Badranaya Sebagai Inovasi Layanan BK Di Era Disrupsi (Media BK dan Konsep Pendekatan Konseling Multibudaya)

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It is very important for guidance and counseling teachers/counselors to have multicultural insight in order to provide effective Guidance and Counseling services to all diverse service targets in this era of disruption. In addition, this insight is considered very important because the culture behind a person can influence the way they think about something. Both on how their social behavior in the same cultural group (ingroup) and different cultural groups (outgroup), how a person communicates and how to express their emotions. Multicultural insights can also be used by the Guidance and Counseling teacher/counselor to predict the identity of the counselee and the basis for subsequent intervention strategies. The purpose of this article is to review the internalization of the value of local wisdom in Guidance and Counseling service innovation. Such as the creation of a Guidance and Counseling media called BADRANAYA and the compilation of the Badranaya Counseling concept which is a form of Guidance and Counseling service  innovation  based  on local  wisdom  values  that  can  be  applied  in  the current era of disruption. Guidance and Counseling teachers / counselors can adapt BADRANAYA to be applied in schools or in higher education institutions. Where the contents of BADRANAYA can be modified according to the existing real phenomena. Of course, it is still necessary to internalize the values of local wisdom in the preparation process. Meanwhile, Badranaya Counseling will still be studied further by the initiators of the counseling concept


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NORA YUNIAR SETYAPUTRI. (2022). Badranaya Sebagai Inovasi Layanan BK Di Era Disrupsi (Media BK dan Konsep Pendekatan Konseling Multibudaya). Prosiding Konseling Kearifan Nusantara (KKN), 1(1), 1–12. Retrieved from