Implementasi Asas Tut Wuri Handayani Pada Pengembangan Profil Pelajar Pancasila Dalam Demensi Kemandirian

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Setya Adi Sancaya


Tut Wuri Handayani is the motto of the Ministry of National Education and at the same time one of the principles of national education in addition to two other educational principles, namely the principle of independent learning and the principle of lifelong learning. Especially the principle of tut wuri handayani so far has not been fully visible and has colored the implementation of educational activities, both in informal education, non-formal education and formal education. Independence is very important for students, not only for the sake of learning, but more than that independence is needed in the life of society, nation and state. Without independence it is difficult for students to be able to grow and develop to be themselves (to be yourself). In the independent curriculum, independence is one of the dimensions of the Pancasila student profile which can be developed mainly through project activities as well as through intracurricular activities. In order for self-reliance development to be carried out effectively, it is necessary to implement the principle of tut wuri handayani carefully and seriously.


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How to Cite
Sancaya, S. A. . (2022). Implementasi Asas Tut Wuri Handayani Pada Pengembangan Profil Pelajar Pancasila Dalam Demensi Kemandirian . Prosiding Konseling Kearifan Nusantara (KKN), 2, 422–426. Retrieved from

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