Paradigma Program Bimbingan dan Konseling (BK) dalam Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka (IKM)
Paradigm, Guidance and Counseling Program, Implementation of the Independent CurriculumAbstract
Guidance and counseling (BK) as a relatively new scientific discipline, still needs to continuously carry out studies both conceptually and theoretically as well as in its implementation. This research seeks to find out how guidance and counseling teachers develop the guidance and counseling program in schools, whether they are still stuck with the old program that they are used to. Or it has transformed along with the implementation of the independent curriculum (IKM). To answer the problems of this research, a survey was carried out by means of a survey of the implementation of the guidance and counseling program in schools. The survey was carried out through assignments by students participating in the guidance and counseling problems course programmed in the odd semester of 2023-2024 to guidance and counseling teachers at school. By using descriptive-qualitative analysis techniques, the following results were obtained: (1) there are differences in the use of guidance and counseling program development models or patterns that reflect the guidance and counseling paradigm by guidance and counseling teachers in SMP; SMA and SMK., (2) overall research subjects, both SMP; SMA; and most SMKs use IKMS; and a small portion of KKU., and (3) all the guidance and counseling teachers who were the subjects of this research, have abandoned the 17 and 17+ program development model or pattern, which is different from previous research findings, which means that the subject of the current research is that guidance and counseling teachers are more able to follow the shift. and the latest paradigm developments.
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