Mengoptimalkan Peran Konseling Multikultural dalam Menciptakan Lingkungan yang Toleran

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Feren Ramadhani Putri Pradika
Tiara Nabilla Novitasari
Nora Yuniar Setyaputri


Indonesia is a multicultural nation, with cultural diversity which can give rise to differences and conflict. Multicultural counseling can be a solution to overcome this problem. Multicultural education is a learning process that teaches students to understand and appreciate cultural differences. Multicultural education can be implemented in schools through various programs, such as cultural festivals, student exchanges, and other activities that promote intercultural understanding. These programs can help students build awareness of cultural diversity, reduce conflict, and encourage cross-cultural collaboration. With multicultural counseling, schools can create a learning environment that is tolerant and respects diversity. This will encourage students to become good and responsible citizens. Multicultural education is important to implement in schools to overcome problems of differences and conflicts that arise from cultural diversity. Multicultural education can help students understand and appreciate cultural differences, so that they can live side by side in harmony in a pluralistic society.


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How to Cite
Pradika, F. R. P., Novitasari, T. N., & Setyaputri, N. Y. (2024). Mengoptimalkan Peran Konseling Multikultural dalam Menciptakan Lingkungan yang Toleran. Prosiding Konseling Kearifan Nusantara (KKN), 3, 64–74. Retrieved from

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