study found a lack of integration of cultural values in conventional conflict resolution methods in schools, and proposed a more inclusive culture-based approach. By integrating Javanese traditional values into multicultural education, schools can shape a generation that values diversity, is able to work together, and resolve conflicts peacefully. Recommendations include redesigning the curriculum and teacher training to support culture-based conflict resolution.
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