Teori Kepribadian Psikoanalisis Klasik dan Penerapannya dalam Proses Konseling di Sekolah


  • Atrup Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri
  • Mintorowulan SMP Negeri 4 Kota Kediri
  • Paini SD Negeri Semampir 4 Kota Kediri


psychoanalytic, application, and counseling practice, psikoanalisis, penerapan, dan praksis konseling


Psychology in education aims to understand the psychological behavior of students so that they can provide appropriate treatment, both in the praxis of counseling and instruction. Personality study is an aspect of psychology to understand the personality of students, so that they can help develop and solve the problems they face. There are several types of personality theories that can be used as a basis for solving student problems. The focus of this article is to describe and design the application of psychoanalytic personality theory in the counseling process at schools. The results of the study are expected to be useful for guidance and counseling (BK) students and counseling practitioners as an alternative to developing and solving students' problems at school. Two sections are examined in the theory of classical psychoanalytic personality, namely the main concepts in classical psychoanalysis including instincts, personality levels, personality structure, and personality dynamics, the two designs of its application in counseling practice.


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How to Cite

Atrup, A., Mintorowulan, M., & Paini, P. (2023). Teori Kepribadian Psikoanalisis Klasik dan Penerapannya dalam Proses Konseling di Sekolah. Prosiding SEMDIKJAR (Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran), 6, 2021–2031. Retrieved from https://proceeding.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/semdikjar/article/view/4015


