Layanan Telekonseling untuk Efisiensi Waktu Layanan Konseling Di SMK Bhakti Mulia Pare

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Putri Mu’awanah Ashari
Dyah Ayu Retno Wulan
Amelia Eka Prasasti
Faizal Faiz
Fitrotun Na’imah
Dinda Riski Angelia
Nora Yuniar Setyaputri


The urgency of holding this telecounseling is due to limited time for guidance and counseling teachers in providing individual counseling, the number of guidance and counseling teachers is not proportional to the students, causing the attention given to students in individual counseling is not optimal. The aim of Telecounseling is that counselors and counselees can carry out individual counseling by utilizing digital platforms. Individual counseling is a process where the counselee receives direct services from the counselor and can experience problem solving for the counselee. The client benefits and embraces himself to achieve more realistic life goals in terms of learning and problem solving. Digital is a type of modernization or technological renewal which is often associated with the availability of computers and the internet. where human activities are made easier by the use of sophisticated machines for everything. Online counseling or what is better known as telecounseling is in principle the same as offline counseling, but what makes it different is the counseling process. Providing counseling is not limited to a place, meaning it can be done anytime and anywhere according to the agreement between the counselor and the counselee. Telecounseling will be special because it uses technology to provide counseling services remotely, giving counselees simpler and more flexible access to mental health care


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How to Cite
Ashari, P. M. ., Wulan, D. A. R. ., Prasasti, A. E. ., Faiz, F. ., Na’imah, F. ., Angelia, D. R. ., & Setyaputri, N. Y. . (2024). Layanan Telekonseling untuk Efisiensi Waktu Layanan Konseling Di SMK Bhakti Mulia Pare. Prosiding Konseling Kearifan Nusantara (KKN), 3, 269–274. Retrieved from

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