Strategi Pendidikan Holistik: Penerapan Teknik Reinforcement Untuk Prestasi Optimal Siswa Sdn Pojok 2 Kediri

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Aurilia Nikmatul Maula
Vikris Sa’adah
Reny Rochmatun Nisak
Rika Nur Cahyanti
Vivi Ratnawati


This stydy is research that aims to find out whether the learning process is optimal or not as well as the distribution of time priorities for class V students at SDN POJOK 2 KEDIRI and to find out student learning outcomes after being given reinforcement techniques by a group of researchers. Apart from that, the group also pays attention to student behavior. , Behavior itself is a certain action carried out by an individual through learning results. In this research, the behavior of a class V student with the initials A is a behavior that needs to be given positive reinforcement, because with reinforcement it will make him able to balance academic achievement, namely by still being able to actively participate in class learning and being able to do homework, as well as non-standard achievements. academically, namely by continuing to train and take part in competitions in the field of karate.


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How to Cite
Maula, A. N., Sa’adah, V. ., Nisak, R. R. ., Cahyanti, R. N. ., & Ratnawati, V. . (2024). Strategi Pendidikan Holistik: Penerapan Teknik Reinforcement Untuk Prestasi Optimal Siswa Sdn Pojok 2 Kediri. Prosiding Konseling Kearifan Nusantara (KKN), 3, 199–205. Retrieved from

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