Meningkatkan Perencanaan Karir dengan Pengembangan Media Spinning Pintar

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Niken Falensia
Ikke Yuliani Dhian Puspitarini
Nora Yuniar Setyaputri


This study examines the use of Spintar media games to improve students' career
planning in schools. Globalization that influences students' learning styles so that they
are not monotonous and motivating is very important. Spintar media developed from
the spinning wheel game has a useful function for students to make it easier to
understand career planning. Through this Spintar media, students can learn the
importance of understanding career planning according to their interests and abilities.
And better prepare themselves with the skills that students have. By doing this career
planning, students will know several benefits of career planning, including improving
competency, improving performance, and improving quality of life. Spintar is a fun and
competitive game media to improve students' career planning.


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How to Cite
Falensia, N., Puspitarini, I. Y. D., & Setyaputri, N. Y. (2025). Meningkatkan Perencanaan Karir dengan Pengembangan Media Spinning Pintar. Prosiding Konseling Kearifan Nusantara (KKN), 4, 732–737. Retrieved from

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