Dampak Bullying Terhadap Kesehatan Mental Siswa

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Tiyas Pramudita
Rohmatul Kholifah
Setya Adi Sancaya


Bullying in schools is still a common occurrence. Bullying is aggressive behavior carried out by one or more people against someone or a group of others who are weaker. Bullying can be physical, verbal, or emotional. Bullying can have a negative impact on the mental health of the victim, the perpetrator, and the bystander. Mental health is a state of emotional, psychological, and social well-being that allows a person to realize their own potential, cope with normal life stressors, work productively, and contribute constructively to society. Therefore, bullying cases must be handled properly so that the mental health of students can be maintained.


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How to Cite
Pramudita, T. ., Kholifah, R. ., & Sancaya, S. A. . (2024). Dampak Bullying Terhadap Kesehatan Mental Siswa . Prosiding Konseling Kearifan Nusantara (KKN), 3, 349–355. Retrieved from https://proceeding.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/kkn/article/view/4459

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