Body Shaming, Perundungan yang Merusak Masa Depan Remaja

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Tiara Nabilla Novitasari
Atrup Atrup


Body shaming is an act that involves a negative assessment of the appearance of an individual's body shape. This action can have a negative impact on the psychological state of the individual, such as loss of self-confidence, difficulties in social life, as well as an increased risk of mental disorders, such as depression and anxiety. Adolescent girls are a group that is prone to body shaming. This is due to the existence of ideal beauty constructions portrayed by the mass media. This construction of beauty encourages women to meet those beauty standards, which are often unrealistic and unattainable by everyone. Psychologically, adolescent girls who experience body shaming feel insecure, insecure, embarrassed, and anxious. Socially, adolescent girls who experience body shaming tend to withdraw from social environments, have difficulty building relationships with others, and have difficulty in learning. This study aims to describe the impact of body shaming experienced by adolescents


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How to Cite
Novitasari, T. N. ., & Atrup, A. (2024). Body Shaming, Perundungan yang Merusak Masa Depan Remaja. Prosiding Konseling Kearifan Nusantara (KKN), 3, 318–324. Retrieved from

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