Media Biblioedukasi Berbasis Cerita Rakyat Kisah Pulau Kemaro untuk Penguatan Karakter Positif Siswa

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Tias Tara Dwiva
Nora Yuniar Setyaputri
Ikke Yuliani Dhian Puspitarini


Strengthening student character can be achieved through several methods that can influence and shape the character of students. One approach that can be taken by an educator in strengthening student character is to utilize biblioeducational media. The expected aim is to examine the role of biblio-educational media based on the folklore story of Kemaro Island to strengthen students' positive character. The application of biblioeducation by utilizing Kemaro Island folklore can guide students to take the mandate from a series of stories, where everything must be carefully planned and weighed both the benefits and risks, so that students will have mature consideration and be responsible for all actions that will be taken later.


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How to Cite
Dwiva, T. T., Setyaputri, N. Y. ., & Dhian Puspitarini, I. Y. (2022). Media Biblioedukasi Berbasis Cerita Rakyat Kisah Pulau Kemaro untuk Penguatan Karakter Positif Siswa. Prosiding Konseling Kearifan Nusantara (KKN), 2, 156–164. Retrieved from

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