Self-Acceptance of Mothers with Special Needs Children and Implications on Guidance and Counseling
self-acceptance, children with special needs, guidance and counselingAbstract
Children with special needs are children who have deviations from the average normal child. Both in terms of physical, mental, intellectual, social and emotional. In a social environment, it is not easy for parents, especially mothers with children with special needs, to adjust to the circumstances. The public stigma about children with special needs who are still common and tend to discredit children with special needs is a special difficulty for mothers of children with special needs. This is also related to the self-acceptance of mothers of children with special needs. The research method used is literature study. The data analysis technique uses content analysis. The results of this study are the elaboration of theoretical studies regarding: 1) self-acceptance of mothers with children with special needs; 2) the process of self-acceptance of mothers with children with special needs; 3) factors that influence the self-acceptance of mothers with children with special needs; 4) implications on guidance and counseling.
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