Membentuk karakter: Nilai-Nilai Budaya dalam Memotivasi Siswa Lamban Belajar Dengan Teknik Token Ekonomi di SDN Pojok 1

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Farikha Rahmah
Dira Febi Restufia Pangestu
Ratri Eka Handini
Via Dwi Linanda
Vivi Ratnawati


This research aims to address the slow learning pace of students at SDN Pojok 1 by combining a culturally-based motivational approach and economic token techniques. The background of the study arises from the necessity for holistic student character development and an understanding that cultural values can serve as motivational drivers. Cultural values, such as perseverance and hard work, can form the foundation for intrinsic student motivation. Economic token techniques were chosen to provide tangible external incentives while accommodating cultural values as additional motivators. The implementation of this technique involves crucial roles from school stakeholders, including teachers, school principals, and students. The implementation process should consider the specific needs of the school and align external incentives with students' intrinsic motivation. Practical steps include understanding the students, introducing the token system, awarding tokens, utilizing tokens, and monitoring. The research results indicate that the implementation of economic token techniques is effective in enhancing the motivation of slow-learning students. The conclusion of this research provides insights into the influence of cultural values and the success of economic token techniques in improving the learning quality of students at SDN Pojok 1. Suggestions for further research involve delving into implementation aspects and evaluating the extent of its impact on students' academic achievements.


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How to Cite
Rahmah, F. ., Pangestu, D. F. R. ., Handini, R. E. ., Linanda, V. D. ., & Ratnawati, V. . (2024). Membentuk karakter: Nilai-Nilai Budaya dalam Memotivasi Siswa Lamban Belajar Dengan Teknik Token Ekonomi di SDN Pojok 1. Prosiding Konseling Kearifan Nusantara (KKN), 3, 413–418. Retrieved from

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