Prosiding SEMDIKJAR (Seminar Nasional Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran) 2023-11-10T08:56:52+07:00 Dr. Mumun Nurmilawati, M.Pd Open Journal Systems <blockquote> <p>Prosiding SEMDIKJAR (Seminar Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran) ini merupakan kumpulan artikel yang dipresentasikan Pada Seminar Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran (SEMDIKJAR) level Nasional. Artikel yang dipublikasikan ini merupakan artikel ilmiah yang merupakan hasil penelitian dan kajian konseptual oleh para author dari berbagai penjuru Nusantara. Prosiding ini telah terdaftar pada LIPI dengan ISSN: <a title="issn semdikjar" href=";1507107207&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2598-6139</a> sejak tahun 2017. Sampai sekarang ini SEMDIKJAR telah dilaksanakan 6 Kali</p> </blockquote> <p><strong>Untuk Submit Fullpaper Klik Link Berikut:<br /><a title="Form Pendaftaran" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">UPLOAD FULLPAPER SEMDIKJAR 6</a></strong></p> Pembelajaran Sastra untuk Mahasiswa Departemen Non-Sastra di Tingkat Perguruan Tinggi 2023-08-04T10:09:43+07:00 Eva Dwi Kurniawan <p>Literature is one of the means to form a superior personality. Various kinds of human characters can be found in the stories contained in literary works. Literature learning can be integrated into Indonesian language courses as a compulsory subject in all tertiary level departments/studies/majors, especially in undergraduate programs. However, the study of literature in Indonesian courses has so far placed less emphasis on literary aspects, but more on linguistic rules, especially on subjects related to writing scientific papers. This paper will criticize the lack of learning literature in Indonesian courses at the tertiary level. Learning literature needs to get a portion that is balanced with learning about language rules or writing scientific papers so that the objectives of the Indonesian language course, which is to produce civilized students, can be realized to the fullest. Learning literature at the tertiary level can be done by assigning reading literary works as well as analyzing them through characterization studies. This is done to provide knowledge as well as catharsis to students so that the goal of becoming a superior individual can be achieved.</p> 2023-08-16T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Eva Dwi Kurniawan Mengenal Kesulitan Belajar Pada Siswa SMA 2023-08-04T10:34:55+07:00 Yuni Agustin <p>Learning difficulties can be experienced by students in senior high schools. Learning difficulty is a condition of students who experience obstacles such as difficulty understanding, counting, reading and writing so that they cannot follow learning like other students. The purpose of this study is to find out the learning difficulties of students in senior high schools. The findings of this study show the factors that cause learning difficulties and the characteristics of students who have learning difficulties. The factors that cause learning difficulties are internal factors (derived from within students) including physical condition, intelligence, interests, talents and motivation while external factors (derived from outside students) include family environment, school environment and social environment. The characteristics of students who experience learning difficulties are students who experience a decrease in learning achievement, show unbalanced emotions, immoral behavior, cannot understand teacher explanations, are late and don't do assignments, are not neat in doing assignments, learning outcomes are not balanced with the efforts that have been made by students.</p> 2023-08-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Yuni Agustin Meningkatkan Kemampuan Literasi Digital untuk Menumbuhkan Budaya Akademik Mahasiswa Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri 2023-08-04T10:56:40+07:00 Wikan Sasmita Sasmita Agus Widodo Yunita Dwi Pristiani Etty Andyastuti Suratman Suratman Nursalim Nursalim Irawan Hadi Wiranata <p>The academic culture that is grown in the higher education environment aims to build the cognitive and affective abilities of students as an intellectual civitas academica to form students who are intellectual and have positive characters. This research aims to increase digital literacy skills to foster the academic culture of UN PGRI Kediri students. The results of the study showed that information literacy increased from 64% to 74%, digital skills from 74% increased to 83%, ICT learning skills from 76% increased to 88%, communication and collaboration from 69% increased to 80%. While the academic culture of those who understand 50% don't understand 50%, understand academic ethics 55% don't know 45%, student rights are 70% and don't know 30%, student obligations are 65% and don't know 35%, administrative norms are 65% who don't know 35%. It can be concluded that this activity is very positive and can increase digital literacy for students at Nusantara PGRI Kediri University.</p> 2023-08-16T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Wikan Sasmita, Agus Widodo, Etty Andyastuti, Suratman, Nursalim, Yunita Dwi Pristiani, Irawan Hadi Wiranata Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik untuk Menguatkan Literasi Numerasi Materi Bumi dan Tata Surya 2023-08-04T11:24:51+07:00 Wiji Arianti Putri Eka Wahyu Setyana Sarijan Sarijan Agus Muji Santoso <p>Student worksheets can support structured learning so that students develop the necessary competencies. Therefore, the goal of this project is to provide worksheets for students that improve their literacy and numeracy skills. Research and development (R&amp;D) was the research methodology adopted. This model's five steps analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation make up the research process employing the ADDIE development approach. According to the study's findings, both practitioners and subject-matter and language experts who participated in the discussion thought the worksheets were adequate. A setting with data in the form of text and tables serves as the stimulus in the worksheet. The created worksheets can improve students' comprehension of the concepts related to the earth and solar system.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> 2023-08-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Wiji Arianti, Putri Eka Wahyu Setyana, Sarijan, Agus Muji Santoso Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Motorik Kasar Anak Melalui Tari Bermain Pada Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun di RA Islam Salafiyah Padangan 2023-08-04T13:18:12+07:00 Erfina Vernandika Valensia Ayu Titis Rukmana Sari <p>Early childhood is a process where the growth and development of children is in a golden age that requires proper education and stimulation. Providing stimulation is expected to be able to improve aspects of child development. One aspect of child development that can be stimulated is motor skills in children. Motor development in children is divided into gross motor and fine motor. Both have an important role in a child's life. One of them is gross motor, through gross motor development of large muscles such as jumping, running, walking activities (La Ode Anhusadar, 2016). Therefore, providing stimulation to hone gross motor skills in children needs to be given early. Learning efforts must be given according to the age of the child and attractive to the child. One of them is the Play Dance activity, this dance is a dance by the Raff Dance Company Surabaya Studio which was modified by students of the Early Childhood Education Teacher Education Study Program Class of 2020. The purpose of this article is to find out the gross motor skills development of children aged 5-6 years in RA Islam Salafiyah Padangan before and after being given learning activities through Play Dance.</p> 2023-08-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Erfina Vernandika Valensia, Ayu Titis Rukmana Sari Penguatan Profil Pelajar Pancasila Berbasis Story Telling Kepahlawanan Pada Siswa SDN Sidorejo 02 2023-08-04T13:38:23+07:00 Fenti Fatmala Elly Astuti <p>This study aims to describe the implementation of story telling-based learning methods as an effort to strengthen the Pancasila Student Profile. This research was conducted at SDN SIDOREJO 02 during the Teaching Campus 5 assignment. This research used a qualitative method where data collection was done by observation, literature study, and interviews. The target of this research was fourth grade students totaling 13 students. The first story telling learning step is to give students heroic stories that can be read, second to train students to retell the stories they read, third to invite students to answer quizzes about what they read, fourth to understand the story together. The results of this study indicate that learning based on heroic storytelling is more attractive to students and makes it easier to capture the essence of stories that can be applied in everyday life. The meaning of the heroic story conveyed is able to increase the character values ​​of the Pancasila student profile in students.</p> 2023-08-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Fenti Fatmala, Elly Astuti The Effect Of Google Translate On The Students’ Vocabularies 2023-08-04T13:46:59+07:00 Andini Sholehah Sulistyani Sulistyani Agung Wicaksono <p>Google Translate is one of the newest technologies especially in the translation. This media can assist students to translate words, phrases, or sentences from one language to other languages. Then, the purposes of this research are to find out the students’ vocabulary score before being taught by using Google Translate, to find out the students’ vocabulary score after being taught by using Google Translate, and to find the significant effect of Google Translate on students’ vocabulary mastery.This research uses quantitative approach with experimental method. Beside that, this research was conducted from October 2022 to December 2022. The population of this research is Grade X and the sample is 33 students. This research obtains the data in SMAN 1 Kediri. The results of this research are the score and the mean of post-test are higher than pre-test because the result of translation with Google Translate. From this research, it can be concluded that Google Translate can be the media to translate vocabularies with comparing the result from other dictionaries.</p> 2023-08-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Andini Sholehah, Sulistyani, Agung Wicaksono Implementasi Pembelajaran Drama Sebagai Upaya Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter 2023-08-04T14:30:09+07:00 Tegar Wahyu Nugroho <p>Character education is a very important aspect that should be possessed by an individual. The formation of one's character varies, but what needs to be emphasized is that it should be systematic and continuous. The purpose of education is not only to increase knowledge and intelligence, but also to shape someone to have good moral values. It turns out that literature education has a close and inseparable relationship with character education because literary works are derived from the reality of society and thus contain developing values within society. In addition to its relationship, literature also plays an important role in character education, namely: (1) strengthening and sharpening religious and moral education, (2) strengthening love for the homeland, (3) respecting the struggle of national heroes, and (4) increasing historical knowledge. One of the literary media that can be used to strengthen character education is through drama. Drama can be used as a medium to convey positive messages or moral values in various and enjoyable ways.</p> <p> </p> 2023-08-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Tegar Wahyu Nugroho Pengaruh Media Vidio 360 Derajat Guna Peningkatan Pariwisata Candi Tegowangi di Desa Tegowangi, Kecamatan Plemahan, Kabupaten Kediri 2023-08-04T15:40:28+07:00 Muji Basuki Heru Budiono Agus Budianto <p>The development of information technology that can bring new technology and facilitate human activities. Virtual tour technology is a technology where users can surround / travel around a place virtually, panoramic itself has the advantage that the information presented is more real and complex The purpose of this research is (1) To find out how to use 360-degree video media as a temple promotion media (2) To find out 360-degree video media can increase tourist interest in Tegowangi Temple The author in this study used a qualitative approach where the research was conducted at Tegowanggi Temple tourism in Tegowangi village, Plemahan District, Kediri Regency, this research has three stages, namely the pre-field stage, the field worker stage, the data collection stage. The results of the study produced a tourism marketing context, 360-degree video media can increase tourist interest in Tegowangi Temple. The 360-degree video provides a virtual experience that is close to a physical visit, allowing tourists to explore and view the temple interactively.</p> 2023-08-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Muji Basuki, Heru Budiono, Agus Budianto Upaya Peningkatan Hasil Belajar “Arti dan Makna Sumpah Pemuda” Melalui Media Video 2023-08-04T16:53:45+07:00 M. Azimatur Rohim Etty Andyastuti Nursalim Nursalim <p>This study aims to (1) introduce the application of learning through video media in Civics subjects with material on the meaning and meaning of the youth oath for students of Tunas Harapan Pare Christian Middle School. (2) To find out the increase in PPKn learning outcomes through video media with Civics learning material about the meaning and meaning of the youth oath for students of Christian Middle School Tunas Harapan Pare. This research uses a Classroom Action Research (PTK) approach with research subjects for class VIII students even semester in 2022 /2023 Christian Middle School Tunas Harapan Pare. The conclusions of the results of this study are (1) The application of learning through video media in Civics subjects with material on the meaning and meaning of the youth oath in Tunas Harapan Pare Christian Middle School students is carried out in 2 cycles. In each cycle the stages carried out are the planning stage, the implementation of the action, the observation stage, and reflection. (2) The results of learning through video media in learning PPKn about the meaning and meaning of the youth oath for Harapan Pare Christian Middle School students experienced a significant increase. In the average learning outcomes, as well as the percentage of complete learning outcomes. The average learning outcomes increased from 66.8 in cycle I to 83.1 in cycle II, with an increase of 16.3. The percentage of complete learning outcomes also increased from 45.4% in cycle I to 100% in cycle II, with an increase of 54.6%.</p> <p> </p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 M. Azimatur Rohim, Etty Andyastuti, Nursalim Tindak Tutur dalam Film Mariposa Karya Luluk HF (Kajian Pragmatik) 2023-08-04T18:16:59+07:00 Eva Puspita Sari Andri Pitoyo Sardjono Sardjono <p>This research is a study of pragmatics which aims to explain the types of locutionary, ilocutionary, and perlocutionary acts found in the Mariposa film. The selection of the Mariposa film as the main data source is due to the fact that there are many locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary utterances spoken by the characters. Apart from that, it is also because the Mariposa film also received an award, received a nomination as the selected feature-length film and entered the Google trending ranks for 2020. The research method used in this study is a descriptive qualitative method using a pragmatic approach. The data analysis technique uses the observation and note technique by making direct observations on the Mariposa film. Grouping data using tabulations with validity tests in the form of triangulation and use of reference materials. From the research that has been done, it produces several forms of locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary speech acts. The forms of locutionary speech acts found are declarative, imperative, and interrogative locutions. The forms of illocutionary speech acts found are assertive, directive, expressive, declarative, and commissive locutions. The forms of perlocutionary speech acts found are verbal, nonverbal, and nonverbal perlocutionary acts</p> <p> </p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Eva Puspita Sari, Andri Pitoyo, Sardjono Profil Gaya Belajar Peserta Didik SMP Al Hikmah Kepung Dan Dampaknya Terhadap Desain Modul Ajar 2023-08-11T01:44:50+07:00 Angga Yuanisyak Sujali Poppy Rahmatika Primandiri Farida Nurlaila Zunaida Agus Muji Santoso <p>Differentiated learning is a practical endeavor to meet studetns requirement and traits, incluiding learning preferences. The purpose of this study is to identify the learning style of SMP Al Hikmah Kepung students and how the affect the creation of instructional materials. Descriptive exploratory is the type of study being conducted. Students were given split-style questionnaires to complete, and then the data was analized using descriptive statistics. The funding demonstrated the veriety of learning preference among class VIII students at SMP Al Hikmah Kepung, incluiding visual (40%), auido (50%), and kinesthetic (10%) learning preferences. Based on the learning style data, teaching modul design are created to take students preferred methods of learning into account. This has an effect on how teaching module material, procedures, and final product are designed.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Angga Yuanisyak, Sujali, Poppy Rahmatika Primandiri, Farida Nurlaila Zunaida,Agus Muji Santoso The Implementation Of Task-Based Writing Activities In Teaching Writing To The Second Semester At Nurse Program Of Health Sciences Faculty Of Kadiri University 2023-08-04T20:19:43+07:00 Jatmiko Agung Wicaksono Pamadya Vitasmoro <p>Writing is a very important skill, In writing, a teacher should encourage students to produce a text as a medium to communicate their ideas or opinions to others through written form. &nbsp;The research method uses in research activity to achieve and expect the objective of the research. The researcher uses a qualitative approach. The data were not treated by statistical procedures. The results of the study were descriptive. It means that the researcher describes directly based on the data gotten from the interview and the class observation. The subject of the research was the students in the second semester of the nurse program of the Health sciences faculty of Kadiri University which consists of 30 students.&nbsp; Based on the result of observation and interview, The researcher implemented Task-based Writing Activities in teaching writing, the teacher taught based on the lesson plan. The researcher used three phase technique (Pre, Whilst, Post) From the explanation above, the researcher concludes that the procedure of the implementation of Task-based Writing Activities in teaching writing is match to the theory, the result of interview and lesson plan.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jatmiko, Agung Wicaksono, Pamadya Vitasmoro Literasi Media dan Informasi (LMI): Menyaring Informasi di Era VUCA untuk Pendidikan yang Bermakna 2023-08-04T21:06:37+07:00 Fajar Nuralim Muhammad Azka Ghafirin <p>Media and Information Literacy (LMI) is becoming an increasingly important skill in the current VUCA era. LMI plays a crucial role in helping individuals filter and manage information wisely to gain meaningful understanding. However, there are a number of problems that need to be addressed in developing media and information literacy in education. This article will discuss the importance of media and information literacy in facing challenges in the VUCA era. Where the VUCA era was marked by rapid information fluctuations, including the spread of fake news and information that was not properly verified. This article aims to provide a deeper understanding of the concepts and components of media and information literacy. Problems related to media and information literacy include the lack of a systematic approach to teaching LMI, limited access to relevant educational resources, and the need to develop the critical and analytical skills needed to filter information. To overcome this problem, a holistic approach is needed in the development of media and information literacy in education.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Fajar Nuralim, Muhammad Azka Ghafirin Layanan Konseling Kelompok Dengan Teknik Behavioral Contract Untuk Meningkatkan Kedisiplinan Siswa 2023-08-04T21:15:19+07:00 Silvia Wulansari <p>The background is that there are students in class X SMA Negeri 1 Gabus who are less disciplined. With behavioral contract technique group counseling services it is hoped that student indiscipline behavior can be reduced. The purpose of this study was to find out whether group counseling services using behavioral contract techniques can reduce student indiscipline behavior. The type of research used is Quantitative Research with experimental research methods using one group pretest and posttest design. The research subjects were 6 students who had low discipline. The data analysis used was the Wilcoxon test which showed a significant increase in student discipline after being given group counseling services. The results showed that there was a difference in the mean score before being given treatment, namely 64.5 and the mean posttest after being given treatment, 101.5. From the hypothesis test, the results obtained significance (2-tailed) 0.027 &lt; 0.05. So Ha is accepted, this means that there is a significant increase in student discipline before and after being treated by using group counseling services on research subjects. The conclusion from this study is that group counseling services using behavioral contract techniques can improve student discipline behavior.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Silvia Wulansari Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Power Point Interaktif Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Numerasi Pada Materi Peluang Kelas VIII Di SMP Negeri Sumbergempol 2023-08-04T21:31:23+07:00 Monika Sari Arofah Aldila Wanda Nugraha <p>This study aims to develop interactive Power Point learning media as a learing medium on opportunity theory for Grade VIII students and to evaluate validaty and practicality based on assessment. Media experts, material experts, teachers and students. The instruments used were media expert and material expert validation sheets, teacher and student response questionsnaraires. This research is research developpment (Research and develoment) adapted from the ADDIE develompment model. The stages of the ADDIE model : Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate. The results of this study indicate the level of feasibiity of interactive Power Point learning media media in class VIII opportunity material based on the media expert’s assessment of obtaining a score of 41 with a percentage of 85.41% in the “very valid” category. Material expert assessment I, score 72, percentage of 78.26% in the “Decent” category. Whie the assessment of material expert 2, score 81, percetage 89.13%. practicality assessment from the teacher, score 66 maximum value 72, percentage 91.66% category “Very Decent Practicality”. And from the questionnaire, totaling 33 student received a percetage score of 83.39 in the category “very feasible practucality”. Thus the Microsoft Power Point learning media on opportunity material is suitable for use as a mathematics learning madium for grade VIII junior schools.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Monika Sari Arofah, Aldila Wanda Nugraha Pengembangan Media Visual 3D Materi Organ Pencernaan Manusia Siswa Kelas V MI Miftahul Huda 2023-08-05T12:32:46+07:00 Singgih Dwi Prastya Endang Sri Mujiwati Kharisma Eka Putri <p>The background of this development research is based on the results of observations and interviews with class V MI Miftahul Huda teachers. Based on the results of the class V teacher interviews, it is known that the average score obtained by students has not been able to reach the KKM on the human digestive organs material. This research is a type of development research (R&amp;D) using the five-step ADDIE development model. The conclusions of the research are: (1) The 3D visual media of the human digestive organs is declared valid because the results of the recapitulation of the validity of media experts as well as material experts and learning tools obtain a percentage score of 91.50%, (2) The 3D visual media of the human digestive organs is said to be effective, because the results of student learning completeness in the limited trial post-test obtained a percentage of 84.8% and the wide trial post-test obtained a completeness percentage of 85.2%, and (3) Media 3D visual of the human digestive organs is very good for use in the learning process, because it gets a score percentage of the teacher's response of 84%</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Singgih Dwi Prastya, Endang Sri Mujiwati, Kharisma Eka Putri Moral Lingkungan Pada Novel Dari Rahim Ombak Karya Tison Sahabuddin Bungin (Kajian Ekologi Sastra) 2023-08-05T12:46:11+07:00 Sindi Oktafia Encil Puspitoningrum Endang Waryanti <p>Various writers in Indonesia have combined nature and the environment in their works. Nature is used as an object in language and imagery among writers. One of the literary works that uses nature as a setting or theme is the novel. The object of this study is the novel Dari Rahim Ombak by Tison Sahabuddin Bungin which contains the concept of saving and preserving marine ecosystems realized in moral ecology. This study aims to describe the structural aspects and describe the moral ecology in Tison Sahabuddin Bungin's novel Dari Rahim Ombak. This research theoretically uses literary structural and ecological which focuses on literary morals with a qualitative descriptive type of approach that analyzes the novel Dari Rahim Ombak by Tison Sahabuddin Bungin in 2015. From the results of this study there are elements of the building blocks of the novel, including: theme, plot, conflict, and characterization and characterization, and there is a moral ecology which includes: respect for nature, attitude of moral responsibility towards nature, attitude of solidarity towards nature, attitude of compassion and concern for nature, and attitude of affection and concern for nature<em>.</em></p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Sindi Oktafia, Encil Puspitoningrum, Endang Waryanti Validasi Instrumen Untuk Ekspert Review Pada Mata Pelajaran Produk Kreatif dan Kewirausahaan Berbasis Problem Based Instruction 2023-08-06T10:44:06+07:00 Dwi Sumarsih Sumarsih Forijati Forijati Sugiono Sugiono <p>The purpose of this study was to determine the expert validation of Creative Product and Entrepreneurship subjects based on problem-based instruction. This research is an ADDIE model development research and only at the expert review stage. This research develops a Problem Based Instruction learning model for Creative Products and Entrepreneurship subjects.&nbsp;&nbsp; This research method is research and development with a validity approach from 3 (three) experts, namely subject matter experts, learning design experts and learning media experts and are also research subjects. The validation instrument was developed and analyzed using V Aiken linkert scale. The results of the analysis show that the validation instrument to measure the implementation of Creative Product and Entrepreneurship learning based on problem-based instruction has met the valid criteria and can be used in collecting research data.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Dwi Sumarsih, Forijati, Sugiono Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran WASAKA Pada Mata Kuliah Pendidikan Anak Berkesulitan Belajar Spesifik di Perguruan Tinggi 2023-08-05T13:30:41+07:00 Miftahul Aula Sa’adah <p>Lecturers are expected to implement innovative learning so that students can master the material well. This study aims to develop the WASAKA (Write, Analyse, Argue, Knowledge Development, and Act) learning model. This research uses Educational Design Research (EDR). The subjects of this study were 21 PAI students who took the Education of Children with Specific Learning Difficulties course. Data collection techniques in this study were observation and survey. The research instruments used were validation sheets and observation sheets. The data obtained were then analyzed using the Aiken formula and descriptive statistics. The results showed that the WASAKA learning model had a content validity of 0.87-0.93 with a valid category; the average application of the model in terms of lecturer activities was 5.00 with a very good category; the average application of the model in terms of student activities was 4.97 with a very good category. The conclusion of this study is that the learning model developed is valid and can be applied in lectures.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 0 Miftahul Aula Sa’adah Pentingnya Peran Orangtua Dalam Membangun Konsentrasi Dan Motivasi Belajar Anak Di Era Digital 2023-08-05T13:37:44+07:00 Nur Kholifah Vivi Ratnawati <p>Parents are currently faced with various problems that occur in educating children in the midst of rapid digital development. Suddenly, this raises various concerns about the growth and development of children. This article aims to examine the problems that occur in the process of educating children in the digital era as it is today. Technological developments are increasingly rapid in today's digital era, causing the values ​​that are born, both positive and negative, to experience a tremendous shock as well. man. From this surprise, the role of parents in educating their children also underwent changes according to the times. In the 80s, parents in educating their children must have experienced differences in today's digital era. Parenting styles that initially experienced differences from other parents, who only applied authoritarian, permissive, democratic parenting styles, have experienced success in educating children, but in the digital era, the three parenting styles will not work, if they do not synchronize according to time situation and conditions in terms of parenting.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Nur Kholifah, Vivi Ratnawati Hambatan Pengawas Sekolah Dalam Implementasi Merdeka Belajar Di Wilayah Pesisir 2023-08-05T13:45:25+07:00 Aisyah Nuramini <p>This study aims to describe the readiness of supervisors in implementing Merdeka Belajar curriculum and the obstacles of school supervisors in implementing&nbsp; Merdeka Belajar curriculum in the coastal areas of Riau. This study used a qualitative approach with a case study research design. With interview data collection techniques and documentation. The research location was carried out in Bengkalis Regency, Riau. The results of this study, one of the readiness of school supervisors in implementing Merdeka Belajar curriculum is seen from the amount of training provided. School supervisors in Bengkalis Regency since the Merdeka Belajar curriculum was initiated, have only received one training in the middle of this year. There are several other obstacles that affect supervisors in carrying out their role in implementing Merdeka Belajar curriculum is a limited road, transportation and communication infrastructure, a limited number of supervisors, and the age of school supervisors who are more than 50 (fifty) years old</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Aisyah Nuramini Bentuk Tindak Tutur Ilokusi Pada Film Dua Garis Biru Karya Gina S Noer 2023-08-06T11:50:35+07:00 Herli Dewana putra Sujarwoko Sardjono <p>Speech act is a concept in linguistics that refers to actions performed through language, such as commanding, asking, announcing or telling. In the context of film, speech acts can play an important role in building stories, developing characters, and conveying messages to the audience. The purpose of this research is to describe the forms of illocutionary speech acts found in the dialogues of Gina S Noer's film Dua Garis Biru. This study uses a pragmatic approach, with the object of research being the dialogue of the film Dua Garis Biru by Gina S Noer. Pragmatics is a branch of science that studies linguistics which examines the meaning uttered by speakers or writers. The conclusions from this study are (1) the existing forms of illocutionary speech acts are assertive speech acts, directive speech acts, commissive speech acts, expressive speech acts, and declarative speech acts.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Herli Dewana putra, Sujarwoko, Sardjono Analisis Moral dalam Novel Surat Kecil untuk Tuhan Karya Agnes Davonar 2023-08-06T11:40:09+07:00 Tsalis Jafiana Rofifah Chelya Ilham Ramdani Putra Tegar Wahyu Nugroho <p>This research shows that literature offers two benefits: pleasure and understanding. Pleasure refers to the ability of literature to provide entertainment for readers or enthusiasts. Meanwhile, understanding refers to the fact that literature can function as a learning tool by conveying values and messages that serve as life guidelines. These values include moral values and can be a means to improve moral decline in Indonesia. The research employs a moral approach, which is used to depict and analyze moral values in a novel. This study is of qualitative descriptive type with the objective of depicting the moral values in the novel. The primary data source for this research is Agnes Davonar's novel, A Little Letter to God. The research findings indicate that there are several moral values present in the novel (1) Moral values related to a relationship with God encompass faith, prayer, and worship. (2) Moral values related to oneself include patience, sincerity, and perseverance. (3) Moral values related to others involve compassion among friends</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Tsalis Jafiana Rofifah, Chelya Ilham Ramdani Putra, Tegar Wahyu Nugroho Analisis Kecanduan Bermain Game Online Siswa SMK PGRI 4 KEDIRI 2023-08-06T11:59:50+07:00 Rosi Budiani Risaniatin Ningsih <p>Online games are digital games that can be played only when the device is connected to the internet and allows users to connect with other players playing the game at the same time. The online game atmosphere is designed to resemble the actual situation in the real world. Games or games that are a human psychological need are intended as a means of playing and refreshing the mind, it turns out to be things that bring misery when their use is no longer useful. The development of technology in the digital era is very fast and fast. Various technological developments can be accessed easily and even communication between individuals and others can be done in an interesting way, such as playing online games. At present the development of technology is increasing rapidly, this also affects online games which are increasingly exciting with attractive game appearances and animation effects, game graphics and high image resolution, as well as simple and easy-to-use game styles such as war, adventure and battle types.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rosi Budiani, Risaniatin Ningsih Teknik Diskusi Kelompok Sebagai Upaya Untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Tentang Perilaku Bullying 2023-08-06T12:03:41+07:00 Diana Bunga Manuri Sri Panca Setyawati <p>School is a place for students to form characters that affect cognitive and affective development. The main thing that is needed by students is a comfortable and conducive atmosphere for effective learning to take place. However, it is not uncommon for students to feel uncomfortable in that environment, various problems that can interfere with student development, for example bullying behavior. Bullying behavior is an act of hurting someone with the aim of finding pleasure in itself. The rise of bullying cases that occur in schools is caused by a lack of knowledge and influence of peers, as a result victims have feelings of anxiety and trauma. Therefore, it is necessary to make efforts to overcome bullying by providing assistance with group discussion techniques to students.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Diana Bunga Manuri, Sri Panca Setyawati Penjaminan Objektifitas Penilaian melalui Implementasi Portofolio sebagai Teknik Asesmen Autentik dalam Kegiatan Pembelajaran 2023-08-06T12:07:49+07:00 Setya Adi Sancaya <p>The learning process consists of three main stages: planning, implementation, and evaluation. Along with the development of science and technology, the learning process experiences a change in substance at each of its stages. Related to the evaluation stage (hereinafter referred to as the assessment) it develops into what is called an authentic assessment. The essence of an authentic assessment is the disclosure of competence in learning outcomes through real performance presentations of student learning activities. The use of written tests in the form of objective questions and essay questions as a conventional assessment technique in the current era is difficult to guarantee objectivity, this is because students tend to give answers based on searching results on the internet or obtain sharing answers from other friends which is so easy. for them (students) to do. The weaknesses of this conventional assessment, among others, can be overcome through authentic assessments using portfolio techniques, which are in the form of a collection of student learning outcomes while participating in learning activities. The portfolio not only shows the authenticity of the competence, but more than that the portfolio will comprehensively describe the development of students' cognitive, affective and skill mastery.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Setya Adi Sancaya Permasalahan Remaja Pengunjung Dalam Kajian Psikologis 2023-08-06T12:13:06+07:00 Wildan Agung Setyantoro Guruh Sukma Hanggara <p>Teenagers' problems are not a new problem that has surfaced, but this problem has been around for a long time. There are many ways, starting from preventive, curative, to repressive actions taken to overcome the problem, the problem of teenagers is always there. There are several cases of problems committed by Indonesian youth including student brawls, extramarital sex, theft, bullying, abuse of narcotics and illegal drugs, motorcycle gangs and others. With these negative influences, today's youth is also filled with demands and stress. In addition, many adolescents experience anxiety and stress related to personal safety and security, a period in which individuals begin to search for and form their own identities. They begin to explore their values, interests and goals in life. This period is the period most frequently discussed when discussing human psychology. Recognizing risk factors is very important in early detection of problematic adolescents (Putra, MWP, &amp; Dharsana, 2017).</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Wildan Agung Setyantoro, Guruh Sukma Hanggara Alih Kode dan Campur Kode dalam Film “Yowis Ben 2” karya Bayu Skak dan Fajar Nugros 2023-08-06T12:17:03+07:00 Ellina Widayanti Sardjono Moch. Muarifin <p>This research is a study of sociolinguistics that discusses language in a speech community. The events studied are code switching and code mixing and the causes of code switching and code mixing. The selection of the film “Yowis Ben 2” as the main data source is due to the frequenr occurrence of code switching dan code mixing by the characters. The research method used is a qualitative method with a sociolingustic approach. The data analysis technique uses the observing and noting technique by makung direct observations on the film “Yowis Ben 2”. From the research conducted, resulted in several forms of code switching and code mixing as well as their causes. The forms of code switching encountered are internal and external code switching. Both took the form of code switching from Javanese to Indonesian, Javanese to Sundanese, and English to Javanese. Whereas in the code mixing found some code mixing at the level of words, phrases, and clauses. Factors thar cause switching and code mixing include differences in the background of the speakers and partners, the presence of a third person, and changing topics of the conversation.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Ellina Widayanti, Sardjono, Moch. Muarifin Analisis Kebutuhan Pengembangan Media Roda Putar Berbasis Ppt Untuk Kelas 3 Pada Materi Perkalian SD Negeri Wonotirto 05 Kabupaten Blitar 2023-08-06T12:22:15+07:00 Rista Eriyanti Kharisma Eka Putri Bagus Amirul Mukmin <p>Learning media is an important component that must be provided in the process of teaching and learning activities. The purpose of this study is to describe the results of the analysis of student needs. This study used descriptive qualitative method. Respondents came from grade 3 students at SD Negeri Wonotirto 05, Blitar district. The research instrument uses a needs analysis questionnaire which is presented in the form of a questionnaire width. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires to students. Data analysis techniques were carried out by describing the results of the needs questionnaire which were analyzed in detail. The results of this study are 1) 75% of grade 3 students have difficulty learning mathematics in multiplication material 2) 66.7% of grade 3 student learning outcomes in multiplication material are less than 75 so they have not reached KKM 3) Grade 3 teachers have not used learning media when teaching mathematics material multiplication 4) 75% of grade 3 students want to learn using learning media that can be used while playing. The results of the analysis are expected to be used as a basis for developing instructional media according to student needs.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rista Eriyanti, Kharisma Eka Putri, Bagus Amirul Mukmin Analisis Fenomenologi Gaya Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Sdn Burengan 2 Dalam Penguatan Budaya Prestasi Sekolah 2023-08-05T13:50:24+07:00 Zahara Violina Afya <p>Currently, we have entered the VUCA era where rapid changes can occur so that principals must be able to become leaders who can adapt well. The purpose of this study was to 1) describe the leadership style of the school principal 2) describe the achievements os SDN Burengan 3) find out the factors that support achievement at SDN Burengan 2. The location of this study was at SDN&nbsp; Burengan 2 Kota Kediri with the subject of the Principal. Thisi study uses a descriptive qualitative approach with a phenomenological research design. Data collection techniues using observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniues include data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The results of this study are 1) the principal’s leadership style is collaborative, 2) the are more than 100 achievement obtained, 3) factors school programs, parental support for students interests and the talents, teacher guidance and support from the school for the interests and talents of students. The conclusion from this research is that the principals’s leadership style is collaborative so that they are able to make policies that can adapt to the changes and complexities that occur.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Zahara Violina Afya Media Shut The Box “Bumi Joyoboyo” Solusi Bagi Siswa di Kediri Untuk Meningkatkan Minat Budaya Lokal 2023-08-05T14:17:44+07:00 Olivvia Antoni Ikke Yuliani Dhian P <p>Due to the influence of globalization, the development of culture in Indonesia is very fast. The fact is that, as spread in newspapers and social media, young people prefer performances by foreign bands such as blackpink, a K-pop band from Korea and foreign dramas. As a counselor, of course, you have to take part in preserving local culture in a society where interest among young people is fading. The media becomes a support for BK (Guidance and Counseling) teachers in providing information reinforcement to students at school. Through media in group guidance students will participate actively, enthusiastically, stimulate thoughts, feelings, and attention so that effective communication is established. With this media students will be able to understand the kinds of culture that exist in Kediri, understand the cultural values ​​of Kediri, students will have an interest in exploring local culture. Therefore, the design of the media in group guidance, namely the Shut The Box media "Bumi Joyoboyo" contains local cultural knowledge in Kediri and this media can be played by students and is considered attractive to students.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Olivvia Antoni, Ikke Yuliani Dhian P Penggunaan Aplikasi Tiktok Dalam Mengembangkan Rasa Percaya Diri 2023-08-06T13:40:14+07:00 Tiara Nabilla Novitasari Sri Panca Setyawati <p>The TikTok application has become one of the most popular social media platforms in recent times.&nbsp;In using the TikTok application, users have the opportunity to increase creativity by making videos equipped with various interesting features provided by the application.&nbsp;Intensive use of the TikTok application has been linked to individual self-confidence.&nbsp;Being active on this platform provides opportunities for TikTok application users to express themselves, improve communication skills,and get recognition from other users.&nbsp;This can ultimately strengthen the sense of trust of individuals outside the digital world.&nbsp;However, there are several factors that can affect the use of the TikTok application and the level of confidence.&nbsp;Factors such as self-perception, level of social comparison, and internalized standards of appearance.&nbsp;This study aims to deeply understand the impact of using the TikTok application on students' self-confidence in SMA Negeri 2 Kediri using phenomenological methods.&nbsp;This study also aims to describethe complexity of students' subjective experiences in using the TikTok application and how these experiences affect self-confidence levels.</p> 2023-08-06T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Tiara Nabilla Novitasari, Sri Panca Setyawati Problem Solving Mahasiswa 2023-08-06T13:55:48+07:00 Desta Setya Enjellya Sary Guruh Sukma Hanggara <p>This study aims to find out what problem solving experienced by Peltia Nature Lovers Students during the Climb. This interview will be conducted with students and nature lover friends on campus 1 at Nusantara University PGRI Kediri, with a total of 5 respondents.This research is motivated by the results of observations, experiences and observations of researchers that problem solving during this climb must be done well by making good and right decisions. This research uses 5 respondents for primary data and 5 respondents for secondary data, this research uses a qualitative approach.</p> 2023-08-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Desta Setya Enjellya Sary, Guruh Sukma Hanggara Cerita Relief Garudeya Di Goa Selomangleng Kediri, Serta Filosofisnya Sebagai Lambang Negara Indonesia 2023-08-06T14:13:32+07:00 Fitria Kartika Sari Yatmin Yatmin Agus Budianto <p>The relief carved on historic buildings are not only used as decoration, but have an important meaning. One of the reliefs that has important meaning is the Garudeya relief in Selomangleng Cave Kediri. The Garudeyan relief tells of an liberation. The story of Garudeya itself is one of the foundations Garuda being used as the symbol of the Indonesian state. The purpose of this study to find out 1) What is the story of the Garudeya relief in Selomangleng Cave Kediri? 2) What is the reason for the Garudeya story to be used as a philosophical symbol for the Indonesian state? 3) What is the process for selecting the Indonesian state symbol? This research uses a qualitative research approach with the type of ethnographic research. The data result this research were obtained through library research, observation, documentation, and interviews. The conclusion obtained is that the Garudeya relief in Selomangleng Cave Kediri, tells about the liberation efforts made by Garuda to free his mother, namely goddess Winata, from the bondage of slavery to goddess Kadru and the dragon snakes. Because the story of the Garudeya relief is similar to the history of the Indonesian nation, Sultan Hamid II proposed Garuda to be used as the symbol of the Indonesian state</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Fitria Kartika Sari, Yatmin, Agus Budianto Dampak Sosial-Ekonomi Wisata Sejarah Goa Selomangleng Kediri Pada Masyarakat Setempat 2023-08-06T14:26:55+07:00 Atik Nur Rohmah Sigit Widiatmoko Heru Budiono <p>Indonesia has great potential in the field of tourism, one of which is historical tourism.&nbsp; Historical tourism itself is an activity or trip undertaken by a person or group of people with the aim of education, recreation, or vacation to places that contain historical elements.&nbsp; Selomangleng Cave is a historical relic during the Hindu-Buddhist kingdom.&nbsp; The existence of this historical tourist attraction in Selomangleng Cave certainly has an impact on the socio-economic conditions of the surrounding community because it can increase people's income.&nbsp; The objectives of this research are (1) What is the history of Selomangleng Cave Kediri (2) Why Selomangleng Cave Kediri has become a historical tourist attraction (3) What is the impact of historical tourism on Selomangleng Cave on the socio-economy of the local community.&nbsp; This study uses a descriptive research method with a qualitative approach.&nbsp; The data in this study were obtained from several sources, namely: observation, literature study, interviews and documentation.&nbsp; Based on the conclusions of this study, (1) It is a historical heritage from the Kadiri Kingdom (2) There are many historical relics in it (3) Improving the people's economy.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Atik Nur Rohmah, Sigit Widiatmoko, Heru Budiono Desain Lkpd Berbasis Asicc Menguatkan Kompetensi Literasi Numerasi Siswa Sma Topik Sistem Pertahanan Tubuh 2023-08-06T15:01:32+07:00 Titik Ernawati Denis Agustin Nurul Agustini Ericka Darmawan Budhi Utami Agus Muji Santoso <p>One of the current educational challenges is improving 21st century skills. These abilities can be improved by applying numeracy literacy in the learning process in schools. Based on the results of interviews with biology teachers at SMAN 3 Kediri, there is no use of LKPD on the topic of the body's defense system like other topics that contain numeracy literacy competencies. This study aims to strengthen students' numeracy literacy competencies by using ASICC-based worksheets on the topic of the body's defense system. This research includes design research of the type of development studies which consists of two main stages, namely the preliminary study stage and the prototyping stage. The research subjects were 33 students of class XI MIPA 1 at SMAN 3 Kediri. The results of the research are in the form of LKPD designs that contain numeracy literacy competencies in accordance with the achievements of the school curriculum, to improve students' abilities to analyze, understand concepts and solve a problem that has been provided in the form of readings and numbers from books, articles and news. The use of LKPD at SMAN 3 Kediri on the topic of the body's defense system can be used as a benchmark for achievement of numeracy literacy in the biology learning process.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Titik Ernawati, Denis Agustin, Nurul Agustini, Ericka Darmawan, Budhi Utami, Agus Muji Santoso Desain Pembelajaran Materi Sistem Pernapasan Manusia Berbasis Lokal Material untuk Kelas VIII SMPN 2 Rejotangan 2023-08-06T15:43:08+07:00 Afifah Nurul Hasanah Ledi Setiawan Poppy Rahmatika Primandiri Ida Rahmawati <p>The human respiratory system is material whose concepts cannot be achieved through note-taking or memorization alone. The result of observations and interviews show that students have difficulty in understanding the material. So, learning needs to be redesigned by utilizing object or events that are around (local material). This study aims to obtain a local material-based human respiratory system learning design. This study uses design research type validation study method which consists of three stages including: 1) preparing for the experiment. 2) experiment in the classroom, 3) retrospective analysis with research subjects 12 students of class VIII SMPN 2 Rejotangan. The data obtained were analyzed by compatiring and describing the research results so that the right learning design can be obtained. Learning activities consist of the stage of material delivery by the teacher, practicum session with simple tools based on local materials, students presenting the results of the practicum, question and answer sessions. From these learning activities, the results of the percentage of student understanding of human respiratory system material increase by 37,33% obtained from the pre-test and post-test</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Afifah Nurul Hasanah, Ledi Setiawan, Poppy Rahmatika Primandiri, Ida Rahmawati Desain Pembelajaran Materi Sistem Reproduksi Manusia Menggunakan Strategi Pembelajaran React Untuk Kelas XI 2023-08-06T16:09:07+07:00 Monicha Shinta Mahardika Aidillah Nurvita Rachman Dwi Ari Budiretnani Poppy Rahmatika Primadiri <p>This study aims to produce a learning trajectory for Reproductive system material using the REACT learning strategy. The research method used is design research with the type of validation study which consists of preparing for experiments, experiments in the classroom (pilot experiments &amp; teaching experiments), and retrospective analysis. The research subjects were 36 students of class XI MIPA 2 at SMAN 2 Kota Kediri. Research instruments in the form of interview sheets, observation sheets, test questions, and documentation. The success of implementing this learning design can be seen from the suitability of the activities carried out by students with the HLT that has been designed. The results of the study are in the form of a Learning Trajectory which contains a series of learning processes about the reproductive system, namely using the REACT learning strategy with the stages relating, experiencing, applying, cooperating, transferring, starting with students analyzing videos. , answering questions, gathering in groups and working together, then presenting in front of the class can help understand concepts in Reproductive system material. The activities carried out can help students improve their understanding of the reproductive system by increasing the value of the pre-test to the post-test by 18%.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Monicha Shinta Mahardika, Aidillah Nurvita Rachman, Dwi Ari Budiretnani, Poppy Rahmatika Primadiri Exploring The Implementation Of Formative Assessment: How It Is Impactful To Engage Students In Learning 2023-08-06T16:31:28+07:00 Vega Hesmatantya <p>Implementing assessment in learning activities is helpful to give an overall view of how students are learning and serve as a source of information for creating higher-quality learning. Based on how it is used, assessment is divided into two categories: formative and summative. Formative assessment tracks student progress and gives advancing feedback on how well they are learning. If this formative assessment is created properly, it may encourage students to enhance their self-management capacity to handle their performance while studying the courses and help them recognize their strengths and limitations. This conceptual article explores how impactful the formative assessment is in engaging students in learning and boosting their performance during class activities. Twenty research article publications on formative assessment are examined to look more closely at how to apply appropriate formative assessment and how important it is in determining students' learning potential and performance. The discussion asserts that teacher knowledge played a crucial role in developing assessment practices and affected their capacity to adapt assessment theories into classroom practice. Then, across various disciplines and contexts, learning-oriented assessment can efficiently support and advance student learning</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Vega Hesmatantya Identifikasi Pola Asuh Orang Tua dan Peer Pressure Untuk Memandirikan Siswa Kelas X SMA 2023-08-06T16:42:17+07:00 Angeli Fernanda Putri Galang Surya Gumilang <p>The transition period from junior high school to high school requires students to adapt to a new environment and the various characters of new friends. This period is included in the adolescent period, where they must be able to meet the developmental demands of adolescence. One form of developmental demands in adolescence is independence. Independence is the ability to freely control and regulate one's own thoughts, feelings and actions and try to overcome feelings of shame and doubt. Student independence is inseparable from parenting style, where parenting style plays an important role in shaping a child's personality and behavior. In addition, student independence is also influenced by peer pressure that is obtained from the surrounding environment, both in the school environment and the community environment. In this study, researchers used a quantitative approach, which used explanatory research methods. Researchers analyzed whether there was a significant effect of parenting and peer pressure on the independence of high school students.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Angeli Fernanda Putri, Galang Surya Gumilang Ilmu Sebagai Sumber Pengetahuan Bebas Nilai 2023-08-06T16:59:17+07:00 Aisyiah Aiwani Herlinda Dwi Aulia <p>This research is research on science as a source of value-free knowledge. The purpose of writing this article is to find out how science is a value-free source of knowledge. The results of the literature review are its suitability with existing reality or facts and its suitability with subjective human reason. This shows that the truth of knowledge in the Western perspective is relative, because knowledge will develop continuously and old knowledge will be aborted by new knowledge. Therefore, science can be said as something that is free of value but still needs to adhere to the truth and implications and exploration of knowledge.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Aisyiah Aiwani, Herlinda Dwi Aulia The Importance of Running Dictation to Increase Students' English Skill at University 2023-08-06T16:39:03+07:00 Tenika Illananingtyas <p>English is a language used to communicate in every country because now is the era of globalization. This study uses qualitative descriptive research. The data took from observation, observation, and documentation. It was according to triangulation data. This research aimed to increase English language skills by all students, especially students in education and teacher training. Running Dictation is an English learning program. The characteristic of research located in the process, the process of learning a previous student's English has low ability during the learning process looks active, eager to learn, and help each other students in completing assignments that are given. The activity can provide alternative problem-solving, namely the existence of appropriate English learning activities. The results of this study show that English is needed and seen from the enthusiasm of students to master English. For this reason, the role of higher education, especially English language education, is necessary to the community so that students can communicate actively in English, both written and oral official as a communication according to the needs of life.</p> 2023-08-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Tenika Illananingtyas Teknik Behavior Contract untuk Mengurangi Prokrastinasi Akademik Siswa 2023-08-06T17:17:40+07:00 Lita Yustina Wati Sri Panca Setyawati <p>Learning is an obligation for students, students as learning subjects at school need good management of learning time to handle the tasks set by the teacher. So it requires a very good use of time, so that all activities can run effectively and efficiently and avoid delays or it is called procrastination. Procrastination is a delay in starting and completing a task by doing other activities that are not useful or more fun, complicate tasks, fail on time and cause discomfort. Many things make students procrastinate for various reasons, students think there is enough time to do assignments, students don't like subjects so they are lazy to do the assignments given. Losses resulting from procrastination behavior are tasks that are not completed or completed with less than optimal results. In addition, students who procrastinate have difficulty concentrating because they feel anxious and insecure. One effort to overcome student academic procrastination is to provide group guidance services to students using the behavior contract technique.</p> 2023-08-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Lita Yustina Wati, Sri Panca Setyawati Teknik Modeling Simbolis untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa 2023-08-06T17:37:08+07:00 Emilia Putri Nora Yuniar Setyaputri Yuniar Setyaputri <p>Teaching and learning is an activity that involves teachers and students. Success in the teaching and learning process is influenced by students' learning motivation. Motivation is one factor that can encourage students to want to learn. Learning motivation can be classified into two, namely intrinsic motivation (a motivation that arises from within the student himself, which can encourage him to act) and extrinsic motivation (motivation that comes from outside the individual student which encourages him to carry out learning activities). Teachers who act as mentors must be willing and able to prioritize their students above other interests. Teachers must also be able to develop motivation and create effective learning in the classroom. In this article the author wants to explain the rationale for symbolic modeling techniques to increase student learning motivation.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Emilia Putri, Nora Yuniar Setyaputri Studi Kasus Perilaku Narsistik di Instagram Terhadap Rasa Kesepian Siswa SMK Negeri 2 Kediri 2023-08-06T18:39:44+07:00 Lidia Septyani Septyani Risaniatin Ningsih <p>Today, digital technology has developed so rapidly, not only with the discovery of new hardware but also with the discovery of new software to meet the needs and facilitate current human activities. One of them is software that has been developed in the form of device-based applications. Applications that are growing rapidly at this time are quite a lot of interest and are used by various ages, namely social media. Nowadays people tend to depend on social media with various interests and needs on social media. Adolescence is the age when they are looking for their identity by socializing either directly or through social media, this has negative and positive impacts on individual teenagers today. This also causes the appearance of narcissism and also the emergence of a feeling of loneliness for some and even almost all teenagers today. This factor should be one of the things that must be considered by the counseling teacher at school so that it does not hinder the teaching and learning process and also the individual development process of today's adolescents.</p> 2023-08-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Settings Lidia Septyani, Settings Risaniatin Ningsih Studi Kasus Tingkah Laku Membolos Peserta Didik di SMP Negeri 7 Kediri 2023-08-06T19:27:43+07:00 Eril Wahyu Alfiano Risaniatin Ningsih <p>Abstrak Ditching behavior is a form of deviation from school rules. Skipping classes is called deviating because it is a behavior that violates school rules. According to Gunarsa, skipping school is leaving school for no good reason during class hours and without prior permission from the school. Researchers use this qualitative approach because they want to understand more deeply on the basis of phenomena that occur to students. In collecting observational data, researchers used interview techniques, and through direct observation. The data analysis used in this study was the data condensation technique which was carried out by selecting, focusing, facilitating and obtaining data. They show early behavioral characteristics such as often arriving late to school, missing certain hours of subjects that they may find difficult or they do not like the attitude of the subject teacher. With the emergence of this initial attitude, if not immediately addressed, bad behavior will arise. The truant behavior pattern of students has various factors, some of which come from themselves or from outside themselves. With the existence of various factors, this pattern arises as a stimulus to avoid studying at school</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Eril Wahyu Alfiano, Risaniatin Ningsih Strategi Perencanaan Karir untuk Meningkatkan Pengambilan Keputusan Karir Siswa SMK 2023-08-07T08:52:40+07:00 Yuyun Aprilia Galang Surya Gumilang <p>The development of Science and Technology is very rapid, which certainly has an impact on the challenges and global competition faced by every country, one of which is Indonesia. Therefore, quality human resources are needed. Quality human resources are formed through education. Every student certainly wants a brilliant career, and a career can be realized with an effort and carefully planned. All efforts made by counselors in helping students to plan their further studies and careers will not be successful without the right strategy. The current strategy to improve students' career planning skills is the Four C's which is a guidance-based strategy. Four C's is a strategy to improve high-level thinking skills (critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication).</p> 2023-08-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Yuyun Aprilia, Galang Surya Gumilang Implementasi Bahan Ajar Articulate Storyline Pada Materi Hubungan Sumber Daya Alam Dengan Lingkungan Untuk Kelas IV SD 2023-08-07T21:45:38+07:00 Saiyyidatul Lailimuniffah Sutrisnosahari Karimatus Saidah <p>The application of Articulate Storyline teaching materials at Mojoroto 4 Kediri City State Elementary School is motivated by the problem of using teaching materials that are still lacking, especially in elementary schools and students who do not understand the material provided by the teacher. This study aims to describe the application and benefits of Articulate Storyline teaching materials on the relationship between natural resources and the environment of grade IV elementary school. This type of research uses qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and student test results. Based on the research that has been done, the results obtained are an increase from the pretest value before using teaching materials and the posttest value after the use of teaching materials by fourth grade students of Mojoroto 4 Kediri State Elementary School. In addition, students can more easily understand the material presented by the teacher. In the implementation of the teacher experienced obstacles including low technology skills and time constraints. So it can be concluded that the use of articulate storyline materials is effective for improving student test results.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Saiyyidatul Lailimuniffah, Sutrisnosahari, Karimatus Saidah Implementasi Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Android Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Materi Perkembangan Transportasi Untuk Siswa Kelas III Sekolah Dasar 2023-08-07T22:01:15+07:00 Dita Ayu Lestari Wahid Ibnu Zaman Frans Aditia Wiguna <p>This study was motivated by the limited number of images used in learning Indonesian language subjects on transportation development material at SDN Singonegaran 1 Kediri City. The lack of learning media used is also one of the problems that occur in the application of learning material on the development of transportation. This study aims to describe the application of android-based learning media in Indonesian language subject matter of transportation development in class III SDN Singonegaran 1 Kediri City. This type of research uses descriptive qualitative research. Data collection techniques in this study used observation methods and student test results. Based on the research that has been done, getting the results of an increase in the learning outcomes of grade III students with before and after using android-based learning media. This learning media in addition to having an impact on student learning outcomes, it can also be used as a tool or independent learning media at home or outside the school environment because it can be accessed without limited space and time.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Dita Ayu Lestari, Wahid Ibnu Zaman, Frans Aditia Wiguna Implementasi Media Pembelajaran Permainan Monopoli Edukatif Pada Mata Pelajaran Ips Materi Keragaman Budaya Di Indonesia Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Nganjuk Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar 2023-08-07T22:19:02+07:00 Nita Kusumaningrahayu Kukuh Andri Aka Wahyudi <p>Learning media that attract students' attention to learning activities in class will stimulate student learning activities. This research is motivated by observations made by researchers, namely the discovery of decreased and low student learning outcomes. This study aims to determine the implementation of educative monopoly learning media on cultural diversity material based on Nganjuk local wisdom in elementary schools. This type of research uses qualitative research with a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques, namely observation and the value of student learning outcomes on cultural diversity material, besides that students more easily understand cultural diversity material by using learning media.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Nita Kusumaningrahayu, Kukuh Andri Aka, Wahyudi Implementasi Media Pembelajaran Multimedia Interaktif Pada Mata Pelajaran PPKn Materi Nilai-nilai Pancasila Kelas V Sekolah Dasar 2023-08-07T22:32:50+07:00 Siti Rida Septiana Sutrisno sahari Karimatus Saidah <p>observations and interviews at SDN Mojoroto 4, Kediri City, which found that in Civics learning, especially the Pancasila Values material, there was still very little use of media. Therefore, it is necessary to develop media that are interesting, innovative and able to make students more active in learning. The purpose of this study was to determine (1) describe the validity of developing interactive multimedia material on Pancasila values for fifth grade elementary school students; (2) describe the effectiveness of the development of interactive multimedia materials on Pancasila values for fifth grade elementary school students; and (3) describing the practicality of developing interactive multimedia material on Pancasila values for grade V elementary school students</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Siti Rida Septiana, Sutrisno sahari, Karimatus Saidah Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning Dengan Bantuan Microsoft Sway Pada Materi Bangun Datar Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas Iv Sd Negeri Bagor 2023-08-08T19:32:09+07:00 Binti Rosyidah Nurita Primasatya Kukuh Andri Aka <p>This research is motivated by the results of observations and experiences of researchers on low student mathematics learning outcomes due to the non-implementation of learning models and the absence of media in the learning process. This can be seen from the results of students' mathematics learning decreased and low. This study aims to describe the application and benefits of the problem-based learning model with the help of Microsoft Sway on flat shapes in improving the learning outcomes of fourth grade elementary school students. This type of research uses qualitative research with a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and student test results. Based on the research that has been done, the results show that there is an increase in the pretest and posttest scores by fourth grade students at SD Negeri Bagor. In addition, students can more easily understand the material presented by the teacher. In implementing the teacher experienced obstacles including low technological capabilities and limited time. So it can be concluded that the use of problem-based learning models with the help of Microsoft Sway is effective in improving student test results.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Binti Rosyidah, Nurita Primasatya, Kukuh Andri Aka Implementasi Modul Ajar Pkkn Materi Hak Dan Kewajiabn Pada Lingkungan Untuk Siswa Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar 2023-08-08T19:44:52+07:00 Elsa Shofira Prawati Wahid Ibnu Zaman Frans Aditia Wiguna <p>This research is motivated by the lack of understanding of rights and crafts in the Civics subject environment. This lack of understanding is due to the teaching module used by the teacher of SDN Arosbaya 3. This study aims to describe the application of teaching modules in Civics subject matter of rights and obligations in the environment of class IV SDN Arosbaya 3. This research uses descriptive qualitative research. The collection technique in this study used observation and student learning outcomes. Based on the research that has been done, getting the results of an increase in the learning outcomes of fourth grade students before and after using teaching modules. This teaching module in addition to improving student learning outcomes can also help to be able to learn independently.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Elsa Shofira Prawati, Wahid Ibnu Zaman, Frans Aditia Wiguna Internalisai Nilai-nilai Kearifan Lokal Pada Lakon Baruklinting Dalam Wayang Timplong Sebagai Norma Bermasyarakat 2023-08-08T19:55:07+07:00 Tita Nur Enda Agus Budianto Yatmin <p>The background of this research is the observation of the potential in Nganjuk Regency, one of which is Timplong Puppet.Timplong Puppet has many play stories which contain local wisdom values, one of which is the Baruklinting play. Nowadays we see from the many phenomena of moral degradation. Applying local wisdom values in societal norms is an effective step in overcoming this. The purpose of this study was to find out the history of the Timplong puppet, the story of the Baruklinting play and also the local wisdom of the Baruklinting play in the Timplong puppet. This research method is Qualitative Ethnography using data collection techniques through interviews, observation, and also documentation studies. The result of this study is the internalization of local wisdom values from the Baruklinting play in Wayang Timplong as moral and social norms. The conclusion of this study shows that the wayang timplong art contains local wisdom values which are very important in establishing social relations and strengthening local cultural identity.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Tita Nur Enda, Agus Budianto, Yatmin Investigating Problem And Solution Of Students’ Anxiety In Speaking Class 2023-08-08T20:09:28+07:00 Anis Yona Tyas Wilupi Sulistyani Agung Wicaksono <p>The primary cause of stress for students is communicating in a second language. 50% of the self-assurance-building encounter stems from utilizing speaking skill. Anxiety affects students’ academic achievement by inducing worry, insufficient self-assurance, and diminished involvement. This research aims to describe the factors which cause the students’ anxiety, find out the most dominant factor and to describe the students’ solution to overcome the anxiety. This study used descriptive qualitative research. The subjects were 32 students. Instruments of data collection used in this research were questionnaire and interview. The results of the research suggested that the factors affected students' anxiety in speaking are lack of confidence, low familiarity of tasks, low English proficiency, fear of making mistakes, and incomprehensible inputs. The most dominant factor which caused the students’ speaking anxiety is the lack of familiarity of task. The students’ solution to overcome the anxiety when speaking English still continued to speak as well as they could, tried to calm down for a moment then continued talking and lowered their voice.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Anis Yona Tyas Wilupi, Sulistyani, Agung Wicaksono Karakterisasi Bunga Mundu (Gracinia xanthochymus) di Kabupaten Kediri Sebagai Salah Satu Panduan Pencandraan di Lapangan 2023-08-08T20:25:01+07:00 Masrofian Sulistiono Tutut Indah Sulistiyowati <p>Mundu (Gracinia xanthochymus) is a minor plant in Indonesia which is related to the Clusiaceae family. Mundu flower is a compound flower type of bunches with a round shape. The background of this research includes: 1) Students use books and scientific articles as learning resources, 2) Students need media as a reference for characterizing plants. This study aims to produce a plant characterization guide through the results of the mundu plant characterization using design research research methods. The results of the development of learning media as a guide for learning in the field are based on aspect validity, language, construction, writing, and content feasibility. Validation was carried out by 2 validators, namely material experts and design experts.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Masrofian, Sulistiono, Tutut Indah Sulistiyowati Karakterisasi Morfologi Genus Syzygium Di Kabupaten Nganjuk 2023-08-08T20:49:14+07:00 Alfin Warda Musawwa Sulistiono Tutut Indah sulistiyowati <p>Syzygium is a genus with vast numbers of species and great diversity, where different species have been found in the tropics. This genus is widely used as a food crop because the fruit has economic value in the imperial district. That view kept the public healthy and growing in its garden. Six species have been found in the guest-juk district, juwet (Syzygium cumini), the guava (Syzygium aqueum), the guava (Syzygium malaccense). Red top (Syzygium oleana), clove (Syzygium aromaticum), greeting (Syzygium polyanthum). The aim of this study is to identify the morphological characteristics of the genus Syzygium located in the come to imperial district. This method of research is a descriptive technique of purposive sampling, conducted in january-june 2023. The characterization is done by observing the characteristics of the stems, the leaves, the flowers, and the fruits.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Alfin Warda Musawwa, Sulistiono, Tutut Indah sulistiyowati Karakteristik Tanaman Ganitri Di Kediri 2023-08-09T11:37:56+07:00 Nehemia Yanuar Adiarsa Poppy Rahmatika Primandiri Agus Muji Santoso <p>Ganitri elaeocarpus ganitrus merupakan jenis tanaman multiguna yang cukup potensial untuk dikembangkan. Jenis ini sudah mulai dikenal dan dibudidayakan oleh masyarakat khususnya di wilayah jawa tengah. Namun, persebaran tanaman ganitri di kabupaten kediri sudah mulai punah. Tanaman ganitri sudah tidak banyak dijumpai di kabupaten kediri. Namun, di desa bleber, kecamatan kras, kabupaten kediri tanaman ganitri masih bisa dijumpai meskipun jumlahnya tidak banyak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik tanaman ganitri. Penelitian ini dilakukan di desa bleber kecamatan kras kabupaten kediri. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Pengambilan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Berasarkan penelitian sebelumnya yang dilakukan di desa dondong kabupaten cilacap spesies pohon yang dibudidayakan berproduksi ketika berumur 2 tahun dan terdapat dua jenis ganitri yaitu jenis lokal umur 6-7 tahun dengan tinggi 10-15 meter, sedang jenis super umur 4 tahun dengan tinggi hanya 4 meter. Daun ganitri mempunyai tepi yang bergerigi, bagian ujung daun meruncing. Tangkai ganitri berukuran 2-12 mm, sedangkan tulang daun ganitri berukuran 10-15 mm yang menyamping pada kedua belah sisi dari tulang daun utama.&nbsp; Tangkai bunga mempunyai ukuran ±0,5 cm; daun kelopak bulat telur memanjang, runcing, hijau pucat atau kemerahan, dari luar berambut; daun mahkota kuning atau putih kehijauan, ke atas tidak melebar, panjang ±1,3 cm. Tonjolan dasar bunga berambut kasar, bakal buah bentuk telur, berambut rapat; kepala putik tidak melebar.buah mempunyai bentuk bola, boleh dikatakan gundul, warna biru tua, diameter buah ±0,5 cm sd 2 cm. Biji-biji ganitri keras dan awet (bisa bertahan 8 generasi). Ukuran dan setiap biji memiliki jumlah lekukan berbeda. Jumlahnya bervariasi mulai dari 1 hingga 21 lekukan. Ada biji yang tidak beraturan (lonjong, tidak bulat).</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Nehemia Yanuar Adiarsa, Poppy Rahmatika Primandiri, Agus Muji Santoso Kepercayaan Dan Tradisi Penguburan Jenazah Di Masyarakat Kampung Manola Kabupaten Sumba Barat Daya 2023-08-09T12:06:43+07:00 Oktaviana Susanti Malo Agus Budianto Sigit Widiatmoko <p>Kampung Manola is one of the traditional villages in South Wewewa where the people still adhere to animism and dynamism. In the village, the tradition of burial is carried out using stone graves. This study aims to find out how the people's beliefs in Manola village, especially the tradition of burial in Manola village and find out the people's views about Marapu beliefs and burial traditions in Manola village. In this study, the approach used was qualitative research using data collection methods through observation, interviews, interviews, and literature analysis related to the research theme. The splitting of the data was carried out on one of the informants, namely the caretaker of the key in the village of Manola, and the people around the village of Manola. Based on the results of the study, a conclusion was obtained, namely: animistic beliefs and dynamism of the Manola village community called Marapu. And the ritual of burial of the corpse using stone grave stones.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Oktaviana Susanti Malo, Agus Budianto, Sigit Widiatmoko Kesantunan Berbahasa pada Komentar Akun Gosip @lambe_turah di Instagram 2023-08-11T06:44:49+07:00 Tiara Anatolia Puspita Moch. Muarifin Nur Lailiyah <p>Using language properly and correctly is not enough because there is a sense of value that needs to be considered by every language user. The value of taste in language use can affect the success of communication. The value of taste in question is politeness in language. However, in reality, the use of polite Indonesian language is still small and receives less attention. This study aims to describe the principles of language politeness in the comments of @lambe_turah gossip account on Instagram.&nbsp; This research belongs to descriptive qualitative research with pragmatic approach because it aims to describe in detail the data found based on the formulation of research problems. The data in this study are the speech of netizens in the comments of @lambe_turah account on Instagram collected by observation and documentation techniques. The result of this study is that there are utterances that comply with six language politeness principles which include tax maxim, generosity maxim, approbation maxim, modesty maxim, agreement maxim, and sympathy maxim.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Tiara Anatolia Puspita, Moch. Muarifin, Nur Lailiyah Kesiapan Mental Calon Pasangan Pengantin Di Kabupaten Kediri 2023-08-11T06:54:47+07:00 Rohmatul Kholifah Ikke Yuliani Dhian Puspitarini <p>Marriage is a form of bond between a man and a woman with the aim of forming a harmonious family (household) and carrying great responsibility for husband and wife. Obligations such as providing a living, educating children, looking after the family, and others are very important to maintain household stability and prevent divorce. To prevent divorce in the household, it is necessary to be prepared with the level of development of individual maturity both physically, mentally, psychologically and materially in forming a relationship between two individuals and the birth of a child. To achieve a mental readiness for adolescents at the secondary scholl education level, the Counseling (BK) teacher contributes to conveying strengthening information related to the mental readiness of the prospective bride and groom. BK teachers can help overcome the problems they face, by educating and strengthening information related to the mental readiness of the prospective bride and groom. Marriage readiness is important for individuals who are getting married, so that developmental tasks can be fulfilled. Therefore, it is necessary to have the services of a counseling teacher to form the mental readiness of adolescents who will later become prospective brides and grooms before stepping on the marriage ledder.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rohmatul Kholifah, Ikke Yuliani Dhian Puspitarini Media Ludo Kekar dalam Materi Keberagaman Budaya di Lingkungan Sekitar pada Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar 2023-08-11T07:03:39+07:00 Inez Eka Sevtieny Frans Aditia Wiguna Ilmawati Fahmi Imron <p>Elementary school is the level of education which is the initial foundation in building the character of students. Pancasila education is a compulsory subject in elementary schools. One of the materials from Pancasila Education is cultural diversity in the surrounding environment. In the process of learning cultural diversity material in the surrounding environment, the use of learning media used by teachers is limited so that students experience difficulties in understanding the material. The purpose of this study is to find out the nature of Ludo KEKAR learning media and find out the role of Ludo KEKAR learning media in cultural diversity material. around the elementary school. The results of the study show that learning media has an important role in helping educators convey material to students. Learning media is a means or tool used to facilitate the delivery of messages from educators to students so that learning media can stimulate the thoughts, feelings, concerns and interests of students with the aim of achieving the desired learning objectives. Media Ludo KEKAR is a learning media that is used to convey material about cultural diversity in the surrounding environment.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Inez Eka Sevtieny, Frans Aditia Wiguna, Ilmawati Fahmi Imron Media Pembelajaran Ular Tangga Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Pada Materi Kegiatan Ekonomi Sekolah Dasar 2023-08-11T07:13:25+07:00 Fitriawati Wahid Ibnu Zaman Frans Aditia Wiguna <p>Education is the main pillar determining the progress of a nation. Education in Indonesia is very important to be developed because education can help humans in developing their potential so as to make the nation's children qualified and able to face all the changes that occur. Education can achieve a goal, so the role of the teacher is needed in improving the quality and success of students. The teacher can create a comfortable and pleasant classroom atmosphere so that when learning takes place students feel comfortable and focused when the teacher delivers class material. In the teaching and learning process, students often do not understand the material presented by the teacher, especially material that has a very broad and extensive scope. So that it makes it difficult for students to understand the content of the material presented by the teacher, especially on economic activity material. One of the efforts to make it easier for students to understand economic activity material is by using media that is interesting, innovative, and in accordance with the content of the material. One of the media that is interesting, innovative, and in accordance with the content of the material is snakes and ladders learning media.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Fitriawati, Wahid Ibnu Zaman, Frans Aditia Wiguna Media Pembelajaran Articulate Storyline pada Materi Cerita Fiksi 2023-08-11T07:23:43+07:00 Risma Dyah Mawarti Rian Damariswara Farida Nurlaila Zunaidah <p>The implementation of learning in schools experiences many obstacles and problem that can affect student learning outcomes. Therefore there is a need for innovation and creativity to create a meaningful learning atmosphere, one of which can be realized through the application of learning media. In learning media is used to convey messages more quickly and can make it easier for teachers to deliver material. Learning media has strategic roles and functions in achieving learning objectives. The use of rich and varied learning mesia not only increases learning motivation, but also makes learning outcomes more meaningful. One of the media that can be applied in the learning process is Articulate Storyline media in Fic tional Story material can improve student learning outcomes after being applied.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Risma Dyah Mawarti, Rian Damariswara, Farida Nurlaila Zunaidah Media Pembelajaran Video Animasi pada Materi Bersatu Dalam Keberagaman 2023-08-11T07:32:08+07:00 Tifany Berliana Kukuh Andri Aka Wahyudi <p>Education is the main pillar determining the progress of a nation. Good education is obtained from a successful learning process. The implementation of learning in schools experiences many obstacles and problems that can affect student learning outcomes. Therefore there is a need for innovation and creativity to create a meaningful learning atmosphere, one of which can be realized through the application of learning media. Learning media itself has various types, both digital and conventional. One of the media that can be applied in the learning process is animated video. The results of this study indicate that animated video media on the material meaning of unity in diversity can improve student learning outcomes after being applied.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Tifany Berliana, Kukuh Andri Aka, Wahyudi Media Video Animasi Materi Bangun Ruang 2023-08-11T07:40:39+07:00 Diantika Widyahabsari Kukuh Andri Aka Wahid Ibnu Zaman <p>Education consists of various kinds of knowledge which in the future will be useful for students to use in dealing with their lives in the present and the future. Therefore a teacher must be capable in terms of designing and delivering material in learning so as to arouse curiosity in students about the material presented. Without a learning process that leads to discovery, mathematics learning will not be absorbed perfectly by our students. Therefore, in mathematics subjects, learning media is needed which makes it easier for students to understand the material by requiring the teacher's creativity in presenting the material to make it more attractive to students. One of them is by packaging material in the form of learning media that can assist teachers in utilizing existing facilities in schools so that they can help improve learning outcomes in mathematics. This study aims to describe animated video media as one of the learning media in elementary school learning. The results of this study indicate that geometric animation video media can improve student learning outcomes after being applied in the learning process.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Diantika Widyahabsari, Kukuh Andri Aka, Wahid Ibnu Zaman Membangun Karakter Peduli Lingkungan Melalui Bimbingan Kelompok Dengan Metode Karya Wisata 2023-08-11T07:49:46+07:00 Tiyas Pramudita Sri Panca Setyawati <p>Group guidance is the process of providing assistance by counselors or BK teachers to students in group situations to discuss certain topics. Methods in group guidance vary, one of which is the field trip method. In group guidance, field trip techniques will invite students to learn outside the classroom and use the environment as a learning resource. In addition, group guidance with the &nbsp;field trip method is also an alternative to improve the &nbsp;character of &nbsp;caring for &nbsp;the environment of students. The character&nbsp;&nbsp; of caring for the environment at&nbsp; this time is needed. Because environmental damage&nbsp; is getting worse day by day. To grow this character,students are invited to learn and be directly involved in environmental conservation activities. The goal is to&nbsp; increase awareness and character of caring for the environment.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Tiyas Pramudita, Sri Panca Setyawati Studi Kasus Pembuatan Game Edukasi Sains Belajar.MU Berbasis Metaverse Menggunakan Aplikasi Roblox Studio 2023-08-07T09:21:02+07:00 Dyah Utami Ningsih Tutut Indah Sulistiyowati Agus Muji Santoso Tri Novia Olyvia Ayumarita Maharani <p><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p> <p>Metaverse adalah inovasi teknologi internet web 3.0 yang direpresentasikan dengan teknologi virtual tiga dimensi. Salah satu alat pengembang ruang virtual yang paling banyak digunakan adalah aplikasi Roblox Studio. Aplikasi ini banyak digunakan oleh pengembang proessional maupun pengembang pemula untuk mengembangkan game 3D karena lebih sederhana dan mudah dipahami. Termasuk dalam <em>gaming</em> untuk mendukung peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran di Society Era 5.0 atau Revolusi Industri 4.0. Telah dikembangkan game edukatif dengan judul belajar.Mu. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi potensi Roblox Studio dalam mengembangkan sebuah ide game edukatif berbasis studi kasus belajar.Mu. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi kasus. Data tentang karakteristik Roblox Studio dan karakteristik kajian sains dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan metode <em>Focus Group Discussion </em>(FGD) yang didukung dengan studi literatur. Penelitian ini mengungkapkan peranan dari fitur aplikasi Roblox Studio dalam membantu memvisualisasikan objek pada game edukasi sains belajar.Mu. Peranan dan potensi pada aplikasi Roblox Studio diharapkan dapat menjadikan aplikasi ini menjadi salah satu wadah untuk menunjang perkembangan teknologi terutama metaverse.</p> <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p>Metaverse is a web 3.0 internet technology innovation represented with three-dimensional virtual technology. One of the most widely used virtual space development tools is the Roblox Studio application. This application is widely used by proessional developers and novice developers to develop 3D games because it is simpler and easier to understand. Included in gaming to support the improvement of the quality of learning in Society Era 5.0 or Industrial Revolution 4.0. This research aims to explore the potential of Roblox Studio in developing an educational game idea based on the belajar.Mu case study. The method used in this research is a case study. Data on the characteristics of Roblox Studio and the characteristics of science studies were collected using the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) method supported by literature studies. This research reveals the role of the Roblox Studio application feature in helping visualize objects in the belajar.Mu science education game. The role and potential of the Roblox Studio application is expected to make this application one of the platforms to support technological developments, especially the metaverse.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Settings Dyah Utami Ningsih, Tutut Indah Sulistiyowati, Agus Muji Santoso, Tri Novia, Settings Olyvia Ayumarita Maharani Strategi Mengelola Penggunaan Tiktok Agar Tidak Mempengaruhi Konsentrasi Belajar Siswa 2023-08-07T11:22:50+07:00 Helen Aubryla Vivi Ratnawati <p><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p> <p>Seperti di era digital ini banyak platform yang bermunculan dan media sosial sangat berperan penting di kehidupan sehari-hari sehingga banyak yang menggunakannnya untuk mengisi waktu luangnya atau mencari informasi melalui platform tersebut, kategori media sosial yang popular dan sering di gunakan ialah Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, WhatsApp, TikTok dll. TikTok sekarang menjadi platform yang sangat di gemari oleh semua kalangan karena penggunaannya yang sangat mudah dan banyak video yang unik, lucu dan menginspirasi, semua kalangan pun berbondong-bondong mengunduh aplikasi ini. Dampak negatife dari penggunaan TikTok yang berlebihan salah satunya menyebabkan para pelajar akan kehilangan konsentrasi belajar mereka, mereka akan merasa bosan jika berlama-lama dalam menyelesaikan tugas atau pelajarannyadan mereka cepat-cepat ingin segera bermain aplikasi TikTok untuk mengurangi rasa bosannya. Tujuan dari penulisan ini untuk mengetahui seberapa besar dampak penggunaan aplikasi TikTok terhadap daya konsentrasi belajar siswa maka dari itu strategi mengelola penggunaan TikTok sangatlah penting di terapkan pada siswa agar bisa meminimalisir dampak aplikasi TikTok tersebut.</p> <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p>As in this digital era, many platforms have sprung up and social media plays an important role in everyday life so that many use it to fill their free time or find information through these platforms, the most popular and often used categories of social media are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, WhatsApp anD TikTok etc. TikTok is now a platform that is very popular with all people because of its very easy use and lost of videos that are unique, funny and inspiring, all people flock to download this application. The negative impact of excessive use of TikTok and one of them is causing students to lose their concentration in learning. They will fell bored if they take too long to complete their assignments or leassons and they quickly want to immediately play the TikTok application to reduce their boredom. The purpose of this writing is to find out how much impact the use of the TikTok application has on the concentration of students' learning, therefore the strategy for managing the use of TikTok is very important to apply to students so they can minimize the impact of the TikTok application.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Settings Helen Aubryla, Settings Vivi Ratnawati Strategi Membangun Motivasi Belajar Siswa Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa melalui Pendekatan Psikologi Kognitif 2023-08-07T12:11:32+07:00 Wilda Sujatmika Vivi Ratnawati <p><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p> <p>Motivasi belajar merupakan suatu kondisi yang menimbulkan suatu hal perilaku dari diri sendiri untuk mendorong individu melakukan suatu aktivitas diri, memotivasi diri untuk mencapai keinginan dari dalam diri terhadap suatu tujuan pada proses belajar mengajar disekolah. Pada penelitian guna tujuan untuk mengetahui motivasi individu, memahami dan menganalisis motivasi pada proses pembelajaran melalui pendekatan psikologi kognitif serta meningkatkan motivasi dari dalam diri menuju proses pembelajaran dikelas. Motivasi belajar siswa yang kurang menguasai diri untuk memotivasi diri sendiri yang tercermin dari indikator yang meliputi kegiatan belajar, kemampuan, inspirasi, ketabahan, pengorbanan dan hasil yang dicapai. Motivasi yang harus dimiliki adalah motivasi intrinsik yang berasal dari minat setiap individu yang lain, motivasi ekstrinsik yang berasal pemberian hadiah, pemberian nilai ataupun sejenisnya. Hal yang harus dilakukan untuk mendukung motivasi siswa adalah memberikan pujian, semangat, nilai, poin tambahan atau hadiah kepada siswa yang sudah berhasil menjawab pertanyaan sulit ataupun menjadi juara peringkat dikelas.</p> <p><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p> <p>Motivasi belajar merupakan suatu kondisi yang menimbulkan suatu hal perilaku dari diri sendiri untuk mendorong individu melakukan suatu aktivitas diri, memotivasi diri untuk mencapai keinginan dari dalam diri terhadap suatu tujuan pada proses belajar mengajar disekolah. Pada penelitian guna tujuan untuk mengetahui motivasi individu, memahami dan menganalisis motivasi pada proses pembelajaran melalui pendekatan psikologi kognitif serta meningkatkan motivasi dari dalam diri menuju proses pembelajaran dikelas. Motivasi belajar siswa yang kurang menguasai diri untuk memotivasi diri sendiri yang tercermin dari indikator yang meliputi kegiatan belajar, kemampuan, inspirasi, ketabahan, pengorbanan dan hasil yang dicapai. Motivasi yang harus dimiliki adalah motivasi intrinsik yang berasal dari minat setiap individu yang lain, motivasi ekstrinsik yang berasal pemberian hadiah, pemberian nilai ataupun sejenisnya. Hal yang harus dilakukan untuk mendukung motivasi siswa adalah memberikan pujian, semangat, nilai, poin tambahan atau hadiah kepada siswa yang sudah berhasil menjawab pertanyaan sulit ataupun menjadi juara peringkat dikelas.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Wilda Sujatmika, Settings Vivi Ratnawati Pemanfaatan Media Puzzle Ekspresi untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Pengendalian Diri Anak Usia Dini 2023-08-08T16:14:22+07:00 Salma Delvika Rahma Anik Lestariningrum <p>This study aims to describe theoretically whether the use of expression puzzle media can improve self-control abilities in early childhood. The low ability of self-control in children is one of the obstacles for a teacher in delivering learning material. The ability to control oneself in children requires an appropriate learning media so that it can help the process of self-development as a whole. Expression puzzle media is one of the learning media that can be used by teachers to make it easier for students to accept learning. The design of this research is a literature or conceptual review, in which the researcher will describe supporting theories about puzzle learning media and early childhood self-control. Data sources were extracted from various previous research results in journals, reference books and other relevant studies. Data processing describes in a narrative manner and then writes down the bibliographical sources in detail. The results of the study are expected to serve as preliminary material for the usefulness of this expression puzzle media, children can learn to control their emotions, besides that children can also learn to solve a problem, learn to recognize colors, recognize various kinds of expressions and children can learn to read with this media. The recommendations in this study will be continued in the advanced research stages in order to deepen the results of the theoretical analysis obtained empirically.</p> 2023-08-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Settings Salma Delvika Rahma, Anik Lestariningrum Sejarah Perkembangan Gereja Sidang Persekutuan Injil Indonesia di Wilayah Kediri Pada Tahun 2011-2021 2023-08-08T17:09:36+07:00 Kathrin Anindya Gracia Heru Budiono Agus Budianto <p>This research was conducted to understand the history of the development and growth of the Indonesian Evangelical Fellowship Church in the Kediri Region in 2011-2021. This research was carried out within 3 years between September 2021 and February 2023. The approach used in this research is qualitative. Data collection techniques in this study. The results of the research show that the number of congregations in the Indonesian Evangelical Fellowship Session Church has not fully developed, there is still much that needs to be improved and evaluated. The obstacles encountered were the lack of God's servants serving and the lack of activity in the evangelism mobilizing team.</p> 2023-08-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Settings Kathrin Anindya Gracia, Settings Heru Budiono, Agus Budianto Permodelan Service Level Agreement (SLA): Upaya Mendukung Kelulusan Tepat Waktu Mahasiswa di Perguruan Tinggi 2023-08-08T17:34:29+07:00 Bakti Widyaningrum Octaviana Helbawanti Samuel Agus Triyanto Candra Nuraini Abdul Mutolib <p>Service Level Agreement (SLA) is a tool used in a formal agreement. SLA is a type of performance-based contract that focuses on results. SLA in the field of education can be described in the relationship between the university and students. Lecturers who act from the university deal directly with students in carrying out teaching and learning activities and preparing final assignments or theses. Lecturers can be likened to acting as service providers (providers) and students represent users (clients) in the SLA concept. Research on the concept of SLA in the field of education, the relationship between lecturers and students is specific to the process of preparing the final project. The final project affects the length of the student's study period because it relates to the research process being carried out. The research objective is to analyze the completion of students' final assignments using the SLA concept. The process of writing and completing student final assignments or theses affects university performance which is contained in criterion nine, namely Tridharma Outcomes and Achievements. The problem faced by tertiary institutions in an effort to achieve timeliness of the study period is the process of students completing 144 credits including working on a thesis that is more than four years.</p> 2023-08-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Bakti Widyaningrum, Settings Octaviana Helbawanti, Settings Samuel Agus Triyanto, Candra Nuraini, Abdul Mutolib Simbolisme Kembar Mayang dalam Pernikahan Adat Jawa di Kabupaten Kediri 2023-08-08T08:26:54+07:00 Breliana S.A.P Heru Budiono Sigit Widiatmoko <p>Indonesia is a country that has diversity, especially on the island of Java. Javanese traditional marriages have the characteristics of exchanging Kembar Mayang exhanges. Mayang wins have carved forms of Janur. Namely in the form chrysanthemums, manuk-manukan, kitiran, uler-uleran, janur ajur. This study uses qualitative research methods with a cultural approach. The purpose of this study in to find out (1) The legend of Kembar Mayang, (2) the eatly history of the Kembar Mayang, (3) the meaning of the Kembar Mayang, (4) The Myths about the Kembar Mayang. The result of this study are the legendary story of the Mayang Twins is taken from the story of Jaka Tarub who married an angel named Dewi Ratnaningsih, and the history of the beginnings of the Mayang Twins from Ratnaningsih’s marriage who looked nervous during midodareni night and asked his father to look for the Kembar Mayang, the meaning of the Kembar Mayang has the meaning of twins which means the same, while Mayang is likened ti a Mayang Jmbe flower. The myths that people believe are usually that if a marriage does not exchange Kembar Mayang, it will be difficult to have children<strong>.</strong></p> <p> </p> 2023-08-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Settings Breliana S.A.P, Heru Budiono, Settings Sigit Widiatmoko Penerapan Media Pear Deck Pada Kegiatan Bimbingan Dan Konseling Untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa 2023-08-14T03:47:34+07:00 Devi Arivanti Nirmala Siti Aisyah Trisabella Febriana Maharani Ella Faridati Zen <table width="548"> <tbody> <tr> <td rowspan="2" width="548"> <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p>This study aims to determine the Pear Deck learning media as an interactive Guidance and Counseling learning medium to increase student motivation. The number of cases of decreased student motivation when participating in class learning requires teachers to create innovations in learning, one of which is the use of media as a tool to increase student learning motivation. The media used in this research is Pear Deck. Pear-Deck is an online-based platform or application integrated with Google and Microsoft Documents that can make media presentations that have been prepared more interactive. The method used in this research is a descriptive qualitative method. Data collection techniques in this study were observation and interviews. The results of this study indicate that Pear Deck learning media in its use as a Guidance and Counseling learning media supports the formation of student learning motivation. Based on the results and discussion, it shows that Guidance and Counseling learning activities using Pear Deck media can create new effective innovations to increase student motivation in learning.</p> </td> <td width="0">&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="0">&nbsp;</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Devi Arivanti Nirmala, Siti Aisyah, Trisabella Febriana Maharani, Ella Faridati Zen Calon Mempelai Perempuan Melamar Calon Mempelai Laki-Laki (Tradisi Lamaran Calon Pengantin Yang Berlaku Di Desa Sumber Bening Dongko Trenggalek) 2023-08-16T06:10:34+07:00 Yatmin <p>In each society has different wedding ceremony. This is influenced by several factors including, race, ethnicity, culture, religion or social background. One of the application process is the earliest in a relationship men and women to bind to each other, in every region on the island of Java was also not the same. Some areas in East Java, especially in Trenggalek practice of Javanese wedding held unlike in other regions, where the region is not the groom who applied first, but the opposite is applying for first is the prospective bride. But with the changing times and technology and human relations increasingly widespread traditions also change and adapt to the changing times, which means that the tradition is not entirely to be carried on like that but depending on the circumstances, why this is so because the tradition is a human product so that it suitable definitely retained and carried on and when not matched certainly the fox.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Yatmin Penggunaan Media Bimbingan dan Konseling Permainan Ular Tangga Dalam Layanan Bimbingan Kelompok untuk Meningkatkan Rasa Percaya Diri Siswa Kelas X SMK Negeri 5 Malang 2023-08-14T04:03:03+07:00 Mutiara Fajar Lathifah Rahajeng Nursabrina Maria Sita Putri K Elia Flurentin <p>Students are people who have character or personality. This personality is brought by students in socializing, one aspect of personality needed is self-confidence. This self-confidence will help students interact with other people, but not all students have high self-confidence. Because of this, self-confidence needs to be increased again. One of the innovations to increase self-confidence is the development of simulation game media. The simulation game developed is a snakes and ladders game.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Mutiara Fajar , Lathifah Rahajeng Nursabrina , Maria Sita Putri K., Elia Flurentin Pengembangan Media Permainan Ular Tangga sebagai Upaya Preventif Perilaku Bullying di SMAN 1 Lawang 2023-08-14T04:40:27+07:00 Kheren Carollina Pamintarso Syamsul Maarif Zamroni <p>The purpose of this service activity is to innovate counseling services in the realm of bullying education which focuses on creative, innovative, and effective guidance and counseling service media. The snake ladder game media was conceptualized and developed according to the characteristics of the subject, namely class X students of SMAN 1 Lawang. Through observation, questionnaires, and interviews, it was found that the role of school counselors, especially at SMAN 1 Lawang, had been good in overcoming the problem of bullying, but in its implementation it had not yet utilized the media, which of course added to the innovation of counseling services so that they were more effectively implemented. Therefore, BK service innovation with the development of a media is needed for the effectiveness and efficiency of BK services. This service activity involves the SMA Negeri 1 Lawang school institutions as partners, namely all students of class X IPA, X IPS, and X IBB as well. The results of the guidance and counseling media in the form of a game of snakes and ladders in bullying material can be used to convey messages that are able to stimulate students' thoughts, feelings, attention and willingness to understand themselves, direct themselves, make decisions and solve problems, namely the problem of bullying.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Kheren Carollina Pamintarso, Syamsul Maarif, Zamroni Quotes Of The Day: Media Expressive Writing untuk Melatih Kemampuan Katarsis dalam Mengekspresikan Diri pada Siswa SMPN 2 Pakis Malang 2023-08-14T07:00:41+07:00 Dinda Putri Abadi Nadia Salsabila Muchtar Maulidya Nabila Rezana Muslihati <p>Teenagers often cannot easily express their emotions so that they can lead to negative behavior that can harm themselves and others. To solve this problem, simple cathartic methods such as Quotes of The Day as expressive writing are very helpful because they are simple and easy to do. Quotes of the day is an activity that is carried out by all SMPN 2 Pakis students by writing their feelings on a sticky note to release their pent up emotions, then the sticky note is posted on the BK room window. This activity is carried out in three stages known as PPE which consist of (1) Preparation; (2) Implementation; and (3) Evaluation. Based on the results of the program that has been implemented, SMPN 2 Pakis students have high interest and enthusiasm for expressing ideas for making quotes and also high self-expression, and most SMPN 2 Pakis students tend to experience and fulfill their developmental tasks, one of which is interest in the opposite sex and relationship with peers who are looking for identity</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Dinda Putri Abadi, Nadia Salsabila Muchtar, Maulidya Nabila Rezana, Muslihati Peran Bimbingan dan Konseling dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar pada Siswa SMP Shalahuddin Malang 2023-08-14T07:05:44+07:00 Putri Nabila Rasendriya Rachma Margi Ningsih Ni’mathul Khurotan Acyuni Arsy Muslihati <p>This study aims to describe how big the role of the counseling teacher is in increasing learning motivation in SMP Salahuddin students. This study focused on the phenomenon of low levels of student motivation, the involvement of homeroom teachers in building student learning motivation, and the role of counseling teachers in increasing student motivation in SMP Shalahuddin. The method used in this research is a qualitative method with a case study type of research. The selection of case study research was aimed at presenting detailed problem analysis, especially in focusing on the role of guidance and counseling in increasing student motivation at SMP Shalahuddin. Collecting data using the method of observation, interviews, and documentation studies. The result of this research is to get an overview of students' learning motivation at SMP Shalahuddin which is classified as low. Factors causing low student learning motivation are internal and external factors. Therefore, the role of the counseling teacher is needed in increasing student learning motivation. The role that has been carried out by the counseling teacher in order to increase student learning motivation by recapitulating student attendance, collaborating with homeroom teachers, and providing guidance and counseling services for students who have low learning motivation.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Putri Nabila Rasendriya, Rachma Margi Ningsih, Ni’mathul Khurotan Acyuni Arsy, Muslihati Strategi Guru Mengembangkan Kemampuan Bahasa Anak Melalui Video Animasi 2023-08-07T14:45:28+07:00 Yolanda Titis Sofwina Linda Dwiyanti <p><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p> <p>Masa usia dini merupakan masa golden age yang memerlukan stimulasi perkembangan yang tepat. Pada masa ini segala aspek perkembangan anak berkembang sangat pesat. Bahasa merupakan salah satu aspek penting dalam proses perkembangan anak. Terdapat beberapa komponen dalam kemampuan bahasa anak yaitu kemampuan&nbsp;&nbsp; menyimak, berbicara, membaca, dan menulis. Kemampuan menyimak dan berbicara anak merupakan bagian terpenting dalam menunjang perkembangan bahasa anak, dimana memiliki keterkaitan dengan aspek kognitif, sosial maupun emosionalnya. Media pembelajaran yang dapat membantu meningkatkan kemampuan menyimak dan berbicara anak adalah video animasi<em>.</em> Video animasi dapat dijadikan guru sebagai media pembelajaran yang digunakan sebagai alat bantu dalam mencapai tujuan pembelajaran. Melalui video animasi anak dapat mengembangkan kemampuan menyimak dan berbicara anak usia dini.</p> <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p>Early childhood is a golden age that requires proper developmental stimulation. At this time all aspects of child development develop very rapidly. Language is an important aspect in the process of child development. There are several components in children's language skills, namely the ability to listen, speak, read, and write. The ability to listen and speak in children is the most important part in supporting children's language development, which is related to cognitive, social and emotional aspects. Learning media that can help improve children's listening and speaking skills are animated videos. Animated video can be used as a teacher as a learning media that is used as a tool in achieving learning objectives. Through animated videos, children can develop their listening and speaking skills at an early age.</p> 2023-08-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Yolanda Titis Sofwina, Settings Linda Dwiyanti Pengaruh Pembelajaran Matematika dengan Pendekatan Literasi Numerasi terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa SMA Kelas XII 2023-08-07T18:52:38+07:00 Fillona Darhien Dhana Dian Devita Yohanie <p>The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of the numeracy literacy approach on students' learning outcomes in mathematics in high school. The research method used is quantitative research with the Quasi Experimental Design technique, using purposive sampling in sample selection. The research subjects consist of 60 students in grade XII, divided into two groups: the experimental group receiving instruction with the numeracy literacy approach and the control group receiving conventional instruction. The research instrument used is a mathematics learning outcomes test. The data were analyzed using an independent sample t-test, and the results show a significant difference between the learning outcomes of students who received instruction with the numeracy literacy approach and those who received conventional instruction. The t-test results indicate that these values differ significantly (t(78) = 6.89, p &lt; 0.05). From the research findings, it can be concluded that the numeracy literacy approach effectively influences students' learning outcomes in mathematics in high school.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Fillona Darhien Dhana, Dian Devita Yohanie Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Project Based Learning untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Numerasi Siswa 2023-08-07T19:10:00+07:00 Sefiya Khoirun Nisa Dian Devita Yohanie Bambang Agus Sulistyono <p>This study aims to explain how to improve students’ numeracy ability through the Project Based Learning model. Numerical abilities are currently needed by students, especially in the Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar. In the Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar, the national exam is removed and replaced with the Assesmen Kompetensi Minimum or AKM. The AKM was put into effect after the numeration results of Indonesian students were at a low level based on the results of PISA in 2018. In the AKM, the students' abilities were tested, namely literacy and numeracy. Numerical abilities are related to mathematical problems in everyday life. Numerical abilities can be improved through project learning. In the project students are directly involved in making something and analyzing it according to the material. This study shows that the Project Based Learning model can improve students' numeracy skills. This can be seen from the learning outcomes of the first cycle of numeration by 55% and the learning outcomes of the second cycle of numeration by 83%.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Sefiya Khoirun Nisa, Dian Devita Yohanie, Bambang Agus Sulistyono Penerapan Permainan Labirin Untuk Mengembangkan Kemampuan Kerjasama Anak 2023-08-07T19:28:23+07:00 Syarroma Intan Prastihastari Wijaya <p>Reseach aimed at developing cooperation skills in early childhood is about how children’s ability. The ability to work together is important for children, because with the ability to work together children get the &nbsp;provisions to live in society. The ability to work together with children in each school is on average still low, due to a lack of introduction to collaborative/grup play. This study aims to develop children’s cooperation skills through maze games. This type of research is a class action research conducted was classroom action reseach at RA SITI CHOTIDJAH, Cerme Village, Grogol District, Kediri Regency with the target being group A, which consisted 20 children. The data taken about children’s cooperative abilities was obtained through data sheets for the development of children’s cooperative abilities is tabulation data, while data for the application of maze games were obtained through observation guide sheets for maze games and field notes. After the data is obtained and it is analyzed using namely comparative data from the achievement results with the targeted indicators. It is hoped that by implementing labirynth games can develop the ability of cooperation in children</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Syarroma, Intan Prastihastari Wijaya Mengurai Stres Akademik Mahasiswa Tingkat Akhir: Faktor Pemicu, Dampak Dan Strategi Pengelolaan Di Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri 2023-08-07T21:13:39+07:00 Arthur Fiqih Vivi Ratnawati <p>Academic stress is pressure experienced by students in an educational environment and can have a negative impact on individual development. This study uses a literature review approach. The purpose of this study is to provide in-depth knowledge about the triggering factors, impacts, and strategies for managing academic stress in final year students at Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri. Factors that trigger academic stress include the way lecturers teach, lecture schedules, friendship relationships, practical exams, pressure to excel, and social status encouragement. Impacts include changes in nutritional status, gastrointestinal symptoms, insomnia, and decreased learning achievement. Academic stress management strategies involve coping centered on problems and emotions. It is important to improve academic stress-related education, training and research. Thus, it is expected to increase students ' awareness, knowledge, and skills in managing academic stress.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Arthur Fiqih, Vivi Ratnawati Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Peserta Didik Kelas IV Dengan Menggunakan Metode Jari Jago 2023-08-07T21:20:45+07:00 Birtha Ourrella Pratiwi Aprilia Dwi Handayani Bambang Agus Sulistyono <p>The problem behind the research on grade 4 students at SD Negeri Duren is due to the very low student learning outcomes. This is caused by the lack of student interest in the process of learning mathematics. Therefore, researchers chose to use the finger of the finger method in an effort to improve student learning outcomes. In this study, researchers used classroom action research methods. Where the researcher conducts an initial test or free test then applies the method and is evaluated using a final test or final test. The results of the cycles that have been carried out by researchers, there is an increase in student learning outcomes. Where at the beginning of the cycle there were only 40% of students whose scores were above the KKM and at the end of the cycle students whose scores were above the KKM reached 80%. This means that this clever method is proven to be able to improve student learning outcomes.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Birtha Ourrella Pratiwi, Aprilia Dwi Handayani, Bambang Agus Sulistyono Meningkatkan Kemampuan Bahasa Anak Usia Dini Melalui Permainan Boneka Jari 2023-08-07T21:50:54+07:00 Niken Suryani Dema Yulianto <p>The most crucial part of early childhood development is language development. Through language, children can learn to communicate with others and express their thoughts in a way that allows others to comprehend what they are thinking. On the other hand, it is not shocking that incorrect language is viewed as a sign of a child's accomplishment. Children should be able to use language effectively, understand passive language, and be able to communicate in a way that is helpful for thinking and studying, according to competence standards for language development. By providing stimulus that is suitable for language development to develop optimally, parents play a crucial influence in children's language development.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Niken Suryani, Dema Yulianto Meningkatkan Keterampilan Komunikasi Interpersonal Siswa Melalui Teknik Sosiodrama 2023-08-13T14:33:18+07:00 Meilia Putri Sulikhah meiliap04@gmail.coml Nora Yuniar Setyaputri <p>Interpersonal communication is communication between two or more people that is usually not formally organized. According to Hardjana (2013) interpersonal communication skills relate to communication between two people, usually face to face in a private setting. Guidance and counselling is a support service for students both individually and in groups so that they can develop optimally with the support of various offers and resources in the fields of personal counselling, socisl counselling, education, and career counseling. Group guidance is to enable learner to obtain various materials or meanings from sources that are useful for daily life both as individuals and as members of society and family, in this article group guidance is carried out with sociodrama techniques, sociodrama itself is a role plau that aims to solve social problems that arise in human relation. Sociodrama activities can be conducted when most group members face similar social problem or when they want to educate or change certain attitudes. Sociodrama technique is one of the techniques in group guidance used to improve students’ interpersonal communication. The purpose of this article is to find out rationally about the improvement of students’ interpersonal communication skills through sociodrama</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Meilia Putri Sulikhah, Nora Yuniar Setyaputri Pengembangan LKPD Berbasis ASICC Pada Materi Sistem Kekebalan Tubuh 2023-08-10T11:31:03+07:00 Adelia Widiyanti Irfan Marzuki Nyoto Pujiandi Siti Ramdiah Budhi Utami Agus Muji Santoso <p>Metacognitive is a person's ability to learn and determine relevant knowledge, set learning strategies and self-knowledge. Based on the results of observations, learning at SMA Negeri 1 Kediri has not used LKPD on the immune system material which can improve students' metacognition. This study aims to produce teaching materials in the form of ASICC-based worksheets on immune system material that are valid, practical and effective. The research subjects were class XI MIPA F of SMA Negeri 1 Kediri. The research method used is Research and Development through a development studies approach with two main stages, namely the preliminary study stage and the prototype stage. Data collection techniques were carried out using questionnaires and tests. The sample in the study was 32 students of XI MIPA F. From the results of this study, the following conclusions were obtained: (1) produce valid worksheets based on input and suggestions from the validator. (2) produce LKPDs that are practical as seen from the results of the 98% validator and small-scale and field-scale trials. So the LKPD developed was declared valid and practical based on the validator's comments and suggestions as well as small-scale and field-scale trials.</p> 2023-08-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Adelia Widiyanti, Irfan Marzuki, Nyoto Pujiandi, Siti Ramdiah, Budhi Utami, Agus Muji Santoso Pengembangan Modul Elektronik Berbasis Quizziz Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Materi Trigonometri 2023-08-08T10:15:05+07:00 Virda Putri Novita Wulandari Dian Devita Yohanie <p>Trigonometry learning is an important material in mathematics, which is used in many fields, including physics, engineering, and astronomy. However, students often have difficulty understanding this material. This study aims to develop an electronic module based on Quizziz on trigonometry material and analyze its effectiveness in improving student learning outcomes. The study used a Researchand Development (R&amp;D) approach with the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) model. The results showed that the electronic module based on Quizziz on trigonometry material was able to improve student learning outcomes by 51,8% on daily quiz scores.</p> 2023-08-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Virda Putri Novita Wulandari, Dian Devita Yohanie Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Si Tuan (Operasi Hitung Pecahan) Berbasis Android Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis Siswa SD Kelas V 2023-08-08T11:09:58+07:00 Yusril Figur Kamsena Ita Kurnia Alfi Laila <p>The learning process carried out in elementary schools currently has not utilized technology to the fullest. So that the lack of enthusiasm of students when teaching and learning activities take place. This study aims to develop Si Tuan learning media based on Android that is valid, practical, and effective for elementary school students. The research method uses R &amp; D with the ADDIE model. The results of this study were (1) based on the results of the validity of the media and material experts obtained an average percentage of validity of 88.33% in the "very valid" category. (2) The results of the practicality of the teacher and student questionnaires obtained an average percentage of 89.5% in the "very practical" category in learning. (3) The results of effectiveness in using Si Tuan's learning media through limited scale trials get an average score of 76.3, while in large scale trials get an average score of 77.5. So it can be said that the development of Si Tuan learning media is effective in learning. Based on these data, it can be concluded that the development of Si Tuan learning media is declared valid, practical and effective, so that the media is suitable for use in the learning process.</p> 2023-08-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Yusril Figur Kamsena, Ita Kurnia, Alfi Laila Pengembangan Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Biologi Kurikulum Merdeka Pada Fase E Di SMAN 6 Madiun 2023-08-08T11:50:47+07:00 Riken Prastiwi Wachidatul Linda Yuhanna Joko Widiyanto <p>Biology practicum activities are still little applied due to the lack of availability of practicum manuals so it is necessary to develop Kurikulum Merdeka. This study aims to determine the validity and feasibility of using biology lab manual products for class X students of SMAN 6 Madiun. The method used is R&amp;D (Research and Development) with the 4D model. The results showed that the independent curriculum biology practicum manual product received an average material validation score of 63 with very valid criteria and media validation received an average score of 57 with very valid criteria. The independent curriculum biology practicum manual is suitable for use as learning media. The percentage of feasibility test results showed that 65% stated that the biology practicum manual for the independent curriculum was very feasible, 32% feasible, and 3% quite feasible. The independent curriculum biology practicum manual is valid and feasible to use as a practicum teaching medium for class X students of SMAN 6 Madiun</p> <p> </p> 2023-08-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Riken Prastiwi, Wachidatul Linda Yuhanna, Joko Widiyanto Pengembangan Modul Berbasis STEM Materi Bunyi dan Indera Pendengaran untuk Kelas 4 SD 2023-08-13T15:16:12+07:00 Nindy Dinar Rinjani Farida Nurlaila Zunaidah Wahyudi Wahyudi <p>This research is motivated by the learning process where there are problems in terms of the use of teaching materials. In learning, the teacher only uses the lecture method and uses textbooks as a learning tool. The impact is that students do not understand the learning material, especially sound material and the sense of hearing. So the researchers developed a module for this material. So that teachers and students can do the learning and access the material at any time. This study aims to determine the validity, practicality and effectiveness of the modules used. This research uses the ADDIE method (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). The conclusions from the results of this study are (1) STEM-based module gets an average value of 90.4%, meaning that the teaching material is very valid to use without revision. (2) STEM-based modules are stated to be very practical to use and obtain an average value of 89.11%. (3) STEM-Based Module is stated to be very effective, obtained from the average student value of 90.3%.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Settings Nindy Dinar Rinjani, Farida Nurlaila Zunaidah, Wahyudi Respon Mahasiswa Biologi Terhadap Pembelajaran Berbasis Project 2023-08-08T16:29:58+07:00 M. Raffi Fahriza Mohammad Zakki Aqimul Haq Poppy Rahmatika Primandiri <p>This study aims to determine the responses and constraints of biology students toward project-based learning. This exploratory descriptive type of research uses questionnaires and interviews given to semester 2 students of the Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Health and Science, Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri for the 2022/2023 academic year. The results of the research conducted showed that 43,3% of students could plan project assignments, 50% of students could collect data for project assignments, 50% of students could organize project assignment data, 46,7% of students could process project assignment data, 36,7% students are able to present project assignments. Even though project-based learning was just obtained by students at the tertiary level, 63,3% of students said they were able to understand biology material using project-based learning, 63,3% liked learning biology material through project assignments, 50% understood the project assignment assessment system, 63,3% are happy with the implementation of project assignment assessments, 66,7% are interested in participating in project-based learning. The obstacles faced by students are in the process of planning and presenting project task data.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 M. Raffi Fahriza, Mohammad Zakki Aqimul Haq, Poppy Rahmatika Primandiri Proses Layanan BK Kepada Anak Dengan Kesulitan Belajar Disleksia 2023-08-08T16:42:53+07:00 Rodlotul Laila Makhsun Yuanita Dwi Krisphianti <p>This study aims to describe 1) The characteristics that appear in children with learning difficulties with dyslexia 2) Factors that affect learning difficulties with dyslexia 3) The impact of children with learning difficulties with dyslexia. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with a case study type of research which will later be used to analyze data in the field and 4) the implementation of guidance services that are carried out for children with learning difficulties in reading dyslexia. Dyslexia is defined as a syndrome that experiences difficulty in learning word components. and sentences and difficulties in learning anything related to time. Characteristics of children with dyslexic learning difficulties, namely difficulty recognizing letters and phonemes, slow and stammering reading, difficulty reading irregular words, difficulty understanding text read. Risk factors that are prone to learning disorder dyslexia are genetic factors and family environment. The impact of dyslexia on child development can be in the form of difficulties in reading skills, personality, behavior, and quality of life disorders. In addition, it also has an impact on language development disorders, declarative consolidation disorders during sleep, and comorbid dyslexia. The steps for implementing tutoring services are carried out in 7 steps, namely: case identification, problem identification, diagnosis, prognosis, therapy, evaluation, and follow-up.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Settings Rodlotul Laila Makhsun, Yuanita Dwi Krisphianti Profil Teknik Homeroom Sebagai Strategi Jitu dalam Bimbingan Kelompok 2023-08-08T16:51:06+07:00 Anisa Putri Nastiti Galang Surya Gumilang <p>In group guidance, group activities and dynamics must be realized to discuss various things that are useful for the development or problem solving of individuals (students) who are service participants. One of the group guidance techniques used is the homeroom technique, in which this technique is carried out to create a school or classroom condition like at home so as to create a condition that is free, fun and not under pressure. The reason for using the home room technique is so that students can feel a new atmosphere, train students to be confident and also to avoid mental tension when studying. By doing group guidance with the homeroom technique, students can be more open in expressing their problems because students feel comfortable in the group and students will feel more relaxed as if they were with their families at home. Things like this can motivate students to be better.</p> 2023-08-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Anisa Putri Nastiti, Galang Surya Gumilang Pengembangan Modul Tematik Tema 6 “Energi dan Perubahannya” untuk Kelas III SDN Cepoko 2023-08-10T19:36:48+07:00 Puput Sriwahyuni Muhamad Basori Sutrisno Sahari <p>This research is motivated by the results of observations and interviews conducted at Cepoko Sdn Bhd in class III. In the learning process there are problems in the form of experienced students where the use of module teaching materials is still not optimal or still limited, because in elementary school not all grade III students get modules for learning. The problems of this research are (1) how valid is the development of the thematic module on the theme of 6 energy and its changes for class III Sdn Cepoko? (2) how practical is the development of the thematic modules on the theme of energy and its changes for class III Sdn Cepoko? (3) how effective is the development of the thematic module on theme 6 energy and its changes for class III Sdn Cepoko? This study uses the ADDIE research type which includes 5 stages. These stages are Anaysis (analysis), Design (design), Development (development), Implementation (implementation), Evaluation (evaluation). This study used a validity test in the form of a validation questionnaire in the form of learning validation, material and media validation, practicality test using a teacher and student response questionnaire, effectiveness test using post-test results. Based on the results of the study, the following data were obtained (1) the validity of the thematic module teaching materials obtained a validation score of 88% for material experts and 88% for media experts, which means that they are included in the very valid category (2) the practicality of teaching materials was obtained from questionnaires from teacher responses and student responses. The teacher's response obtained a score of 94% while the student's response obtained a score of 94%, which means it is included in the very practical category to use.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Puput Sriwahyuni, Muhamad Basori, Sutrisno Sahari Profil Pemahaman Siswa Sekolah Dasar pada Materi Organ Pencernaan 2023-08-10T19:48:54+07:00 Ahmad Ali Ulan Saniq Ali Ulan Saniq Mumun Nurmilawati <p>Education is a conscious and planned effort to create a learning atmosphere and learning process so that students actively develop their potential to have religious spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and the skills needed for themselves, society and the nation. The purpose of this study was to determine the understanding profile of elementary school students on digestive organs. This research is a qualitative descriptive research. This research was conducted at SDN SUKORAME 2 Kediri. The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire (questionnaire). The results showed that students had difficulty understanding digestive organ material 29%, students had seen special tools or media related to digestive organ material 62%, 70% of students' understanding of digestive organ material was quite good.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Ahmad Ali Ulan Saniq, Mumun Nurmilawati The Effectiveness of Group Assignment In Writing Descriptive Text On The Tenth Grade Students 2023-08-09T05:54:08+07:00 Juwita Agustina P1 Rika Riwayatiningsih Suhartono <p>The Effectiveness Of Group Assignment in Writing Descriptive Text Of The Tenth Grade Students at SMK Negeri 2 Kediri Academic Year 2022/2023, Skripsi, English Language Education Departmrnt, FKIP UN PGRI Kediri 2023. The research background come from researcher observation and experience. She found that majority of tenth grade students senior high school suffered low writing. As a result, learning outcomes also low. This research problems are: (1) How is the student's writing skill before and after being taught using the group assignment, (2) Is there any significant effect of using group assigment at the tenth grade students. This is a quantitative research. The subject were tenth grade students with academic year 2022/2023 at SMKN 2 Kediri. The data for this research collected through pre-test and post-test. This research found that students suffered low writing skill and limited knowledge in writing. Therefore, researcher recommend teachers use group assignment to develop teaching-learning process that able to increase students’ writing knowledge.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Juwita Agustina P, Rika Riwayatiningsih, Suhartono Pengembangan Permainan Kopi (Kotak Pintar) untuk Mengidentifikasi Kecerdasan Majemuk Anak Usia Dini 3-4 Tahun 2023-08-10T20:16:33+07:00 Siti Makrifatun Nikmah Epritha Kurnia Wati Isfauzi Hadi Nugroho <p>Essentially, every child is intelligent and possesses different types of intelligences. There are 9 intelligences that children have. Educators need to facilitate each intelligence that children possess to aid their growth and development. This study is based on findings from researchers at Play Group Al Ishaqiyyah Banjarsari, which highlighted suboptimal use of learning media to identify multiple intelligences in children, as well as reduced utilization of books and magazines in the learning process at Play Group Al Ishaqiyyah Banjarsari. Consequently, the researchers conducted a study titled "Development Of Kopi Game (Smart Box) To Identify Multiple Intelligences In Early Childhood Aged 3-4 Years". The aim of this research is to identify multiple intelligences in children at Play Group Al Ishaqiyyah Banjarsari using the KOTAK PINTAR game. This study employed a qualitative descriptive research method, including observations, interviews, and documentation. Based on the conducted research, it was found that through observations, interviews, and assessments during limited trials, the KOPI (Kotak Pintar) media was deemed suitable for identifying multiple intelligences.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Siti Makrifatun Nikmah, Epritha Kurnia Wati, Settings Isfauzi Hadi Nugroho Peran Pura Kerta Bhuwana Giri Wilis Terhadap Penyebaran Agama Hindu di Desa Bajulan 1998-2022 2023-08-10T22:40:21+07:00 Elsa Devi Arsitha Yatmin Yatmin Nara Setya Wiratama <p>This research is motivated by the existence of a temple as a place of worship for Hindus, and has a role as a place for spreading Hinduism. In the Nganjuk Region, precisely in Bajulan Village, Loceret District, there is a temple, namely the <em>Kerta Bhuwana Giri Wilis </em>Temple which was built in 1998. The purpose of this research is to find out 1) What is the history of the establishment of the <em>Kerta Bhuwana Giri Wilis </em>Temple? 2) What is the structure of the building of the Kerta Bhuwana Giri Wilis Temple 3) What is the role of the <em>Kerta Bhuwana Giri Wilis</em> <em>Temple</em> in the spread of Hinduism? This research uses a qualitative approach and a descriptive research type, by observing, analyzing, and describing information obtained from primary and secondary sources. The results of the study show that <em>Kerta Bhuwana Giri Wilis</em> <em>Temple</em> is a temple for worshiping ancestors and Sang Hyang Widhi and serves as a place for the spread of Hinduism. Based on the results of this study it can be concluded that the Kerta Bhuwana Giri Wilis Temple has a role in the spread of Hinduism</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Settings Elsa Devi Arsitha, Settings Yatmin, Nara Setya Wiratama Multimedia Interaktif pada Materi Volume Bangun Ruang 2023-08-08T21:39:01+07:00 Dwi Ratnaningtyas Kukuh Andri Aka Wahyudi <p>Mathematics is one of the mandatory materials that is very important to be applied in education. Mathematics is considered very important because in human life it cannot be separated from mathematics. Abstract mathematics can be a separate obstacle that must be faced by students in learning mathematics. Besides students, teachers also experience difficulties in mathematics. This difficulty makes students less interested in learning mathematics and results in low student learning outcomes. The level of understanding of students is less than optimal where many students are wrong in understanding mathematical concepts. As well as the number of teachers when learning activities only use textbooks without any supporting media. Interactive multimedia is an alternative as a media to support student learning activities on volume material. This study aims to explain the role of interactive multimedia in volumetric material as a supporting medium for mathematics learning activities. That way, to attract students' interest in learning, as well as teachers can use this interactive multimedia as a supporting medium for mathematics learning activities.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Dwi Ratnaningtyas, Kukuh Andri Aka, Wahyudi Bentuk-Bentuk Ketidaksantunan Berbahasa Yang Terdapat Pada Tayangan Talkshow Rosi Dengan Tema “Demo Mahasiswa Dan Ade Armando” 2023-08-09T05:59:56+07:00 Redta Anjani <p>Language impoliteness is a violation of politeness. Impoliteness occurs because of emotional impulses, anger, annoyance, and stress. This causes the speech to be impolite and makes the interlocutor hurt by the utterance that is spoken. This study aims to describe the form of language impoliteness in the Rosi talk show. The data source is a video recording of Rosi’s talk show with the theme “Student Demo and Ade Armando”, on the Kompas TV YouTube channel, uploaded in 2022. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. Researchers observe the object of research directly and continuously. After the data is collected, the data is grouped and understood so that problems can be found. Next, the researcher describes the data in the form of words or sentence. The analysis technique used is reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results showed that there were five forms of impoliteness, namely recklessness, playing face, harassing face, threatening face, and removing face. Impoliteness that often occurs is levity, because when the discussion takes place the utterances expressed are in the form of jokes, not being serious, and sarcasm. So that at the end of the event, the presenter and resource person did not find a solution to solve the problem being discussed.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Redta Anjani Pola Asuh Orang Tua Dan Karakter Anak Dalam Pernikahan Dini : Sebuah Diskursus 2023-08-09T06:07:43+07:00 Ninda Bela Karisma Irawan Hadi Wiranata <p>Early marriage is a problem that occurs in various countries, especially Indonesia. The number of early marriage in Indonesia itself is still quite high, this is due to several factors, including economic factors, matchmaking, customs, and even the culture of parents. This affects parenting and character formation of children who will later become the next generation of the nation. This problem occurs because of the low or lack of education that parents get because they get married at a young age, which will then affect the quality of Human Resources (HR) in Indonesia. Parenting with poor education will have a huge impact on children's character such as juvenile delinquency, undiscipline, brawls, lazy, don't even want to go to school and eventually early marriage will happen again. Parents who pamper children will give birth to children with a whiny character, do not want to work hard, spoiled, stubborn, and temperamental. The purpose of writing this article, so that we as agents of change are expected to be able to improve the quality of human resources in Indonesia and be able to instill good character education in the next generation</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Ninda Bela Karisma, Irawan Hadi Wiranata Penerapan Layanan Bimbingan Belajar Dengan Teknik Mind Mapping untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Di SMP Negeri 32 Makassar 2023-08-09T06:12:54+07:00 Nurhidayatullah D Ratna Wulandari Zulfianah Sunusi <p>The research issue is how learning guidance services with mind mapping techniques impact on increased student learning motivation. The objective of this study is to know: (1) an overview of the student’s low learning motivation; (2) an Overview of how learning guidance services with mind mapping techniques are implemented to address the students’ low learning Motivation. Students of the 8th grade at the State High School 32 Makassar are research subjects. Twenty respondents were divided into two groups: the experimental group and the control group.Interviews and lifts are used to collect data. Furthermore, it was found that (1) Observation results showed that approximately 45% of learners had performed bolos more than five times. Thus, it can be concluded that students have a low learning motivation. In addition, the learning guidance services with mind mapping methods are carried out in accordance with the five-step procedures that have been planned. This procedure is applied to students of classes VIIIA and VIIIB in the State High School of 32 Makassar.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Nurhidayatullah D, Ratna Wulandari, Zulfianah Sunusi Paradigma Baru Keilmuan Sebagai Cara Yang Benar Dalam Mengetahui Sesuatu 2023-08-09T06:29:04+07:00 Herlinda Dwi Aulia Aisyiah Aiwani <p>This research is a new scientific paradigm research as the right way to approach something. The purpose of writing this article is to find out how the new paradigm of science is the right way to think about something. As for the results of the literature review, namely from the shift in the paradigm of science, the fact emerges that there are a number of paradigms that were born as alternative paradigms (interpretive, critical and postmodern) to seek the truth of reality which provide a number of implications both conceptually, practically and policy implications. The alternative paradigm that the author mentions is a perspective or basic assumption that rejects the idea that there is only one scientific approach that can reveal reality as a truth.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Herlinda Dwi Aulia, Aisyiah Aiwani Pelatihan Microsoft Excel terhadap Sekolah Inklusi di SDN 02 Taman Menggunakan Metode Verbal Prompts 2023-08-09T06:54:04+07:00 Andien Nugrahaningtyas Rika Triana Elly Astuti <p>Microsoft Excel Training for Inclusive Schools at SDN 02 Taman was motivated by several students who could not read, the teacher's lack of attention to students with special needs and students who had difficulty concentrating. The purpose of this research is to develop students' ability to adapt to technology, one of which is by holding Microsoft Excel training through the verbal prompts method. The training activities that we carry out include inputting data in columns, neatness in making tables, skills in applying Excel formulas and saving the files they have worked on. With this training activity, it can instill habits in utilizing technology in the education sector and give birth to a golden generation that can adapt to technology. The method used is verbal prompts, namely giving directions and guiding students directly by emphasizing the word in each sentence. The media used is a projector. The result of the implementation of this training is that students experience an increase in operating Microsoft Excel properly and correctly and can apply this knowledge in everyday life.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Andien Nugrahaningtyas, Rika Triana, Elly Astuti Profil Pemanfaatan Media Ular Tangga di SMP Mardi Utomo Grogol 2023-08-09T08:40:24+07:00 Deva Aprillia Hamidah Galang Surya Gumilang <p>Each student has a uniqueness that distinguishes them from one another. To create a generation that is of high quality and has a high standard of ability, cooperation between education, teaching and guidance is needed, because all three are interrelated in achieving educational goals. Counseling guidance services have an important role in forming a quality generation. Through the various services available, guidance and counseling can provide the support needed to achieve these goals. One of them is by utilizing snakes and ladders learning media. Teachers have the ability to make this learning media creatively according to the objectives and learning materials. The snakes and ladders game aims to motivate students so that they continue to study and repeat material that has been studied before. Through this game, students will be tested and can feel the joy of learning.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Deva Aprillia Hamidah, Galang Surya Gumilang Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Pada Materi Kegiatan Siang Hari Kelas I SDN 1 Mlandangan 2023-08-09T12:10:31+07:00 Rizka Damalia Hastuti Erwin Putera Permana Rian Damariswara <p>This study aims to produce teaching materials based on local wisdom in the daytime activity material for class I SDN 1 Mlandangan. This study uses the development or R &amp; D method, with the ADDIE development model which includes analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. The instruments for obtaining development data and the quality of teaching materials are module assessment sheets, student response questionnaires and student test questions. The test subjects were 16 grade I students at SDN 1 Mlandangan. The results of the development are in the form of teaching materials based on local wisdom on daytime activity material for class I SDN 1 Mlandangan. The validity of teaching materials based on local wisdom is assessed from two aspects, namely the material aspect with a value of 80% and the teaching material aspect with a value of 78.4% which means "Valid". The practicality of teaching materials based on local wisdom is determined from the assessment of students and class teachers. The result of the student assessment questionnaire was 80.8%. The teacher assessment questionnaire gets a score of 76.6%. From these results when matched with practicality criteria it means "Practical". The effectiveness of teaching materials is assessed based on the learning outcomes of students who meet the school's KKM, namely 96% of students who show high effectiveness. The conclusion is that teaching materials based on local wisdom are valid and practical to use.</p> 2023-08-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rizka Damalia Hastuti, Erwin Putera Permana, Rian Damariswara Pengembangan Media Booklet Materi Gaya Untuk Siswa Kelas IV MI Miftahul Huda Kabupaten Kediri 2023-08-09T12:45:45+07:00 Famila Arian Sasqia Putri Endang Sri Mujiwati Ilmawati Fahmi Imron <p>This research was motivated by the results of a preliminary study with MI grade IV teacher Miftahul Huda on style material, it was found that during learning teachers had not developed interesting learning media and helped students in increasing student enthusiasm for learning. This research and development use Research and Development (R&amp;D) research methods with the ADDIE development model. The conclusions of the results of research and development of style material booklet media are as follows, (1) Style material booklet media for grade IV students is very valid because it obtained a score percentage of 88% with very valid and usable criteria, (2) Style material booklet media for grade IV students is effective because the results of student learning completeness obtained a score percentage of 80% for limited trials and 85% for broad trials, and (3) Media booklet style material is good for learning because it obtains a percentage score of teacher response and student response of 93%.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Famila Arian Sasqia Putri, Endang Sri Mujiwati, Ilmawati Fahmi Imron Pelatihan PPK Ormawa Himabio Helianthus dalam Penerapan Pembukuan Sederhana Bagi Masyarakat Desa Sumberjo, Kediri 2023-08-09T13:32:36+07:00 Surya Ayu Azizah Dewi Rossylia Wati Afifah Nurul Hasanah Ro’ikatul Jannah Dila Elpin Setiani Mirta Aliya Shiva’un Nabila Alfin Warda Musawwa Miftakhul Huda Dhea Percatawati Susi Rahmawati Septa Adi Hendarso Vicy Cahya Maulana Ryan Marcell Wibisono Salsabila Dini Azzahra Agus Muji Santoso Bayu Surindra Efa Wahyuprastyaningtyas <p>Medicinal plants of the "TOGA" family are plants produced by family or home cultivation which have medicinal properties. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the popularity of family medicinal plants has increased because family medicinal plants are believed to enhance immunity and overcome health problems. Medicinal plants which are not well cared for and which are quite abundant in the yard can be used to supplement their daily income, but many people do not know how to process them so that they can become a product that is ready for sale. The use and processing of family medicinal plant crops needs to be disseminated to the community, especially the people of Sumberjo Village, Kandat Sub-District, Kediri Regency which is the target of the 2022 Ormawa Himabio Helianthus PPK service. In addition, the community needs knowledge about "simple bookkeeping" before they can sell products processed products to the public. With the knowledge that will be provided by the Ormawa PPK student Himabio Helianthus, it is hoped that it can be applied to the product sales system in the future. The purpose of the bookkeeping training is none other than so that the people of Sumberjo Village can better manage their finances and be able to choose between personal needs and production needs, so that their income and expenses will be clearly visible.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Surya Ayu Azizah, Dewi Rossylia Wati, Afifah Nurul Hasanah, Ro’ikatul Jannah, Dila Elpin Setiani, Mirta Aliya Shiva’un Nabila, Alfin Warda Musawwa, Miftakhul Huda, Dhea Percatawati, Susi Rahmawati, Septa Adi Hendarso,Vicy Cahya Maulana, Ryan Marcell Wibisono, Salsabila Dini Azzahra, Agus Muji Santoso, Bayu Surindra, Efa Wahyuprastyaningtyas Peluang Pendekatan Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Untuk Mengubah Irrational Belief Siswa 2023-08-09T14:01:17+07:00 Tatang Prasetio Ikke Yuliani Dhian P <p>Anger, anxiety, fear, sadness, is a human psychological condition that arises from events experienced by all individuals. Irrational beliefs will emerge if the psychological balance of humans is disrupted. Irrational beliefs are illogical thoughts or ideas that are internalized and believed by a person to the point of causing self-defeating. Thought is a person's perception of a situation, or a perception of oneself in relation to a situation. In its development, irrational and illogical thoughts are continuously internalized, indoctrinated repeatedly with symbols or (verbal) language. Opportunities for a Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Approach to Change Students' Irrational Beliefs is an effective counseling approach in overcoming irrationality and changing unhealthy or irrational beliefs. When applied to students who experience irrational beliefs with an approach to Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy. Through recognition and restructuring of the mind, focus on personal responsibility, identification and management of emotions, improve social skills. The expected solution with the Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy approach can change students' irrational beliefs to accept themselves well by changing the way of thinking that is irrational beliefs in students</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Tatang Prasetio, Ikke Yuliani Dhian P Pemanfaatan Design Thinking Sebagai Metode Perancangan Prototype Website Bank Sampah Lastari (Kelola Sampah Tanpa Ribet) Sidoarjo 2023-08-09T14:30:22+07:00 Deva Aprillia Hamidah Galang Surya Gumilang Restin Meilina <p>In this digital era, the design and development of websites have become crucial in promoting and enhancing the success of businesses or organizations. In the context of Bank Sampah Lastari in Sidoarjo, designing an effective and user-friendly prototype website can be a vital initial step in optimizing the operations and success of Bank Sampah Lastari in waste management. In this study, we employ the Design Thinking method as a design approach to build a prototype website for Bank Sampah Lastari. This method places a strong focus on the users (user-centric) and incorporates elements of creativity, empathy, and iteration in the design process. By following the steps of Design Thinking, we can understand the needs and desires of Bank Sampah Lastari users and design an intuitive, efficient, and tailored website to meet their requirements. The methodology used consists of five key stages in Design Thinking, namely empathy, definition, ideation, prototyping, and testing. In the empathy stage, we conducted observations and interviews with Bank Sampah Lastari members to understand their experiences in&nbsp; waste management. The definition stage involved&nbsp; data collection and analysis to identify the users' primary needs. The ideation stage is where we generated various design concepts and ideas for the website that have the potential to meet the users' needs. The prototyping stage involved creating a website prototype based on the selected concepts. Finally, in the testing stage, we gathered feedback from Bank Sampah Lastari users to identify weaknesses and potential improvements in the built prototype. The outcome of this study is a prototype website for Bank Sampah Lastari that aligns with the users' needs and desires. This website features an appealing design, easy-to-understand navigation, and user-friendly functionalities for efficient waste management. The utilization of Design Thinking in designing the Bank Sampah Lastari website provides a holistic approach and yields more relevant solutions for the users. This prototype website serves as a foundation for further development and the official launch of the Bank Sampah Lastari website.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Deva Aprillia Hamidah, Galang Surya Gumilang, Restin Meilina Pemanfaatan Teknik Self-Instruction Untuk Meningkatkan Disiplin Diri Siswa Smk 2023-08-09T16:34:11+07:00 Aida Suminingrum Nora Yuniar Setyaputri <p>Self disipline is an attitude of obeying rules in an ordely and ordely manner and is carried out with full awareness and responsibility. In real phenomena in school there are still many students who have low self discipline. Low self discipline is characterized by violating school rules such a being late, truant and so on. This should be a particular concern because if low self discipline is left unchecked it will have a bad effect on students and academic achivement. Group guidance is a service providing information to group members who have a common goal by developing and untilizing their abilities. In writing this article group guidance is carried of using <em>self-instruction</em> techniques, the self-instruction technique itself is one of the techniques in wich student can change negative behavior become positive behavior through changing mindsets such as focusing on positive self words so that they can control their behavior. The self-instruction technique is an counseling technique that can be used to improve student self discipline. The purpose of writing this article is to examine the rationalization of self-instruction techniques in increasing the self discipline of Vocational High School</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Aida Suminingrum, Nora Yuniar Setyaputri Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa Sumberjo Melalui Pelatihan Budidaya Tanaman Obat dan Langka 2023-08-09T18:21:25+07:00 Ro’ikatul Jannah Afifah Nurul Hasanah Dewi Rossylia Wati Dila Elpin Setiani Mirta Aliya Shiva’un Nabila Alfin Warda Musawwa Miftakhul Huda Dhea Percatawati Susi Rahmawati Septa Adi Hendarso Surya Ayu Azizah Vicy Cahya Maulana Ryan Marcell Wibisono Salsabila Dini Azzahra Agus Muji Santoso <p>Cultivation is an effort to implement plant nurseries to develop certain types of plants with certain techniques. The availability of adequate yard land and the desire of the community to move forward in efforts to conserve medicinal plants make the creation of medicinal plant cultivation possible. The community service that has been carried out aims to empower the community of Sumberjo Village, Kandat District, Kediri Regency in terms of conservation of medicinal and rare plants through cultivation training. This community empowerment was carried out from July to November 2022 using discussion and practice methods. The discussion method was carried out on July 12, 2022 by coordinating with the village and the target community, and on July 17, 2022 by means of socialization, while the practical method was carried out through nursery training which was held on August 14, 2022. The result of the community empowerment that has been carried out is that the target community has the ability to utilize medicinal and rare plants in their yard.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Ro’ikatul Jannah, Afifah Nurul Hasanah, Dewi Rossylia Wati, Dila Elpin Setiani, Mirta Aliya Shiva’un Nabila, Alfin Warda Musawwa, Miftakhul Huda, Dhea Percatawati, Susi Rahmawati, Septa Adi Hendarso, Surya Ayu Azizah, Vicy Cahya Maulana, Ryan Marcell Wibisono, Salsabila Dini Azzahra, Agus Muji Santoso Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Sumberjo melalui Pengolahan Hasil Panen Tanaman Obat pada Pengabdian PPK Ormawa 2022 2023-08-09T19:27:55+07:00 Septa Adi Hendarso Ro’ikatul Jannah Afifah Nurul Hasanah Dewi Rossylia Wati Dila Elpin Setiani Mirta Aliya Shiva’un Nabila Alfin Warda Musawwa Miftakhul Huda Dhea Percatawati Susi Rahmawati Surya Ayu Azizah Vicy Cahya Maulana Ryan Marcell Wibisono Salsabila Dini Azzahra Agus Muji Santoso <p><em>Family medicinal plants of the "TOGA" are plants produced by family or home cultivation which have medicinal properties. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the popularity of family medicinal plants has increased because family medicinal plants are believed to increase immunity and overcome health problems. Medicinal plants that are not well cared for and are quite abundant in the yard can be used, but the community does not yet know the benefits and how to process them. Utilization and processing of family medicinal plant crops needs to be disseminated to the community, especially the people of Sumberjo Village, Kec. Kandat, Kab. Kediri which is the target of the 2022 Himabio Helianthus Ormawa PPK service. The method used is in the form of socialization to the community as well as village officials, so that it is useful to increase capacity, community understanding of processed products of family medicinal plants and processing of family medicinal plants to be used as herbal medicine to form community communal immunity. As a result of this activity, the people of Sumberjo Village were very enthusiastic about participating in the socialization and many tried to use family medicinal plants in their yards for further processing and creation into herbal medicine and instant herbal powder.</em></p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Septa Adi Hendarso, Ro’ikatul Jannah, Afifah Nurul Hasanah, Dewi Rossylia Wati, Dila Elpin Setiani, Mirta Aliya Shiva’un Nabila, Alfin Warda Musawwa, Miftakhul Huda, Dhea Percatawati, Susi Rahmawati, Surya Ayu Azizah, Vicy Cahya Maulana, Ryan Marcell Wibisono, Salsabila Dini Azzahra, Agus Muji Santoso Pengembangan Aplikasi Histori Indonesia Merdeka (HI-Merdeka) Dengan Metode Gamification Guna Terwujudnya Society 5.0 2023-08-10T02:11:32+07:00 Khoiul Rohmatulloh Agus Budianto Nara Setya Wiratama <p>This research originates from the many millennials in Indonesia who are familiar with the internet in order to realize society 5.0. With the development of this era, it is necessary to have a learning media that can be used by students for learning activities. This research was conducted using an R&amp;D approach adapting the ADDIE method. The purpose of this research is to make a learning application product, namely the History of Independent Indonesia (HI-Merdeka) with the gamification method for the realization of society 5.0. The research results from the validation revealed that the HI-Merdeka application met the standards for learning media. From the validation of the material obtained a value of 88%, the media 91%, and practitioners 93%. The value of 90% is the average result of the assessment of the validation of learning media which is in the very good category. In the limited field test, a passing percentage of 70% was obtained, student responses obtained an average score of 4.45. In the broad field test, a passing percentage of 93% was obtained, the responses of students obtained an average score of 4.50 according to the aspects of effectiveness and practicality. Based on the acquisition of data analysis that has answered the formulation of the problem, the HI-Merdeka application has met the full criteria to be applied to the learning process at Pawyatan Daha High School, Kediri City.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Khoiul Rohmatulloh, Agus Budianto, Nara Setya Wiratama Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Pada Materi Cerita Fabel Untuk Siswa Kelas II SDN Canggu 2 2023-08-10T02:21:32+07:00 Adinda Syahara Alviani Frans Aditia Wiguna Erwin Putera Permana <p>The research background is the result of interview observations of class II teachers at SDN Canggu 2. In the learning procces educators only use thematic books without any teaching materials or other learning resources to support the learning process. The purpose of the research is to describe the validity, practicality and effectiveness of story teaching materials fable. The type of research used is Research and development (R&amp;D). The model develop in this study is the 4D model (define, design, develop, disseminate). The subjects of this study were class II students at SDN Canggu 2. The tests carried out in this study were large scale on 20 students in class II SDN Canggu 2. The results obtained from the study were: fables teaching materials obtained an average score of 80% of the two expert lecturers, the teaching material for fables was states to be practical and obtained an avarage score 87%. This valuewas obtained from a teacherand students questionnaire. Fable story teaching materials were declared effevtive, obtained from the avarage post-test score, namely 85 from KKM ≥ 75 and from a total of 20 students. The conclusion from the result of this study is that fable story teachingmaterials are teaching materials used to attract students’ attention to Indonesia language leraning, including in fable story material as another learning reseource to support learning.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Adinda Syahara Alviani, Frans Aditia Wiguna, Erwin Putera Permana Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Booklet Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Materi Keberagaman Budaya Bangsa untuk Siswa Kelas IV 2023-08-10T02:32:43+07:00 Rachel Octavina Panggabean Wahyudi Dhian Dwi Nur Wenda <p>This research is motivated by the results of observations with fourth grade teachers at SDN Bukur Kediri Regency on cultural diversity material, it was found that when learning the teacher did not yet have teaching materials that support learning based on local wisdom and the lack of enthusiasm of students in participating in learning. The purpose of this study was to determine the validity, practicality and effectiveness of using local wisdom-based <em>booklet</em> teaching materials on cultural diversity material for fourth grade students. This research method uses RND (Research And Development). The development model used is the ADDIE development model. The steps of the ADDIE model procedure consist of Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation. The data collection instruments used were material expert validation sheets and teaching materials, teacher and student practicality questionnaires, and evaluation questions. Data validation results, questionnaires and written tests use certain formulas and criteria. The results of the study of <em>booklet</em> teaching materials based on local wisdom on cultural diversity are as follows, (1) <em>Booklet</em> teaching materials are very valid obtaining a percentage score of 84%, from the results of validation by material and material experts teaching (2) <em>booklet</em> teaching materials are effective because the results of student learning completeness obtain a score percentage of 87% limited trials and 93% wide trials, and (3) <em>booklet</em> teaching materials are good for learning because they obtain a percentage score from teacher and student responses of 96.6%.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rachel Octavina Panggabean, Wahyudi, Dhian Dwi Nur Wenda Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Buklet Berbasis E-Book Materi Sumber Energi dan Perubahan Bentuk Energi Siswa Kelas IV SDN Lirboyo 1 Kota Kediri 2023-08-10T02:40:41+07:00 Devinsa Pinda Hapsari Endang Sri Mujiwati Ilmawati Fahmi Imorn3 <p>The research was motivated by learning science about energy sources and changes in energy forms in class IV SDN Lirboyo 1, the teacher had not provided interesting variations of teaching materials as a companion to complement existing teaching materials and the lack of references to books in the library made students' interest still lacking. The research objective was to determine the validity, effectiveness, and response of teachers and students to the developed booklet teaching materials. The study used the ADDIE model with data collection techniques, namely questionnaires and tests, data analysis techniques, namely quantitative and qualitative. The results of the research on the development of e-book-based booklet teaching materials, namely (1) e-book-based booklet teaching materials were stated to be very valid because they obtained a percentage of 87.9%; (2) booklet-based teaching materials based on e-books were stated to be very effective because in the limited trial it got 91.1% and in the wide trial it got 88.5%; (3) the response of teachers and students to e-book-based booklet teaching materials was stated to be very good because in the limited trial it received 88.9% teacher response and 100% student response and in the broad trial it received 86.6% teacher response and student response 94.6%.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Devinsa Pinda Hapsari, Endang Sri Mujiwati, Ilmawati Fahmi Imorn Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Tematik Berbasis Multimedia Interaktif Tema 6 Cita-Citaku Subtema 1 Aku Dan Cita-Citaku Pembelajaran 1 Kelas IV SD 2023-08-10T02:47:32+07:00 Endah Purwati Muhamad Basori Kukuh Andri Aka <p>This study aims to develop an interactive multimedia-based teaching material product for fourth grade elementary school students on theme 6 material, my ideals, sub-theme 1 I and my aspirations, learning 1. The development model used in the development of this teaching material is the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). The development of teaching materials with interactive multimedia had a media validity percentage of 87.5% and material validity of 86%, meaning that the material The teaching materials that have been made are valid with minor revisions. The development of interactive multimedia-based teaching materials can be said to be practical with a teacher response questionnaire score percentage of 90% and a student response questionnaire of 94% meaning that interactive multimedia-based teaching materials are very practical to use. The development of interactive multimedia-based teaching materials can be said to be effective with an average student score of 84 with a completeness percentage of 94% which can be declared very effective.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Endah Purwati, Muhamad Basori, Kukuh Andri Aka Tinjauan Moralitas Berbasis Kisah Dalam Novel “Tentang Kamu” Karya Tere Liye 2023-08-10T03:00:05+07:00 Nurlailia Herman Nur Lailiyah Endang Waryanti <p>The novel as a work of fiction offers a world, a world that contains an idealized model of life, an imaginative world built through its intrinsic elements in literary works, especially in novels. The aims of this study were (1) to describe the structural aspects of the moral novel "About You" by Tere Liye (2) to describe the moral aspects of the moral novel "About You" by Tere Liye. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach with moral studies on the novel "About You" by Tere Liye. The results of this study are structural aspects including: themes, plot, characterizations. Data on the number of kicks in the moral aspect include: sincerity, gratitude, honesty, responsibility, shame, pride and generosity.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Nurlailia Herman, Nur Lailiyah, Endang Waryanti Ritual Sesajen Pada Pelaksanaan Upacara Pernikahan di Desa Gembongan Ponggok Kabupaten Blitar 2023-08-10T03:07:50+07:00 Yuliana Wulandari Irawan Hadi Wiranata <p>Marriage is a sacred ceremony that binds the vows between a man and a woman to formalize a lawful union according to religious, legal, and social norms. In Javanese society, the wedding procession is not a simple event; it involves rituals deeply rooted in Javanese beliefs, which are performed before and after the wedding. These rituals are intertwined with the use of sesajen as a requirement to conduct the ceremonies. Sesajen is considered a bridge to achieve mystical paths and connect with the divine, beyond human capabilities. The Javanese community believes that having sesajen in the wedding ceremony can provide protection from supernatural disturbances. This article's method of writing is based on literature research and supported by relevant journals. Its purpose is to explain and analyze the sacred ritual of Javanese traditional marriage in Gembongan Village, Ponggok District, Blitar Regency, East Java.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Yuliana Wulandari, Irawan Hadi Wiranata Pemilihan Karir Siswa SMK Di Kota Kediri Menggunakan Media Permainan Career’s Adventure “Ludo Takon” 2023-08-10T05:48:26+07:00 Humaira Firdaus Lita Yuanita Dwi Krisphianti <p>Work is a major factor in determining quality of life. The beginning of us determining a future career is starting from the school level, where during our schooling we have been directed to our future career. The role of counseling teachers is very important in this case, counseling teachers play a role in helping students to choose career choices in their future. Career choice is an expression or expansion of personality, entering the field of work, then determining certain professional stereotypes. Many counseling teachers use group guidance in overcoming students' career problems, with group guidance counseling teachers hope that students whose problems are almost the same can be resolved. Career guidance services currently have many innovations that have been done. Especially now that many counseling teachers have used media to assist counseling teachers in providing services so that students are not bored. The purpose of this study is to hope that students who have low career choices can be overcome one of them by using the media careers adventure "Ludo Takon"</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Humaira Firdaus Lita, Yuanita Dwi Krisphianti Kriteria Pemilihan Pasangan Di Masa Dewasa Awal Di Universitas PGRI semarang 2023-08-10T06:03:39+07:00 Arsya Farlin Kinase <p>The background in this study discusses the criteria for choosing a partner in early adulthood for final semester students. The purpose of this research is to see the various choices of students who have criteria in choosing a partner so that these criteria are ready to become a life partner. This study uses a simple linear regression method using a quantitative design. The sample used for this study was 136 final students</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Arsya Farlin Kinase Penerapan Lkpd Berbasis Asicc Untuk Meningkatkan Kolaborasi Peserta Didik 2023-08-10T11:30:54+07:00 Silvi Fitria Kumalasari Nyoto Pujiadi Dina Maulina Dwi Ari Budiretnani Agus Muji Santoso <p>Based on observation, students of SMAN 1 Kediri have low collaboration skills.&nbsp; Collaboration skills are considered important as a link between theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge. Therefore, collaborative skills in learning need to be empowered. Such learning requires concrete tools in order to improve collaboration. The purpose of this study was to reveal the application of ASICC-based LKPD (Adapting, Searching, Inter<em>pre</em>ting, Creating, Communicating) on modern biotechnology material to improve students' collaboration skills. The subjects of this study were 34 students of class X-9 SMA Negeri 1 Kediri. The research method used is design research with development studies type. Collaboration data was taken through a standardized questionnaire and the questionnaire was given before (<em>pre</em>) and a (<em>post</em>) application of LKPD. Based on the results of descriptive analysis, the average <em>pretest</em> score was 60.41, the <em>posttest</em> score was 67.53. The percentage increase from <em>pretest</em> to <em>posttest</em> reached 7% with the highest N-Gain value of 0.636. This study aims to reveal that the application of LKPD based on the ASICC strategy is effective enough to improve the collaboration skills of students with the teacher as a mediator. Because, the learning objectives on the LKPD will not be conveyed if without direction from the teacher.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Silvi Fitria Kumalasari, Nyoto Pujiadi, Dina Maulina, Dwi Ari Budiretnani, Agus Muji Santoso Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning Pada Pembelajaran Matematika Kelas X (Tantangan Dan Harapan Pada Penerapan Kurikulum Merdeka) 2023-08-10T18:39:23+07:00 Arifatul Hilmi Isfil Muna Darsono <p>The independent curriculum applies several learning models, one of which is the Problem Based Learning learning model. Problem based learning is a model that is applied in the learning process. The selection of the PBL model in this study was based on PLP observations and the results of the research that had been carried out. This research used the observation method, namely a data collection technique carried out through an observation, accompanied by records of the condition or behavior of the target object. From the results of the research that has been carried out, it is found that in the process of implementing the activities of teachers and students are not in accordance with the steps contained in the Problem Based Learning learning model and cannot be said to be optimal. From this description, the researcher will conduct research with the aim of describing teacher and student activities during the learning process using the Problem Based Learning model.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Arifatul Hilmi Isfil Muna, Darsono Pengaruh Media Decision Roulette Terhadap Keterampilan Menulis Teks Drama Pada Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 3 Nganjuk 2023-08-10T19:59:44+07:00 Dewi Mega Ayu Setyaningrum Andri Pitoyo Marista Dwi Rahmayantis <p>The research was motivated by the large number of junior high school students having difficulty compiling drama texts related to topics, ways of writing, etc. This is evidenced by the 284 students, only 40% of the skills to write drama texts that reached the KKM above 70. This is due to the lack of variation in the use of learning media. Research objectives 1. Knowing the skills of writing drama texts without using Decision Roulette media. 2. Knowing the skills of writing drama texts using Decision Roulette media. 3. Knowing whether there is influence of Decision Roulette media on the skills of writing drama texts in class VIII students of SMPN 3 Nganjuk. The study uses a quasi-experimental quantitative approach (Quasi Experimental Design) with descriptive statistical analysis techniques and inferential statistics (t-test). The conclusions of the research results 1. The skills of writing drama texts using the lecture method without decision roulette media for Nganjuk 3 Public Middle School students have not reached their maximum, the average score obtained is below the KKM (70), namely 69.21875. 2. The skills of writing drama texts using the lecture learning method using the decision roulette media of SMPN 3 Nganjuk students have been achieved, the average score above the KKM (70) is 76.25. 3. There is an influence of decision roulette media on the skills of writing drama texts in class VIII students of SMPN 3 Nganjuk. The results of the analysis of descriptive statistical data, the average posttest score of the experimental class was 76.25, the control class was 69.21875. The results of inferential statistical analysis, the tcount value is 20.1422781804&gt; ttable 5%. Based on the predetermined decision norms, it is concluded that H1 is accepted and Ho is rejected.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Dewi Mega Ayu Setyaningrum, Andri Pitoyo, Marista Dwi Rahmayantis Pengalaman Peserta Didik Dalam Menghadapi Perilaku Bullying di SMK PGRI 2 Kediri 2023-08-10T19:54:30+07:00 Firdanta Rizki Pratama Risaniatin Ningsih <p>At present there are many crime cases that are experienced by school-age children so that it is very heartbreaking for education and parents. Schools are supposed to be places of learning for the potential development of students but can also trigger the emergence of bullying behavior. This study aims to find out more about students' experiences in dealing with bullying behavior at PGRI 2 Vocational High School Kediri. In a weak school environment, students who are weak are usually more likely to be victims of bullying, while students who are born to rich people and lack good guidance tend to become perpetrators of bullying. Not all students can resist the cruelty of bullying behavior but only remain silent when bullying takes place. From acts of bullying that can affect psychological, physical, and environmental development which causes the value of lessons to decrease, to actions that threaten life. From experiences during school like that will always be remembered and will have a long-term impact on victims of bullying.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Firdanta Rizki Pratama, Risaniatin Ningsih Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Discovery Learning Terhadap Keterampilan Menulis Teks Prosedur Siswa Kelas XI SMK PGRI 4 Kediri 2023-08-10T20:04:14+07:00 M. Fahmi Kurniawan Sujarwoko Encil Puspitoningrum <table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="549"> <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p>Writing skill is a very complex language activity, because when writing is must involve various cognitive activities and certain skill in a process of producing a written test that contains selected ideas, information, fact, and onther things that form a percon’s mondset. So that onther people can know or understand the contents of the message coveyed in the form of writing, this will enable good communication between the writer and the reader. One that influences yhe success of a process of writing skills is student knowledge. This study uses experimental research methods. The design used in this research in Quasi Experimental Design or quasi experimental. This design is a development of True Esperimental Design. Data collection using procedural test writing tests. The subjects of calss XI at SMK PGRI 4 Kediri. The results obtained from the class that received treatment with the discovery learning model showed that the hypothesis was accepted, with a significance value of 0.000 &lt;0.05. This shows that the use of the discovery learning learning model has a positive and significant impact on the ability to write procedural texts in class XI SMK PGRI 4 Kediri in the 2022/2023 academic year.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 M. Fahmi Kurniawan, Sujarwoko, Encil Puspitoningrum Prilaku Menyontek pada Siswa SMA 2023-08-10T23:00:43+07:00 Rosita Budi Rahayu Guruh Sukma Hanggara <p>Cheating is a fraudulent behavior that is carried out in carrying out their learning assignments or in taking their exams. This study aims to explain cheating aspects, trigger factors, impacts, and coping strategies for cheating on students of SMA. Trigger factors for cheating include low self-efficacy, low self-confidence, academic procrastination, parents, and environmental influences. The impacts include the lack of development of cognitive aspects, the emergence of a sense of dependence, teachers find it difficult to measure students' abilities, make students lazy, low self-confidence, students easily give up, cultivate dishonesty, and low sense of responsibility. Overcoming cheating behavior involves the role of self, parents, environment, and the role of the counseling teacher. It is important to increase education, training and research on cheating. Thus it is expected to increase students' awareness, knowledge, and skills in their learning.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rosita Budi Rahayu, Guruh Sukma Hanggara Peran Self Efikasi Akademik dan Keterikatan Akademik dalam Mencapai Prestasi Akademik 2023-08-10T23:05:12+07:00 Andika Dwi Lutfi M Sri Panca Setyawati <p>The process of teaching and learning students in schools still encounter obstacles. Like sleeping during class late coming to school, not doing assignments, and not attending lessons without permission. From these constraints will have a negative impact on student achievement. This happens because of the lack of student academic involvement. Student academic involvement is a factor in achieving learning achievement. The more students are involved, the greater the learning achievement achieved. This study aims to determine the level of students' academic engagement. It is hoped that the results of this study can provide insight for the school to increase student academic engagement so that learning achievement can be improved.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Andika Dwi Lutfi M, Sri Panca Setyawati Peran Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah dalam Meningkatkan Kedisiplinan Siswa Sekolah Dasar 2023-08-10T23:36:53+07:00 Yayuk Setiyowati Abdul Aziz Hunaifi Sutrisno Sahari <p>This research is motivated by problems regarding student discipline at SDN Burengan 2, Kediri City, which have not improved. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of the school principal in making policies to discipline students and to find out the increase in student discipline at SDN Burengan 2, Kediri City. The method used in this research is descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique in this study uses the Miles &amp; Huberman model technique with data reduction steps, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the role of the principal of SDN Burengan 2 Kota Kediri in increasing student discipline was very good by making a habituation program every Monday to Friday which was carried out before teaching and learning activities. In implementing the program made by the principal, it shows that there is an increase in student discipline at SDN Burengan 2, Kediri City.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Settings Yayuk Setiyowati, Settings Abdul Aziz Hunaifi, Sutrisno Sahari Pentingnya Media “Pamtar” untuk Perkembangan Bahasa Anak 2023-08-10T23:51:22+07:00 Sita Aulia Rahma Intan Prastihastari Wijaya <p>Learning media is a means used by educators in conveying learning material. In the scope of early childhood education, the use of media is needed by educators so that children more easily understand material through concrete objects, so teachers need to innovate to develop media that is attractive to children. One form of media innovation is PAMTAR media (Smart Miniature Board) which can develop children's early reading skills. With this media, children can learn to read beginning in a fun way. The purpose of this study was to develop media to improve early reading skills in children in a fun way. The results of the study are expected to be able to optimally improve children's early reading skills.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Sita Aulia Rahma, Settings Intan Prastihastari Wijaya Pentingnya Kesadaran dan Edukasi Tentang Cyber Bullying dalam Mencegah Gangguan Kesehatan Mental pada Mahasiswa Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri 2023-08-11T00:02:45+07:00 Yeny Lailatul Fitria Vivi Ratnawati <p>Currently the use of social media occurs very quickly, even in Indonesia itself, which has a population of 256.4 million people, of which 130 million or almost 50% are active users of social media. The types of social media that are known to the public are very diverse, starting from WhatsApp, Facebook, Line, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Tiktok and many other social media that are often open to the public. However, many social media users do not hide criminals from accessing their activities, including cyberbullying. This form of cyberbullying has very negative mental health effects and can cause psychological damage to the victim. The purpose of this research is to increase awareness and education about cyberbullying in preventing mental health disorders among students at Nusantara PGRI Kediri University. Cyberbullying is a form of protection that occurs in cyberspace and the impact of cyberbullying can cause a person to experience growth and development disorders, feel depressed, anxious, uncomfortable, weaken learning achievement, and not want to get along with peers. They will also avoid social situations, and attempt suicide. Thus the importance of awareness and education about cyberbullying so that a person's mental health is maintained.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Yeny Lailatul Fitria, Vivi Ratnawati Peningkatan Motivasi Belajar Siswa dengan Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning Menggunakan Media Teka-Teki Silang 2023-08-11T09:15:46+07:00 Irma Erpiyana Sulistiono Sulistiono Ida Rahmawati Tutut Indah Sulistyowati Helmi Rahayuningtyas <p>The sensory system is one of the materials from the coordination system sub-topic that is studied in biology subjects in high school. The results of observations that have been made show that students have difficulty understanding the coordination system material, are less motivated and less active in participating in learning activities. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of implementing problem-based learning strategies on sensory system material using crossword puzzles. The research was carried out in a quasi-experimental manner with a population of 177 students in class XI MIA at SMA Negeri 4 Kediri and a sample of 4 classes (the classes MIA XI 1, MIA XI 3, MIA XI 4 and MIA XI 5) consisting of 142 students. The classes of MIA XI 1 and 3 are taught using a conventional strategy with TTS media, while the classes MIA XI 4 and 5 are taught using a PBL strategy with TTS media. Student motivation was measured by a motivational questionnaire and the results were analyzed by the Mann Whitney test. The results of the study show that the application of problem-based learning strategies to sensory system material using crossword puzzles can increase student learning motivation.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Settings Irma Erpiyana, Settings Sulistiono, Ida Rahmawati, Settings Tutut Indah Sulistyowati, Helmi Rahayuningtyas Penggunaan Gaya Bahasa Pertentangan dalam Cerpen Terbaik Pilihan Kompas Tahun 2022 2023-08-11T09:58:33+07:00 Herlina Febriyanti Sujarwoko Sujarwoko Marista Dwi Rahmayantis <p>The background of this research is the Kompas short story collection published in 2022. The 2022 Kompas short story collection is interesting to study and is limited in terms of conflicting language style. The purpose of this study is to describe the structural aspects and stylistic conflict in the 2022 edition of the Kompas short story collection. The research method used in this study is descriptive qualitative because it focuses on problem solving and data compiled, analyzed, and presented. The result is an overview of research results systematically and a study will be successful and have a strong foundation if the data sources used really support it. The data is taken from the object of research study, namely short stories, especially related to what is being studied. The method of analysis research carried out in the use of conflicting language styles is the method of studying literature. The results of this study indicate that the defensive language styles used in the 2022 edition of the Kompas short story collection are 1) hyperbole, 2) lithoses, 3) satire, 4) paradox and 4) sarcasm. The use of conflicting language style in the 2022 edition of the Kompas short story collection is heavily influenced by the use of hyperbolic language style. The use of cynicism, irony and satire is also found in the Kompas 2022 short story collection.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Herlina Febriyanti, Sujarwoko, Marista Dwi Rahmayantis Pengembangan Website JobZen Untuk Membantu Mahasiswa Tingkat Akhir dalam Mengatasi Masalah Memilih Karier 2023-08-11T10:21:17+07:00 Angeli Fernanda Putri <p>Students are considered as agents of change and successors of the nation. But at this time students who should be ready to enter the world of work when they have graduated from college are still experiencing gaps with the career prospects they choose. The skills possessed by students are often not in line with the demands of the world of work, this causes an increase in the number of unemployed students. In this study, researchers reveal how to develop a media, namely a digital platform to help overcome the problem of choosing a career or job after they graduate from college. This study uses the ADDIE development model, namely analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. Jobzen is a website which aims to help students find and prepare for jobs that match their interests, skills, and career goals.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Angeli Fernanda Putri Pengembangan Website Learn Creative (Lencra) di PT Forest Indo Niaga 2023-08-13T21:53:16+07:00 Anisa Putri Nastiti <p>Challenges faced by the education system include issues of equity, quality, relevance and effectiveness of education. This is the reason for choosing this topic to be the theme or topic in making a capstone project in the form of a website. Lencra (Learn Craft) learning with creativity. This website acts as an educational forum to increase students' interests and talents in order to advance Indonesian education. A digital-based website by following the development of video trends, so that it can make it easier for students to understand learning accompanied by interactive and creative learning video methods. Website access and flexible working time are able to adjust student activities. Lencra can improve and level the quality of education in Indonesia. This website is expected to be able to develop and become a place for students to learn and also a place for teachers or mentors to develop their knowledge.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Settings Anisa Putri Nastiti Pelatihan Pembuatan Curriculum Vitae sebagai Upaya Implementasi Bimbingan Karir Siswa SMK PGRI 6 Malang 2023-08-14T07:16:39+07:00 Cantika Adelia Kusuma Fanny Ika Saraswati Nuril Rahmadiyah M. Ramli <p>The existence of requirements and competition in the process of applying for jobs today requires vocational high school graduates to have the knowledge and ability to create attractive curriculum vitae to recruiters. Therefore, creativity and ability are needed in compiling an appropriate and attractive curriculum vitae. There are several applications that can be used for free to create a curriculum vitae, one of them is Canva. The Teaching Assistance Team at Malang State University held community service activities, especially for SMK PGRI 6 Malang students in the field of career guidance. The purpose of this activity is to increase the knowledge and skills of SMK PGRI 6 Malang students in making curriculum vitae. The methods used in this service are: training by combining lecture, discussion, and question and answer methods. The results of the implementation of activities through curriculum vitae making training activities was successful, PGRI 6 Malang Vocational High School students had the knowledge and skills of students in compiling an appropriate and attractive curriculum vitae</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Cantika Adelia Kusuma, Fanny Ika Saraswati, Nuril Rahmadiyah, M. Ramli Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Pembelajaran Animasi Terhadap Keterampilan Menulis Paragraf Deskripsi Pada Siswa Kelas X 2023-08-11T10:48:34+07:00 Berlian Putri Maharani Encil Puspitoningrum Marista Dwi Rahmayantis <p>This research is motivated by the results of observation and research , that the skill of writing descriptive paragraphs in class X is still low. Writing skills, it seems that it needs to get greater attention than other skills, to be more effective requires learning media, one of which is animated learning media. The problems in this study (1) how are the skills of writing descriptive paragraphs without using animated media? (2) how the skill of writing descriptive paragraphs using animation media? (3) is there a significant effect of the use of animated learning media on the skills of writing descriptive paragraphs?. The study uses <em>pretest</em> and <em>postest</em>, the sample of this research is class XA as the experimental class ada class XB as the control class. Hypotesis testing in this study using the t test. The conclusion of this study is that the use of animation learning media has a significant effect on the skills of writing descriptive paragraphs. Reinforced by the results of the t-test data analysis between the <em>posttest </em>control and eksperimental groups, it was obtained thet the t-value was equal to 9.174&gt; t-table 2.059 in the 5%(0,05) significance table. These results prove that there is an effect of the use of animated media on the skills of writing descriptive paragraphs in class X student.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Berlian Putri Maharani, Encil Puspitoningrum, Marista Dwi Rahmayantis. Analisis Implementasi Pembelajaran Siswa Berkebutuhan Khusus Di SDN Mrican 1 Kediri 2023-08-12T06:58:32+07:00 Diah Ainur Rosidah Novi Nitya Santi Abdul Aziz Hunaifi <p>The background of this research is that children with special needs get good treatment and can be accepted by the school community, without excluding or bullying. This can be seen from the provision of learning in the classroom with the implementation of learning by class teachers and special accompanying teachers. The objectives of this study were (1) to find out the criteria for children with special needs (2) to find out the forms of collaboration between educator components (3) to find out how the school setting was developed for learning children with special needs. This study uses a qualitative approach, with research subjects students with special needs at SD Mrican 1 Kediri. The research was conducted using observation instruments, interview instruments, document check instruments. The results of the study Identification of children with special needs can determine the criteria for children with special needs, including the type of slow learner. This form of collaboration between educator components can support the implementation of learning for students with special needs. The results of this study are (1) Through interviews, observations can be found criteria for children with special needs. (2) Through interviews, observations can be found forms of collaboration between educator components. (3) Through interviews, observations can be found about the development of school settings for learning children with special needs.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Diah Ainur Rosidah, Novi Nitya Santi, Abdul Aziz Hunaifi Analisis Kebutuhan Media Pembelajaran Diorama Pada Materi Siklus Hidrologi di Kelas V SDN Blabak 3 2023-08-12T07:16:38+07:00 Delvia Luce Fintarre Mumun Nurmilawati <p>Science learning is a lesson that reviews the universe and everything in it, as well as the events that occur in it. However, when learning science, the teacher does not use the right learning media so that the material is difficult to understand and students' enthusiasm for learning is low. This study aims to analyze the needs of learning media. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection was carried out through interviews and distributing questionnaires to teachers and students. This research was conducted at SDN Blabak 3 Kediri City by conducting interviews with fifth grade teachers and distributing questionnaires to 28 grade V students. Based on the needs questionnaire, students and teachers needed Diorama Hydrological Cycle learning media, and learning media was approved for development.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Delvia Luce Fintarre, Mumun Nurmilawati Pengembangan Media Miniatur Rantai Makanan di Lingkungan Sekitar untuk Siswa Kelas V Sekolah Dasar 2023-08-11T14:42:04+07:00 Silvia Yudha Carina Yudha Carina Wahid Ibnu Zaman Muhamad Basori <p>This research was motivated by the results of observations at SDN Mrican 1 which showed that there was no development of learning media in the Natural Sciences subject on Food Chains. This is because the teacher only explains the material does not use learning media. Miniature media is believed to be able to have a positive influence on the learning process. The aims of this research are (1) to find out the development of miniature learning media for food chain materials for class V students at School which are valid. (2) To find out the practical development of food chain material miniature learning media for fifth grade students of Mrican 1 Elementary School which is practical, and (3) To find out the effective development of food chain material miniature learning media for fifth grade students Elementary School. The development model used in this research is the ADDIE development model, aiming to produce a product in the form of learning media. The subject of this research was carried out in class V students. This research obtained results that met the media validity criteria. 88%, the practicality test results by teachers and students show 97%. And the effectiveness test by students shows 86.9%, it can be concluded that the developed miniature media is very effectively used in learning.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Silvia Yudha Carina, Wahid Ibnu Zaman, Settings Muhamad Basori Analisis Kebutuhan Media Pembelajaran untuk Siswa Kelas 4 Sekolah Dasar Laboratorium UN PGRI Kediri pada materi Luas&Keliling Bangun Datar 2023-08-12T07:23:33+07:00 Adia Rahmadania Sari Mumun Nurmilawati <p>The elementary school level is the initial stage as an effort to instill basic concepts so that children understand them, so that the child's mind is open to go through the next stages. One of the most important lessons at the elementary school level which is also useful for a child's life is mathematics. Mathematics learning, especially in the material Area &amp; Circumference of Flat Shapes which is considered material that is not understood by students, so that it results in students feeling bored and not achieving learning goals. This study aims to identify the needs of learning media needed by students and teachers in studying the material Area &amp; Circumference. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection methods used are questionnaires and interviews. This research was conducted at SD Laboratory UN PGRI Kediri by distributing questionnaires to 20 grade IV students and conducting interviews with fourth grade teachers. Based on the questionnaire for the needs of students and teachers, the results of the questionnaire showed that as many as 13 out of 20 children did not like math subjects and the results of interviews with teachers that the material was considered difficult and required learning media, namely the material Area &amp; Circumference.</p> 2023-08-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Adia Rahmadania Sari, Mumun Nurmilawati Analisis Kebutuhan Video Pembelajaran Berbasis Animasi Pada Materi Penggolongan Hewan Berdasarkan Jenis Makanannya 2023-08-12T07:34:05+07:00 Andika Putra Pratama Dhian Dwi Nur Wenda Kharisma Eka Putri <p>This research is motivated by the learning carried out seems not modern and has not been able to help teachers in creating interesting learning, the learning carried out is still monotonous so that it does not attract students' attention in learning. Teachers still rely on the media of images sourced from the internet and then printed. Learning activities carried out in class begin with the teacher telling students to open the student book and then only told to read, then the teacher begins to explain according to the material in the book, when learning takes place many students do not listen to what is instructed Students tend to lack focus when learning takes place and ignore the teacher in class, This really illustrates if students are less active during classroom learning. Based on the results of the interview, it is known that students find it difficult to understand the material because of limited learning media. With the use of digital animation-based learning videos , it can motivate students in the maximum learning process.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Andika Putra Pratama, Dhian Dwi Nur Wenda, Kharisma Eka Putri Analisis Kebutuhan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Android Pada Materi Ekosistem di SDN 1 Ngadimulyo 2023-08-12T07:40:57+07:00 Asti Maharani Kharisma Eka Putri Bagus Amirul Mukmin <p>Access to learning media is an important part of learning activities. The purpose of this study was to describe the results of a questionnaire on the needs of Android-based learning media for students. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method. Respondents numbered 26 students of class V SD Negeri 1 Ngadimulyo. This research instrument uses a needs analysis questionnaire presented on the Google Form platform. Collecting data by distributing questionnaires to the needs of students in class V SD Negeri 1 Ngadimulyo. The data analysis technique is by outlining the results of the Android-based learning media needs questionnaire, which is analyzed in detail. The results of this study were 1) teachers did not use varied learning media and learning media that utilized technology were not yet optimal, 2) 70.4% of students also said that they had difficulty learning science subjects on ecosystem material, 3) 46% of students the score has not yet reached KKM, 4) 92,9% of students need learning media based on android which can support the learning process on ecosystem material. The results of the analysis are expected to be used as a basis for developing learning media according to student needs.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Asti Maharani, Kharisma Eka Putri, Bagus Amirul Mukmin Analisis Kebutuhan Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Interaktif Berbasis Macromedia Flash 8 Materi IPA SD 2023-08-12T07:47:58+07:00 Dheanida Amelia Ayu P Alfi Laila Ilmawati Fahmi Imron <p>The use of instructional media is indispensable in supporting learning activities in class. In choosing learning media must be considered to suit the needs of students. This study aims to analyze students' needs for learning media. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection methods used are interviews and questionnaires. This research was conducted by conducting interviews with class teachers and also distributing questionnaires aimed at grade VI students. The results of this study indicate that 1) students still have difficulty understanding solar system material, 2) students feel bored because the learning media used by teachers is not attractive, 3) students want new learning media that can be used to support learning in class, 4) students want interactive multimedia learning media based on macromedia flash. The conclusion from this study is that learning media is needed in the form of interactive multimedia based on Macromedia Flash 8 for class VI students in elementary schools.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Dheanida Amelia Ayu P, Alfi Laila, Ilmawati Fahmi Imron Pengembangan LKPD Biologi Fase E Kurikulum Merdeka Terintegrasi Higher Order Thinking Skills 2023-08-12T03:50:41+07:00 Maylida Yanasin Wachidatul Linda Yuhanna Ani Sulistyarsi <p>LKPD is a teaching material product that is often used by teachers. The development of worksheets that integrate HOTS questions is needed to improve students' critical thinking. This study aims to determine the validity and feasibility of using HOTS-integrated worksheets on biology material for class X at SMAN 6 Madiun. This study uses the 4D model research and development method. The results of this study are LKPD products with 3 learning materials. The HOTS-integrated LKPD was declared valid by the material expert validator having an average score of 77.5 with valid criteria and suitable for use without improvement. The HOTS-integrated LKPD was also declared valid by the media expert validator having an average value of 87.5 in the category of valid and suitable for use without improvement. This means that this product is feasible to be used as a learning medium. The percentage of due diligence results shows 91% in the high category (very feasible), and 9% in the medium category (decent). LKPD independent curriculum biology valid and appropriate to be used as teaching materials in class X SMAN 6 Madiun.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Maylida Yanasin, Wachidatul Linda Yuhanna, Ani Sulistyarsi Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Interaktif Berbasis Android Menggunakan Aplikasi Articulate Storyline 3 Pada Materi SPTLDV 2023-08-12T04:01:28+07:00 Adelia Kusuma Wardani Bambang Agus Sulistyono Samijo <p>Observations that students feel less understanding of the material in learning mathematics because the material is only given in the form of photos or documents without any further explanation by the educator. The purpose of this study was to produce an android-based interactive learning media product using the Articulate Storyline 3 application on the SPtLDV and to determine the response of students regarding android-based math learning media using the Articulate Storyline 3 application on the SPtLDV. This research using Research and Development (R&amp;D) method. The results of this research according to the results of validation conducted by researchers obtained, for media expert get a percentage of 89.50%, material experts get a percentage of 88.67% and expert practitioners get a percentage of 90%. As well as the average results of the response questionnaire of class X students get a percentage of 92%. It can be concluded that SIPLUV interactive learning media is very feasible to use in learning at school.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Adelia Kusuma Wardani, Bambang Agus Sulistyono, Samijo Pengembangan Media Papan Pembelajaran Roda Bangun Datar Pada Siswa Kelas I SDN Lirboyo 2 Kota Kediri 2023-08-12T04:27:47+07:00 Ayu Oki Wulandar Frans Aditia Wiguna Farida Nurlaila Zunaida <p>This research is motivated by the results in the form of observations in one of the elementary schools where it is known that there is a lack of use of learning media so that understanding of mathematical material recognizes flat shapes and geometric shapes is poorly understood. The purpose of this study was to determine the validity, effectiveness and practicality of flat wheel board media. This research model uses the ADDIE model. Data collection instruments in the form of questionnaires and tests. The data analysis technique used was quantitative and qualitative with the research subject being class I students at SDN Lirboyo 2 with 27 students. The results of the research on the development of flat wheel learning media are: 1) flat wheel learning media is stated to be very valid and very well used with a percentage of media validation of 88% and 91.2% material validation; 2) flat wheel learning media is declared effective with a classical learning mastery percentage of 81; 3) flat-wheeled learning media is stated to be practical with a mastery percentage of teacher responses of 91% and student responses of 92%. From these results it can be concluded that the flat wheel learning media on flat shape material can be used for learning in grade 1 elementary school.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Ayu Oki Wulandari, Frans Aditia Wiguna, Farida Nurlaila Zunaida Pengembangan Learning Management System (LMS) Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Interaktif Pada Siswa Kelas X SMA 2023-08-12T04:50:55+07:00 Cintya Mentari Putri cintyamentari116@gmail.coml Samijo Bambang Agus Sulistyono <p>With the development of technology, teachers have challenges in optimizing learning, from manual learning to digital. Learning can be done without a face-to-face meeting between students and teachers, but there are mediators who can connect students with their sources of learning. Therefore, the purpose of this research is 1) Developing Learning Management System (LMS) as an interactive learning media. 2) Knowing the appropriateness of Learning Management System (LMS) as an interactive learning media. The type of research used in this research is Research and Development (R&amp;D) with the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation). The results of the validation they are: material expert 1 by 80%, material expert 2 by 86%, media expert 83%, practitioner expert 1 by 82%, and practitioner expert 2 by 96%. Besides, the average result of filling out the student response questionnaire obtained a percentage of 89%. Therefore, it can be said that the Learning Management System (LMS) as an interactive learning media is appropriate and interesting to be used in learning at school.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Cintya Mentari Putri, Samijo, Bambang Agus Sulistyono Analisis Kebutuhan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Powerpoint Interaktif (Popin) Materi Kewajiban dan Hak Anak di Rumah untuk Siswa Kelas III Sekolah Dasar 2023-08-12T12:29:53+07:00 Dinda Ayu Anitasari Kharisma Eka Putri Bagus Amirul Mukmin <p>The availability of learning media and learning resources is an important component in an education. The purpose of this study was to describe the results of a questionnaire on learning media needs by students. This study uses a qualitative description method. Respondents were 13 class III students at Elementary School. The research instrument uses a needs analysis questionnaire presented in the questionnaire. Data collection by distributing needs analysis questionnaires, data analysis techniques by narativ describing the results of the PowerPoint media needs questionnaire results, which were analyzed in detail. The results of this study are 1) learning only uses student books/teacher books, 2) students are not optimal in understanding the material on the obligations and rights of children at home, 3) students need powerpoint-based learning media, 4) powerpoint learning media that presents material accompanied by animation interesting and use easy-to-understand language. It is hoped that the results of the analytical research can be used as a basis for developing interactive powerpoint media according to the needs of students.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Dinda Ayu Anitasari, Kharisma Eka Putri, Bagus Amirul Mukmin Analisis Kebutuhan LKPD Pada Materi Nilai-Nilai Pancasila untuk Kelas V SDN TIRON 4 2023-08-12T12:36:19+07:00 Evihan Ridho Irma Sholikhatin Ilmawati Fahmi Imron Erwin Putera Permana <p>During teaching and learning activities in class V SDN Tiron 4 experienced several obstacles, one of which was the LKPD used. This is due to the lack of educational staff at the school, as a result many teachers have concurrent assignments at the school and the delivery of learning materials is less effective. This study aims to analyze the learning needs of students who are used to support learning on the material values of Pancasila. Data collection methods used are observation and interviews. This research was conducted at Tiron 4 Public Elementary School, Kedir Regency. Based on research conducted on educators, it was found that students were less interested in Civics subjects, especially material on Pancasila values, the LKPD used in learning was also inadequate. While the results of research conducted on students obtained information that students were le ss interested in the LKPD used, they tended to feel bored because educators used the lecture method. Based on the results of this analysis it is known that educators and students need worksheets that can help support the understanding and level of activeness of students in learning, especially in the material of Pancasila values</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Evihan Ridho Irma Sholikhatin, Ilmawati Fahmi Imron, Erwin Putera Permana Analisis Kebutuhan Media Pembelajaran Komik Bergambar Pada Mata Pelajaran PPKn Kelas 3 SDN Petungroto 2023-08-12T12:43:33+07:00 Indriati Rahayu Mumun Nurmilawati <p>Citizenship education This is a subject taught in schools in Indonesia with the aim of developing students' understanding and awareness of the values ​​of Pancasila as the foundation of the Indonesian state. In the world of Indonesian education, PPKn content still faces several problems, especially in Pancasila precepts, there are students who score below the Minimum Completeness Criteria in learning PPKn content, and the motivation of students in learning PPKn content is still lacking, this has an impact on students' low competence and not achieving learning goals. This study aims to analyze the needs of learning media needed by students and teachers in studying the material of the Pancasila precepts. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection methods used are questionnaires and interviews. This research was conducted at SDN Petungroto by distributing questionnaires to 25 grade 3 students and conducting interviews with grade 3 teachers. Based on the questionnaire on the needs of students and teachers for learning media on the material of the Pancasila precepts, it was found that teachers and students needed learning media and agreed if learning media was made</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Indriati Rahayu, Mumun Nurmilawati Analisis Kebutuhan Media Pembelajaran Pop Up Book Untuk Siswa Kelas V Sekolah Dasar Pada Materi Daur Air 2023-08-12T12:48:33+07:00 Masruroh Yuli Agrivinna Farida Nurlaila Zunaida Mumun Nurmilawati <p>Learning media is a tool used to stimulate students in the process of teaching and learning activities. Stimulating in the sense of being able to increase student learning enthusiasm and improve student learning outcomes. In teaching and learning activities students and teachers experience several difficulties and obstacles, namely the teacher has difficulty understanding each student's characteristics and has difficulty understanding each student's learning ability. Obstacles and difficulties experienced by students, namely, the teacher only used the lecture method and was fixated on the LKS book so that students felt bored and found it difficult to understand the material presented, namely about the water cycle. This research was conducted to determine the analysis of media needs on water cycle materials. In this study the methods used for data collection were questionnaires, pre-tests and interviews. The location of this research was conducted at SDN Wuluh 2, Jombang Regency with a total of 41 students. This research was carried out in two stages, namely, the first was interview, observation, questionnaire distribution and document study. The second stage was pre-testing for students. The results of the interviews obtained were that the teacher only used the lecture method and was only fixated on the LKS book, while the teacher also found it difficult to understand all the characteristics and learning abilities of students. Based on the results of the questionnaire for the needs of students and teachers, it requires learning media pop up books on water cycle material. Teachers and students agree that in the teaching and learning process assisted by learning media.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Masruroh Yuli Agrivinna, Farida Nurlaila Zunaidah, Mumun Nurmilawati Analisis Kebutuhan Media Ajar pada Materi Keberagaman Budaya Jawa Timur Kelas IV SDN Tiron 4 2023-08-12T12:55:35+07:00 Milenia Almira Yusuf Karimatus Saidah Dhian Dwi Nur Wenda <p>One of the supports for the smooth running of teaching and learning activities (KBM) is the use of teaching media. Learning without the use of teaching media can cause several problem factors such as making students easily bored and less motivated in following learning. Teachers only use whiteboard media to deliver material, so the variety of learning media owned is less. Limited availability of existing facilities in schools to support the smooth teaching and learning process. The situation of the majority of students is passive if only given material without being accompanied by media that supports their interest in learning. With these conditions, it can certainly affect student learning outcomes. The purpose of this study is to analyze the needs of teaching media that can be used in learning on East Java cultural diversity material. Based on observations made at SDN Tiron 4 Kediri Regency, it was found that out of 33 students in grade IV of SDN Tiron 4, only 35% of students scored according to and above the minimum completeness criteria (KKM) on cultural diversity material, especially East Java cultural diversity.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Milenia Almira Yusuf, Karimatus Saidah, Dhian Dwi Nur Wenda Analisis Kebutuhan Media Pembelajaran Untuk Siswa Sekolah Dasar Pada Materi Ketampakan Alam 2023-08-12T13:01:20+07:00 Najibatuz Zahro Hasya Taqiyyan Mumun Nurmilawati Farida Nurlaila Zunaida <p>The learning situation that took place after the Covid-19 pandemic showed several problems and obstacles, namely students were lazy when asked to work on questions, read material or reading materials, and write notes. This study aims to analyze the needs of media that can help teachers and students. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The instruments used were questionnaires and interview guidelines. This research was conducted at SDIT Ulul Albab Ngetos by distributing questionnaires to grade 6 students and conducting interviews with grade 5 teachers. Based on the results of the distribution of needs analysis questionnaires given to students, the result was that 55% of students answered the most helpful in the learning process material appearance nature is the teaching media used by the teacher and 66% of students answered that the natural appearance material being taught is easier to understand if the teacher uses learning media. Meanwhile, from the results of interviews with teachers it is known that teachers do not always use teaching media that can help the learning process. So that the difficulties experienced during learning natural appearance material at this time are due to the lack of student interest in learning and the use of teaching media used by teachers is very lacking.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Najibatuz Zahro Hasya Taqiyyan, Mumun Nurmilawati, Farida Nurlaila Zunaidah Peluang Media Board Game Ludo Prajurit Denjaka Untuk Meningkatkan Disiplin Siswa 2023-08-12T10:36:26+07:00 Siti Fatimatus Zahro Ikke Yuliani Dhian P <p><em>Education plays an important role in educating the nation in developing the potential skills possessed by students, one of which is disciplinary behavior. Disciplinary behavior is behavior carried out by students by obeying rules and avoiding violations. But in reality there are still many students who often break the rules and think that breaking the rules is a natural thing. Therefore, it is necessary to encourage students to form a spirit of discipline in managing future behavior by using the Ludo Soldier Denjaka Board Game media. The Denjaka Soldier Ludo Board Game is a strategy board game in which there are the main tasks and values of the Denjaka warrior character which will later lead to material about student discipline behavior.</em></p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Siti Fatimatus Zahro, Ikke Yuliani Dhian P Urgensi Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter Di Lembaga Pendidikan Bagi Generasi Digital Native 2023-08-12T11:01:01+07:00 Rizal Malik Pratama Nuraeni Susilawati <p><em>The aims of this paper is to contextually describe the urgency of strengthening educational character carried out by educational institutions for the digital native generation. This study applies contextual research methods with a literature study approach. Digital transformation is very accelerating affecting every area of ​​social life in society. Elements that are vulnerable to being affected by this transformation are the digital native generation. This generation is very adaptive to various developments in digital technology so it tends to be easy to take impulsive actions. This action has the potential to trigger deviant behavior as a concrete manifestation of the crisis character. Various social problems are often carried out by the digital native generation because they misuse technological sophistication for the sake of emotional turmoil, including cases of online fraud, bullying and the spread of hoaxes and even sexual affairs on social media. The role of formal educational institutions is essential in eradicating the character crisis of the digital native generation by implementing character strengthening education at all stages of education. However, the existence of educational institutions is needed as a driving force that instills character education values ​​in this era of technological disruption to build quality human resources so that they can build a generation of smart, critical, and responsible digital natives.</em></p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rizal Malik Pratama, Nuraeni Susilawati Pengembangan Media Ceriantara Dalam Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berbicara Siswa Kelas 4 SDN Ngadi Mojo 2023-08-12T11:26:19+07:00 Destiluky Abdul Aziz Hunaifi Novi Nitya Santi <p>This study aims to develop storybook-based learning media. From the results of observations that the teacher when conducting learning still uses the lecture method and is only focused on thematic books. Teachers do not use the right media in conveying material in Indonesian lessons. So that students are less interested and motivated in learning. The purpose of this study was to determine the validity, practicality and effectiveness of Ceriantara's media in improving students' speaking skills in Indonesian class 4 at SDN Ngadi. This research is a Research and Development development study using the ADDIE model which consists of 5 steps, namely (1) Analysis (2) Design (3) Development (4) Implementation (5) Evaluation. The subjects of this study were fourth grade students at SDN Ngadi Mojo, Kediri. By using limited trial techniques and extensive trials. The conclusions of the results of this study are (1) the Folklore book media developed was declared valid by obtaining a percentage of 84% by media experts while material experts obtained results of 96.8%. (2) Folklore book media was stated to be practical because it obtained 96% results obtained from class teacher questionnaires (3) Folklore book media was declared effective because it obtained 82% results on a limited scale test and 90% on a large scale.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Destiluky, Abdul Aziz Hunaifi, Novi Nitya Santi Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Video Animasi “Kayanya Kediriku” Melalui Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe STAD Dalam Materi Pemanfaatan Kekayaan Di Alam Indonesia Kelas IV Di SDN Punjul 1 2023-08-12T11:46:11+07:00 Febianti Susila Pratiwi Kukuh Andri Aka Wahyudi <p>The problem of this research is How is the validity, practicality, and effectiveness of video animation with the title "Kayanya Kediriku" for material on the utilization of natural resources in Indonesia in grade IV students?, while the purpose of this thesis is to describe the validity, practicality, effectiveness of video animation with the title "Kayanya Kediriku" for material on the utilization of natural resources in Indonesia in grade IV students. This study used a modified Research and Development (R&amp;D) research method modified from the Borg &amp; Gall development model, with the research subjects of fourth grade students of SD Negeri Punjul 1. The data collection techniques used were observation, and need assessment questionnaires which were analyzed using descriptive qualitative. The results of observations in the field concluded that 1) the learning media used in the material on the utilization of natural resources in Indonesia are only LKS books. 2) there are obstacles for educators in delivering material because the material is too much and there is a lack of learning media development that can help optimally, so that it affects the results of students' completeness. 3) The learning media that needs to be developed in the material on the utilization of natural resources in Indonesia is an animated video based on local wisdom with the STAD type cooperative learning method.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Febianti Susila Pratiwi, Kukuh Andri Aka, Wahyudi Pengembangan Media Ular Tangga Pada Pembelajaran PPKn Materi Pancasila Untuk Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar 2023-08-12T12:04:11+07:00 Fitrinia Nurcahyani Muhamad Basori Sutrisno Sahari <p>This research is motivated by the lack of use of media by teachers in class learning, especially Pancasila material, teachers often use the lecture method, and the lack of media used so that students feel bored and bored with learning. This study aims to determine the validity, practicality, and effectiveness of snakes and ladders media product development in Civics learning Pancasila material. The research method used is Research and Development (R&amp;D). The development model used is the ADDIE model. The research instruments used were observation, tests and questionnaires. The results of the study can be concluded that the snakes and ladders learning media obtained 96% results from material experts and 89% from media experts, so it is categorized as very valid. In the practicality of snakes and ladders media, the results of the teacher’s response to snakes and ladders media obtained 95% results and the results of student responses obtained 97%, so it was categorized as very practical. In its effectiveness, snakes and ladders media get a percentage of 94% and is categorized as very effective. So it can be concluded that the use of snakes and ladders learning media is very feasible and effective in learning.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Fitrinia Nurcahyani, Muhamad Basori, Sutrisno Sahari Pengembangan Media BK BOX Card Games Werewolf Untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa SMA 2023-08-12T12:17:36+07:00 Izma Nur Azizah Yuanita Dwi Krisphianti <p>Learning motivation is the driving force as a whole that comes from within the student which creates a learning activity, and is a guarantor for students in the classroom of learning activities and provides direction for learning activities, so that the desired learning goals will be achieved. Based on the results of observations related to low learning motivation carried out by the author during the introduction to the school field, students showed behavior that did not pay attention to the teacher when explaining the material, sleeping in class, skipping subjects, stealing to be able to play mobile phones, and enthusiasm for learning decreased drastically. so that boredom occurs because the learning system is monotonous, resulting in decreased learning outcomes. So it is necessary to make innovative werewolf box card games learning media that can be used to increase students' low learning motivation. So the author also has a goal, namely to produce BK box card games werewolf media products to increase low learning motivation that meets the criteria of acceptance.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Izma Nur Azizah, Yuanita Dwi Krisphianti Analisis Kebutuhan Siswa Terhadap Media Pembelajaran Kotak Ajaib Materi Perkalian dan Pembagian Kelas 2 Sekolah Dasar 2023-08-12T13:07:37+07:00 Yulia Eka Perdana Novi Nitya Santi Abdul Aziz Hunaifi <p>In the learning activities, teachers and students experience problems, namely the teacher has not used concrete learning media, the teacher only uses the teacher's handbook. Concepts in learning mathematics are less varied resulting in students not understanding the multiplication and division material that has been delivered and feeling bored. Students have difficulty and are not proficient at calculating multiplication and division. The purpose of this study was to find out the results of the analysis of students' needs for magic box learning media on multiplication and division material. Methods of data collection through interviews and questionnaires using a qualitative approach. The results of this data are then described in a qualitative descriptive form. The results of the interviews showed that the teacher had not used the media, the students' numeracy skills were lacking in multiplication &amp; division. The results of the needs analysis are as follows that magic box learning media is needed in the learning process so that students are interested and build motivation to learn multiplication &amp; division. Students are happy when learning while playing by using concrete learning media, with this magic box learning media it is hoped that it will be able to improve the multiplication and division learning outcomes of grade 2 elementary school students. These results are used as the basis for designing the magic box media</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Yulia Eka Perdana, Novi Nitya Santi, Abdul Aziz Hunaifi Analisis Kebutuhan Bahan Ajar Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca Siswa Kelas I SDN Banjarejo 2 2023-08-12T13:21:55+07:00 Yulinda Rohmatika H Farida Nurlaila Zunaida Mumun Nurmilawati <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p>In the process of teaching and learning the teacher is a determinant of the success of student learning when at school. The success of a teacher can be seen if he can achieve success in the learning process. Success in an education can be determined from the factors of teachers and students. The ability to read is highly oriented in the early grades when children enter school. In children should be taught about basic reading skills, namely the ability in literacy. During the learning process, it can be seen in class 1 at SDN Banjarejo 2 that their ability to capture and understand the subject matter is very visible. Teachers still teach students who are not yet fluent in reading by using letter cards and teaching materials in the form of reading texts. This occurs as a result of grade 1 students still having difficulties when reading and the reason is that they have difficulty receiving lessons. So far, class teachers only use letter cards and teaching materials in the form of reading texts and books. Based on the results of the analysis of the needs of students and teachers towards improving students' reading skills, it was found that teachers and students needed teaching materials.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Yulinda Rohmatika H, Farida Nurlaila Zunaidah, Mumun Nurmilawati Analisis Kemandirian Siswa Down Syndrome (Study Kasus Di Knowledge Link Intercultural School Sentul Kabupaten Bogor) 2023-08-12T13:26:09+07:00 Fadhilla Nova Setyari <p>This study aims to determine the analysis of the independence of down syndrome students. Data collection techniques through observation and interviews by giving open questions to class teachers, counselors, and parents to find out the extent of their independence. The focus of this research is focused on the problem of independence in students with special needs in children with down syndrome. The subjects of this study were two children aged 11-13 years who were in an inclusive school in Bogor district. Data analysis techniques through data triangulation. The results showed that there were positive results with the independence of children with down syndrome which were quite good. The encouragement of habituation of independent activities at school and at home can achieve optimal independence for children with down syndrome.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Fadhilla Nova Setyari Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Matematika Powerpoint Interaktif Berbasis Masalah Kontekstual Pada Barisan Aritmetika 2023-08-12T12:40:15+07:00 Maria Puspita Dewi Bambang Agus Sulistyono Samijo <p>The background of this research is that students feel bored with learning mathematics and students do not yet know the benefits of learning mathematics itself. This is one of the problems that exist in the world of education. This research aims to develop valid and interesting interactive learning media for students. In the development of this media, it contains material for arithmetic sequences related to contextual problems. The type of research used in this research is Research and Development (R&amp;D) with the ADDIE development model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). The stage of testing the validity of the media was tested in 6 validators. The results of the validation got a percentage of 88%, 86%, 88%, 83%, 96%, and 95.5% with very valid categories. The next stage was implemented for students, this stage was tested on 30 high school class X students. Students are required to fill out a student response questionnaire to the media, obtaining an average percentage of 92% in a very interesting category. So that contextual problem-based interactive PowerPoint learning media is very valid and can attract the attention of students in learning mathematics.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Maria Puspita Dewi, Bambang Agus Sulistyono, Samijo Pengembangan Media Wayang Kertas Pada Kemampuan Menyimak Cerita Materi Bahasa Indonesia Siswa Kelas 4 SD 2023-08-12T13:13:13+07:00 Mutmainnah Nurizzah Wahyudi Sutrisno Sahari <p>This research is motivated by the results of observations in grade 4 of elementary schools in general that they are required to be more creative in designing and implementing learning in accordance with the learning characteristics of elementary school students to improve learning outcomes while creating an interesting and fun learning process for students. The purpose of this research is to 1) find out whether there are differences in the learning activities of students who use paper puppet media and students who use picture media. 2) To find out whether the learning outcomes of students using paper puppet media are more effective than the learning process using image media. 3) To test the effectiveness of paper wayang media on the activities and learning outcomes of 4th grade elementary school students. This study uses a research method, namely development or Research and Development. The development model used is 4D with stages: define, design, develop, and disseminate. The conclusion of this study is that in paper puppet media the material for listening to stories of grade 4 elementary school students is declared valid by obtaining a percentage of 78%. Declared practical by the teacher's response obtained a percentage of 94%. Sertas is very effective in limited trials to get a percentage of 91%.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Mutmainnah Nurizzah, Wahyudi, Sutrisno Sahari Pengembangan Media Interaktif Berbasis Articulate Storyline 3 Materi Hak dan Kewajiban Pada Siswa Kelas III 2023-08-12T13:42:40+07:00 Rahmawati Indah Novitasari Frans Aditia Wiguna Erwin Putera Permana <p>The research background is the results of interview observations of class III teachers at SDN 1 Pucanganak. Based on the results of observations it is known that in Civics learning, students still do not understand the material rights and obligations due to the lack of use of learning media. The purpose of the research is to describe the validity, practicality and effectiveness of Articulate Storyline 3 media. The type of research used is Research and development (R&amp;D). The development model used in this research is the ADDIE model, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation.The subjects of this study were class III students at SDN 1 Pucanganak. The trials conducted in this study were limited trials of 10 students and wide trials of 20 students. The results obtained from the research are: Media Articulate Storyline 3 gets an average score of 83% from the two expert lecturers and is declared valid; Media Articulate Storyline 3 was stated to be practical and obtained an average score of 89%. This value was obtained from a teacher and student questionnaire; Articulate Storyline 3 media was declared effective, obtained from an average pre-test score of 67, while the post test was 89 from KKM ≥75 and from a total of 20 students. The conclusion from the results of this study is that interactive learning Articulate Storyline 3 on Rights and Obligations material for class III students is valid, practical and effective in learning.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rahmawati Indah Novitasari, Frans Aditia Wiguna, Erwin Putera Permana Alih Kode dan Campur Kode dalam Novel The Architecture of Love Karya Ika Natassa 2023-08-12T16:08:51+07:00 Fajar Eko Ugiyanto Sempu Dwi Sasongko Sujarwoko <p>Code-switching and code-mixing in novels is a creative process by the author to present a communicative and realistic impression to the readers. The purpose of this research is to identify and describe; (1) the form of code switching and code mixing; (2) factors causes; and (3) code switching and code mixing functions. This research is a qualitative research using a sociolinguistic approach to examine the use of language in the communication of characters. Collecting data using content analysis method. Analysis of the data using a qualitative descriptive technique. The results of this study indicated that; (1) found external code switching of the Indonesian-English; (2) found internal code switching of Betawi-Indonesian and formal-informal varieties; (3) found forms of outer code mixing Indonesian-English and Indonesian-Arabic; (4) found inner code mixing Indonesian-Betawi, Indonesian-Javanese, and Indonesian-Batak; (5) found hybrid code mixing between Indonesian-English-Javanese. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that external code switching and outer code mixing Indonesian-English were dominantly used in the conversations of the characters.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Fajar Eko Ugiyanto, Sempu Dwi Sasongko, Sujarwoko Analisis Kebutuhan Media Pembelajaran Pada Materi Makhluk Hidup dan Lingkungannya di Kelas IV SDN Satak 2 2023-08-12T16:31:04+07:00 Gita Pramesti Addiana Wahyu Lintang Farida Nurlaila Zunaidah <p>This study aims to determine students' needs for flipbook-based interactive learning media on living things and their environment in class IV SDN Satak 2. The subjects of this study were class teachers and students. This study uses a qualitative method. The data collection technique used was observation, which conducted interviews with teachers and gave pretest questions to students. The researcher collected data about students' understanding of living things before using flipbooks. This was reinforced by the results of the pretest with an average score of 40. The results showed that fourth grade students need media to support learning. The results of the needs analysis show that students do not understand the material explained by the teacher properly, because the teacher only uses printed books such as K13 theme books without using media as a learning support. In addition, student responses to the use of flipbooks were very positive, with high levels of engagement and strong interest in the learning material. Active interaction between students and flipbooks encourages deeper understanding and better involvement in the learning process. However, this study also identified challenges faced in using flipbooks, especially related to teachers' lack of understanding in integrating technology in learning. Therefore, the recommendations given are support and training for teachers in the use of technology, as well as improvements to the infrastructure and resources needed to facilitate the use of flipbooks in learning.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Gita Pramesti Addiana Wahyu Lintang, Farida Nurlaila Zunaidah Analisis Kebutuhan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Video Animasi Materi Gaya Dan Gerak Kelas IV SDN 4 Bajulan 2023-08-12T16:44:28+07:00 Witiya Puji Lestari Kharisma Eka Putri Bagus Amirul Mukmin <p>The availability of learning media and learning resources is an important component in a learning activity. The purpose of this study was to describe the results of the questionnaire for learning media needs by students. This study used descriptive qualitative method. Respondents were 18 students from SDN 4 Bajulan Nganjuk. This instrument uses a price needs analysis which is presented on the needs analysis sheet. Data analysis techniques by describing the data from the questionnaire results of learning media needs, which are analyzed in detail. The results of this study are 1) Students need a learning media in the form of animated videos to support the learning process, 2) Animated video learning media presents topics that are appropriate to the style and motion material, 3) Animated videos are presented with interesting animations and use easy language understood by students, 4) animated videos are said to be flexible and can be watched anywhere and can be played repeatedly. The results of the analysis are expected to be used as a basis for developing instructional media according to the needs of fourth grade students at SDN 4 Bajulan.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Witiya Puji Lestar, Kharisma Eka Putri, Bagus Amirul Mukmin Analisis Kebutuhan Bahan Ajar Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Kelas VI SD 2023-08-12T16:57:42+07:00 Dhana Fitri Cahyani Kharisma Eka Putri Abdul Aziz Hunaifi <p>The purpose of this research is to analyze the needs of teaching materials that need to be developed for students in Indonesian subject material to estimate the information that can be obtained from non-fiction texts before reading (only based on reading the titles), and convey the information obtained based on reading non-fiction text titles. orally, in writing and visually, this is in order to increase reading interest and understanding by class VI students at SDN TIRON 3 during the learning process. The research method in this study used a qualitative method, which was carried out in March-May 2023, data collection techniques by observation , interviews, and document studies. And data collection instruments in the form of interview sheets and questionnaires. Based on research data that the obstacles faced in learning Indonesian are the absence of teaching materials that can be used as a guide in the learning process, the teaching materials that need to be developed are picture story books based on local wisdom. Because students are interested when the learning processusing picture story book teaching materials, using picture story book teaching materials can increase the level of students' understanding and interest in reading.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Dhana Fitri Cahyani, Kharisma Eka Putri, Abdul Aziz Hunaifi Analisis Kebutuhan Media Pembelajaran Booklet untuk Siswa SD Kelas 4 Pada Materi Bangun Datar 2023-08-12T17:06:25+07:00 Faizatul Istikhomah Mumun Nurmilawati <p>During mathematics learning, the teacher still rarely applies learning media. Learning resources used are limited and not varied. Students become bored when the learning process takes place which results in decreased interest in learning so that students cannot understand the material in depth and experience difficulties. This study aims to analyze the needs of the media used to support learning in flat shape materials. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection methods used are questionnaires, interviews and document studies. This research was conducted at Mojoroto 4 Public Elementary School, Kediri City by distributing questionnaires to 23 grade 4 students and conducting interviews with grade 4 teachers. Based on the questionnaire on the needs of students and teachers for learning media for flat shapes, it was found that teachers and students needed learning media and agreed if flat learning media were made</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Faizatul Istikhomah, Mumun Nurmilawati Analisis Kebutuhan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Teknologi Materi Bagian Tumbuhan Dan Fungsinya Kelas IV SD 2023-08-12T17:17:13+07:00 Galuh Indah Purwaningrum Dhian Dwi Nur Wenda Kharisma Eka Putri <p>In the learning process teachers and students experience problems. The problem that occurs is that teachers have not used technology-based learning media so that students feel bored and not interested in learning, especially in science subjects which makes student learning outcomes less than optimal. This study aims to obtain the results of an analysis of students' needs for word wall-based matchup learning media on the material of plant parts and their functions. This analysis is focused on fourth grade students at SD Negeri Balongasem. The approach used in this analysis uses a qualitative descriptive approach. The sample used to obtain the data was the fourth grade response at SD Negeri Balongasem which consisted of 22 students. Data was collected through an interview process by the teacher, filling in the student's needs questionnaire and pretest by the students. The results of this data are then described in a qualitative descriptive form. The results of the student needs questionnaire obtained the result that word wall-based matchup learning media obtained the result that students agreed to use word wall-based matchup learning media on the material of plant parts and their functions. The results of the pretest carried out showed the results of students' scores below the KKM, namely &lt;75.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Galuh Indah Purwaningrum,Dhian Dwi Nur Wenda,Kharisma Eka Putri Analisis Kebutuhan Media Pembelajaran Pada Materi Faktor Penjajahan Siswa Kelas V Sekolah Dasar 2023-08-12T17:28:20+07:00 Mita Patmawati Sutrisno Sahari Abdul Aziz Hunaifi3 <p>The purpose of this study was to find the need for instructional media material for occupational factors that are in accordance with the characteristics of the material and users, both students and teachers. This research was conducted at SDN Bulusari 3 in class V Elementary School students. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research setting with data collection techniques using interviews, observation, and document study. Sources of data were obtained from teacher and student interviews. In addition, learning activities and learning documents were also part of the data source. The results of this study indicate that teachers need media that is able to make students understand the colonial factor material and can make students active in learning activities. Meanwhile, students' needs for learning media are media that can make them interested in learning and not get bored when learning activities are carried out.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Mita Patmawati, Sutrisno Sahari, Abdul Aziz Hunaifi Analisis Kebutuhan Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Melalui Video Animasi Materi Makna dan Karakteristik Wilayah NKRI Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar 2023-08-12T17:32:46+07:00 Mutik Atulhasanah Frans Aditia Wiguna Ilmawati Fahmi Imron <p>This study aims to 1) describe the learning resources used in the material on the meaning and characteristics of the NKRI region in class IV in elementary schools; 2) analyze the constraints faced by teachers and students in the process of learning the meaning and characteristics of the NKRI region; 3) formulate learning resources that need to be developed in learning the meaning and characteristics of the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Data collection techniques used are observation and interviews and needs analysis. The analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative analysis. The results of research in the field concluded that 1) the learning resources used in learning the meaning and characteristics of the NKRI region were not optimal; 2) there are obstacles in the learning process, namely the teacher does not use other learning resources; 3) learning resources that need to be developed are learning media through animated videos.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Mutik Atulhasanah, Frans Aditia Wiguna, Ilmawati Fahmi Imron Analisis Kebutuhan Media Pembelajaran Materi Sistem Peredaran Darah Manusia Siswa Kelas V Sekolah Dasar 2023-08-12T17:46:30+07:00 Novi Awalya Putri Kukuh Andri Aka Abdul Aziz Hunaifi <p>To increase students' understanding in the learning process, an interesting and fun learning media is needed, learning media can be used to support the learning process. The purpose of this study was to find learning media that fit the needs of students, especially in the subject of the human circulatory system. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and document studies. The results of this study indicate that teachers need technology-based learning media, especially in delivering abstract material. By using technology-based learning media students will easily understand the material presented and the teacher also has no difficulty explaining abstract material such as science material, especially material about the human circulatory system.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Novi Awalya Putri, Kukuh Andri Aka, Abdul Aziz Hunaifi Analisis Kebutuhan Media Poster Berbasis Qr Code pada Pembelajaran Matematika Penjumlahan dan Pengurangan Bilangan Bulat untuk Peserta Didik Kelas VI SDN III Jatikalen Kabupaten Nganjuk 2023-08-12T19:49:38+07:00 Rodhiyatul Widyaningrum Kharisma Eka Putri Bagus Amirul Mukmin <p>The ability and enthusiasm of students in participating in learning material is still minimal because the learning media is still lacking and not appropriate. The research objective was to identify and analyze the need for poster media development on addition and subtraction of integers as a QR Code-based learning medium for students at SDN III Jatikalen. This study used a descriptive qualitative method. Respondents were 16 grade VI students at SDN III Jatikalen, Nganjuk Regency. The research instrument uses a needs analysis questionnaire. Data collection distributed a QR Code-based poster media needs analysis questionnaire for class VI of SDN III Jatikalen, Nganjuk Regency. Technical data analysis by describing the results of the QR Code-based poster media needs questionnaire, which is analyzed in detail. The results of the study were 1) 67% of students stated that mathematics was a difficult subject, and 67% that there were still students who had difficulty understanding the material of addition and subtraction of integers. 2) Students state that there is no QR Code-based poster media as an interesting learning medium. 3) Students stated that 95% agreed, and wished to use Qr Code-based poster media as learning media in class. This research can be developed on the development of QR Code-based poster media on the material of addition and subtraction of integers as a learning medium for elementary school students in class VI. This research can be developed on the development of QR Code-based poster media on the material of addition and subtraction of integers as a learning medium for elementary school students in class VI.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rodhiyatul Widyaningrum, Kharisma Eka Putri, Bagus Amirul Mukmin Analisis Kebutuhan Media Pembelajaran Siswa kelas 4 di SD Pada Materi Daur Hidup Hewan 2023-08-12T20:59:35+07:00 Septiana Firdayanti Farida Nurlaila Zunaidah Mumun Nurmilawati <p>In the learning process, teachers and students experience problems, namely the teacher does not understand students' abilities, the teacher does not use learning media, students have difficulty in science subjects. Students feel bored and bored during learning. Science learning, especially in animal life cycle material, is considered by students to be boring and boring material, thus making students passive during learning. This has an impact on the low knowledge of students and the learning objectives are not achieved. This study aims to analyze students' needs for learning media in understanding animal life cycle material. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach. Data was collected through interviews by teachers, student needs questionnaires and pre-tests. This research was conducted at SDN 1 Ketandan by interviewing teachers, distributing questionnaires to 12 students' needs and distributing pre-test questions. based on the results of the interviews and the student needs questionnaire, the result was that students needed learning media, the teacher and students agreed if learning media were made. The results of the pre-test showed students with scores below the KKM, which was less than 75.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Septiana Firdayanti, Farida Nurlaila Zunaidah, Mumun Nurmilawati Analisis Kebutuhan Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Berbasis Budaya Lokal Pada Materi Keragaman Budaya Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar 2023-08-12T21:05:10+07:00 Tyas Puji Salma F Frans Aditia Wiguna Ilmawati Fahmi Imron <p>This study aims to 1) describe the learning resources used in the local cultural diversity material for grade IV in elementary schools; 2) analyze the difficulties faced by educators and students in the learning process of local cultural diversity; 3) formulate learning resources that need to be developed in learning material on local cultural diversity. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, and need assessment questionnaires which were analyzed using descriptive qualitative. The results of research in the field concluded that 1) the learning resources used in learning local cultural diversity were not optimal. 2) there are obstacles to educators in delivering material due to the lack of learning resources, so that it affects students. 3) learning resources that need to be developed for local cultural diversity materials are teaching materials based on local culture.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Tyas Puji Salma F., Frans Aditia Wiguna, Ilmawati Fahmi Imron Analisis Kepraktisan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Macromedia Flash Pada Materi Keragaman Budaya Kelas 4 2023-08-12T21:09:39+07:00 Adinda Dayu Eka Mahardani Mumun Nurmilawati Karimatus Saidah <p>Social Studies is a field of study given in formal education since elementary school in order to support the achievement of Indonesia's national education goals. The purpose of teaching social studies at the elementary school level is for students to be able to develop basic knowledge and skills that are useful to them in everyday life. This study aims to analyze the practicality of macromedia flash-based learning media. Data collection was carried out using a student response questionnaire and a teacher response questionnaire. This research was conducted at SDN Kauman III for the 2022/2023 academic year. The results of this study indicate that the average percentage of teacher responses is 90% and the average student response is 90%. From the results of teacher responses and student responses obtained an average of 90%. So that macromedia flash-based learning media is very practical to use in the learning process of cultural diversity material in the province of East Java.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Adinda Dayu Eka Mahardani, Mumun Nurmilawati, Karimatus Saidah Analisis Nilai-Nilai Penokohan Dewi Sekartaji dalam Cerita Panji 2023-08-13T02:57:44+07:00 Yulla Yulfida Andarisma Heru Budiono Agus Budianto <p>Folklore in general is a work of oral literature that arises from within society and develops from generation to generation. Through a story someone will be able to identify the behavior of a character presented. Characters in a story must have characteristics that can be used as role models by listeners and readers. This is in line with character education which can be explored through the examples of local leaders in a society. One of the well-known female figures in society with a personality worth emulating is Dewi Sekartaji. The purpose of this research is to find out 1) Who is the character of Dewi Sekartaji? 2) What is the character of Dewi Sekartaji in Panji's story? 3) What are the exemplary character values of Dewi Sekartaji? This study used a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach. The conclusion of this study is that the character of Dewi Sekartaji in the Panji story reflects the values of the teachings of goodness, namely morals, tradition, religion, history and heroism.</p> 2023-10-03T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Yulla Yulfida Andarisma, Heru Budiono, Agus Budianto Analisis Peningkatan Efektivitas Transportasi Umum (Transjakarta) 2023-08-13T03:05:19+07:00 Yuyun Aprilia <p>This article discusses the Increased Effectiveness of Public Transportation (Transjakarta). The purpose of this article is to find out in terms of the effectiveness of Transjakarta as one of the public transportation programs. This article is motivated by transportation problems in urban areas caused by the volume of vehicles on urban roads increasing so that Transjakarta is a solution to reduce congestion, but Transjakarta still cannot be said to be effective because there are still many complaints from its users. This research comes from data sources in the form of interviews and official websites that describe the increasing effectiveness of transportation, especially Transjakarta buses. The results of the study suggest that the government should provide facilities that can increase pleasant and comfortable feelings/moods for passengers who are waiting for Transjakarta buses, additional services that support passenger activities while waiting, and additional facilities and infrastructure for feeder stops.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Yuyun Aprilia Profil Literasi Sains Siswa kelas III SDN Tarokan 3 Pada Materi Perubahan Wujud Benda 2023-08-13T03:10:23+07:00 Fikri Arga Saputra Mumun Nurmilawati <p>Scientific literacy is an understanding and knowledge of a scientific concept. Scientific literacy itself consists of three indicators, namely identifying scientific evidence, explaining scientific phenomena, and using scientific evidence in everyday life. One of the subjects taught in schools related to scientific literacy and environmental life issues is Natural Sciences where in this subject the aim is for students to know about natural events, natural characteristics and everything that has happened to nature that they have so far stay. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The instrument used is a questionnaire (questionnaire). The research subjects were students of SDN Tarokan 3, Kediri Regency. The results of this study indicate that the indicator of identifying scientific evidence obtained a percentage of 85%, for indicators explaining scientific evidence a percentage of 77% was obtained, for indicators of using scientific evidence in everyday life, it was obtained 77%.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Fikri Arga Saputra, Mumun Nurmilawati Aspek Gramatikal dan Leksikal Wacana Tulis di Kendaraan Truk 2023-08-13T03:18:23+07:00 Agung Gumelar Sempu Dwi Sasongko Nur Lailiyah <p>Trucks have a variety of interesting ideas in the form of short written discourses that make them interesting points to be researched, one of which is from the angle of discourse analysis (discourse). The purpose of this research is to describe the cohesion and coherence aspects of truck discourse. The data of this research is qualitative data in the form of written discourse on trucks obtained directly or indirectly. The data obtained directly was done by photographing the part of the truck that contained written discourse, while indirectly obtained by capturing the upload screen on the Instagram accounts @kata.supir and The data was collected using the free listening technique followed by the note-taking technique. Furthermore, the data were analyzed descriptively qualitatively with the interactive model of Miles et al. (2014). The approach used in this research is a formal approach or discourse microstructure. The result of this research is the discovery of grammatical and lexical aspects of truck discourse. The grammatical aspects found consist of referencing (persona and demonstrative), substitution, ellipsis, and conjunction. While in terms of lexical aspects, repetition, synonyms, antonyms, collocation, and equivalence were found.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Agung Gumelar, Sempu Dwi Sasongko, Nur Lailiyah Bahaya Perilaku Membolos dan Kurangnya Sopan Santun Pada Prestasi Belajar Siswa 2023-08-13T03:22:15+07:00 Putri Dwijayanti Ikke Yuliani Dhian Puspitarini <p>In teaching and learning activities it is possible that there are many obstacles in its implementation, which can affect student achievement. Such as truancy behavior and lack of manners. Ditching behavior is the behavior of students who leave class during class hours. This truant behavior is carried out because students feel bored in class, sometimes there are also students who don't come to school at all. The negative impact of truant behavior is that students will fall behind in class. Lack of courtesy is also one of the obstacles, courtesy is mutual respect for one another. It is important for students to always instill good manners within them. From the above problems can affect student achievement. Student learning achievement is the result or achievement of student learning. Many negative impacts arise from truant behavior and lack of student manners. The most impactful thing from truant behavior and lack of student manners is student achievement which will continue to decline.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Putri Dwijayanti, Ikke Yuliani Dhian Puspitarini Bentuk Dan Fungsi Tuturan Ekspresif Dalam Video Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Pada Akun Youtube Galeri Bahasa (Kajian Pragmatik) 2023-08-13T03:29:04+07:00 Verlian Dinanta Moch. Muarifin Endang Waryanti <p>The Covid-19 outbreak has prompted changes in various areas of society, including education and the study of the Indonesian language. The development of learning media offered through the YouTube application has been affected by online learning policies. One of the Indonesian language learning video channels on YouTube is Galeri Bahasa. The learning video is presented in an interesting and communicative expressive act through a monologue. This study aims to describe the form and function of expressive speech acts in the Language Gallery YouTube video in the Indonesian language learning category. The approach in this study is pragmatic because the object studied is speech acts. This research is included in the qualitative descriptive type. Expressive speech act data was obtained from Indonesian language learning videos on the Language Gallery account using the technique of listening to conversation without conversational involvement (SBLC) with the technique of taking notes as a partner. The data analysis technique used is qualitative descriptive with the interactive model of Miles et al. (2014). This study found more forms and functions of expressive speech acts, such as (1) forms of expressive speech acts that include: direct speech acts (thanking, greeting, apologizing, congratulating, motivating, teasing, hoping, and complaining) and speech act indirect (censure and sarcasm), (2) analysis of the function of expressive speech acts that include: a) thanking, b) greeting, c) criticizing, d) apologizing, e) congratulating, f) satirizing, g) giving motivation, h ) teasing, i) hoping, and j) complaining. This study aims to contribute to the field of pragmatics especially related to the study of expressive speech acts</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Verlian Dinanta, Moch. Muarifin, Endang Waryanti Bentuk Ketidaksantunan Berbahasa Dalam Acara Talkshow Rosi: “Demo Mahasiswa Dan Ade Armando” (Kajian Pragmatik) 2023-08-13T03:37:18+07:00 Agnes Lindi Purwaningtyas <p>Language impoliteness is a violation of politeness. Impoliteness occurs because of emotional impulses, anger, annoyance, and stress. This causes the speech to be impolite and makes the interlocutor hurt by the utterance that is spoken. This study aims to describe the form of language impoliteness in the Rosi talk show. The data source is a video recording of Rosi’s talk show with the theme “Student Demo and Ade Armando”, on the Kompas TV YouTube channel, uploaded in 2022. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. Researchers observe the object of research directly and continuously. After the data is collected, the data is grouped and understood so that problems can be found. Next, the researcher describes the data in the form of words or sentence. The analysis technique used is reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results showed that there were five forms of impoliteness, namely recklessness, playing face, harassing face, threatening face, and removing face. Impoliteness that often occurs is levity, because when the discussion takes place the utterances expressed are in the form of jokes, not being serious, and sarcasm. So that at the end of the event, the presenter and resource person did not find a solution to solve the problem being discussed.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Agnes Lindi Purwaningtyas Board Games Puzzle Karier : Inovasi Media BK Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Ketrampilan Pengambilan Keputusan Karier Siswa SMA 2023-08-13T03:43:46+07:00 Efie Amalia Az Zahra Nora Yuniar Setyaputri <p>The ability to make student career decisions is a very important thing to optimize the potential that exists within him, every student has the right to choose and determine his future career. In order to help students know, learn, and understand themselves about the potential that exists within them by using career guidance services. Students who have low career planning will have an impact on determining future careers and this makes students doubtful and unable to make career decisions. The role of the counseling teacher in attracting students to take part in career guidance services, one of which is using interesting, creative and innovative media such as the Career Puzzle Board Games media. Therefore, the existence of career puzzle board games media can help counseling teachers in providing career guidance services to help students get information about careers and make it easier for students to plan careers for the future.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Efie Amalia Az Zahra, Nora Yuniar Setyaputri Calon Arang Versi Mujizah, Toeti Heraty, Dan Sisworo Gautama Putra (Kajian Sastra Bandingan) 2023-08-13T03:48:22+07:00 Lucky Audrylya Mahatan Endang Waryanti Sardjono <p>Every author has their own ways and characteristics, so there are differences in each work created. In addition to differences, many authors create literary works based on works that have been present before, so it is possible that there are similarities. However, this does not mean the result of plagiarism by the author. Comparative literature is a study of literary studies used to compare two or more literary works. The purpose of this study is to describe the comparison of structural aspects including theme, plot, setting, and language between the novel "Calon Arang dari Jirah" by Mujizah, the lyric prose "Calon Arang" by Toeti Heraty, and the movie "Ratu Sakti Calon Arang" directed by Sisworo Gautama Putra. This research is a qualitative research with a structural approach. The structural approach is an approach that emphasizes the instrinsic elements that build literary works. The result of this research is a description of the structural aspects of intrinsic elements that include theme, plot, setting, and language as well as a comparative description of the similarities and differences in the structural aspects of intrinsic elements found in the three literary works.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Lucky Audrylya Mahatan, Endang Waryanti, Sardjono Kepercayaan Sapta Darma Di Desa Mlorah Kecamatan Rejoso Kabupaten Nganjuk 2023-08-13T04:35:22+07:00 Ferry Ferdian Sigit Widiatmoko Zainal Afandi <p>This research is motivated by the observation that Sapta Darma in Mlorah Village has its own uniqueness and specialty, which means that Sapta Darma in Mlorah Village has local geniuses in its development. The purpose of this study was to find out how it first appeared, how the teachings and worship of the Sapta Darma sect in Mlorah Village were and to find out how it developed. The research method uses a qualitative approach. Qualitative approach is a research procedure that produces descriptive data about the person or object under study through written or spoken words or observable behavior. The implementation of the research was carried out in several stages of research, the first was the pre-research stage, the second was the research implementation stage, the third was the data analysis stage, and finally the research results reporting stage. The results of this study are to find out the history of the emergence of Sapta Darma, the teachings in Sapta Darma and the development of Sapta Darma in Des Mlorah. The conclusion is that Sapta Darma in Mlorah Village is a belief system that has local geniuses and must be preserved as Indonesian culture.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Ferry Ferdian, Sigit Widiatmoko, Zainal Afandi Estetika Bahasa Pranatacara dalam Upacara Pernikahan Pengantin Adat Jawa di Kabupaten Kediri 2023-08-13T04:42:58+07:00 Deas Islam Pramudya Endang Waryanti Encil Puspitoningrum <p>Culture is one part of human life. Each region has characteristics that also distinguish one region from another. One form of culture that exists in society is ceremony, one of which is a wedding ceremony. One of the groups of people who still carry out wedding ceremonies is the Javanese community. Many elements are needed in the procession of Javanese traditional wedding ceremonies. One of these elements is the pranatacara. A pranatacara must be skilled and understand well the art of speaking. This study aims to determine the form of beauty or aesthetics of language used by a pranatacara in a Javanese traditional wedding ceremony. This type of research is qualitative research with a stylistic aesthetic approach. The main instrument in this research is the researcher himself. The research data comes from the researcher's personal documentation. The findings were then analysed and tested for validity before being presented. The result of the research is a description of the analysis of paribasan, bebasan, saloka, kereta basa, sandi asma, cangkriman, pepindhan, purwakanthi, wangsalan, parikan, geguritan, and sanepa from the depiction (panyandra) spoken by the pranatacara in the Javanese traditional wedding ceremony.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Deas Islam Pramudya, Endang Waryanti, Encil Puspitoningrum Pengembangan Karakter Peduli Lingkungan Melalui Layanan Bimbingan dan Konseling Model Joyco Learning 2023-08-13T04:56:10+07:00 Sri Panca Setyawati <p>Background of this study is the importance of developing the character of environmental care as a manifestation of the implementation of the Pancasila Student Profile Development Project for Moral Elements to Nature. In addition, the development of environmental care character is needed so that the younger generation is able to maintain and preserve the environment. The purpose of the study is to build the concept of guidance and counseling services with the Joyco Learning model. Joyco Learning is a Joyful Learning learning model combined with ecotherapy, namely the provision of guidance and counseling services using fun services and is carried out in nature (outside the classroom). Joyful learning will make students learn happily and do not feel depressed. Ecotherapy facilitates students to learn in nature, interact with nature directly and the natural atmosphere will have a positive impact on students' mental/psychological, as well as being used as a means to foster a sense of caring for the environment.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Sri Panca Setyawati Analisis Perilaku Seks Bebas pada Remaja Di SMP Negeri 4 Pare 2023-08-13T07:50:08+07:00 Ronanda Fatur Ramadhan Risaniatin Ningsih <p>Teenagers are the next generation of the nation's future who will determine the life of the family, nation and state in the future. Adolescence begins when a child becomes sexually mature and ends when he reaches a mature age physically and psychologically. Usually adolescence is considered to begin when a child becomes sexually mature and ends when he reaches the age of legal maturity. Thus, many statements from teenagers in Indonesia about free sex behavior are in line with the concept of free sex, which indicates that many teenagers understand correctly what is meant by free sex behavior. Thus, the knowledge of today's youth about free sex behavior can come from sources that cannot be accounted for because these sources of information cannot provide an explanation of what the information is conveyed, such as watching pornographic videos, reading pornographic books or comics, or other things in terms of globalization which has entered and damaged Indonesian culture, and can influence the minds and common sense of adolescents which can encourage adolescents to try things that deviate from the information they obtain</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Ronanda Fatur Ramadhan, Risaniatin Ningsih Pengaruh Perilaku Bullying Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Siswa di SMK PGRI 2 Malang 2023-08-14T07:29:24+07:00 Wardha Amaliyah1 Achmad Zanuar Firmansyah Eke Rena Setia Poppy M. Ramli <p>This research has a goal to knowing (1) what types of bullying have occurred at SMK PGRI 2 Malang (2) What impact does bullying have on the learning motivation of students at SMK PGRI 2 Malang (3) What efforts have been made and will be planned by the school to follow up bullying actions at SMK PGRI 2 Malang (4) Obtain an in-depth understanding of student perceptions about the effect of bullying on learning motivation at SMK PGRI 2 Malang. This research is included in qualitative research with the type of research that goes directly to the field (field research). The data collection techniques involve interviews, observations, and documentation. The data analysis techniques include data reduction, data presentation, data verification, and drawing conclusions. The research subjects were taken from guidance and counseling teachers, as well as students who were proven to have committed and received bullying at SMK PGRI 2 Malang. The results of this study found that bullying behavior can cause a decrease in student learning motivation. Students who are often victims of bullying tend to feel insecure, anxious, and uncomfortable in the school environment</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Wardha Amaliyah, Achmad Zanuar Firmansyah, Eke Rena Setia Poppy, M. Ramli Boga-BK: Permainan Papan Bimbingan sebagai Strategi Meningkatkan Disiplin dan Tanggung Jawab Siswa MAN 1 Malang 2023-08-14T08:05:22+07:00 Sinta Aura Rokhmatillah Naufal Asyraf Hamid Afika Nur Kharisma Khairul Bariyyah Kustiani <p>This study aims to improve student discipline and responsibility by using the Boga-BK guidance board game strategy. The phenomenon that occurs based on the results of observations at MAN 1 Malang found that there are still many students who have not applied self-discipline as indicated by the prevalence of late cases and based on existing data, this late behavior is mostly carried out by class X students. This study used a Pre-Experiment research design with the type One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The result of this design is a Boga-BK guidance board game with a size of 60x82 cm using art paper. In this Boga-BK game, monopoly and snakes and ladders games are adopted in groups in class. Thus, this media is expected to be able to provide enthusiasm and interest for students to be able to increase discipline and responsibility through guidance board game strategies.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Sinta Aura Rokhmatillah1, Naufal Asyraf Hamid, Afika Nur Kharisma, Khairul Bariyyah, Kustiani Psychological Well-Being Siswa SMK yang Berada dalam Kelompok Pertemanan Toxic 2023-08-14T09:21:25+07:00 Nurul Aini Ardiah Pramesthi Regitha Cahyani Alina Septia Nindiarto Dyna Falsafy Henny Indreswari <p>Unhealthy friendships are often referred to as toxic relationships. Toxic relationship is a relationship that has an impact on the psychological well-being of each individual. Toxic relationship itself also hit SMK Negeri 3 Malang as a place for conducting research. This research was conducted to determine the psychological well-being of vocational students due to toxic relationships in friendships. This study uses a qualitative research method of phenomenology. The process of collecting data using interviews and observations on informants and 3 research subjects. Data analysis shows that toxic relationships in friendships affect the psychological well-being of each individual. Based on the results of research conducted at SMK Negeri 3 Malang, it shows that friendships greatly affect the psychological well-being of students. The perceived impact of a toxic relationship is a lack of self-acceptance, disruption of relationships with others, not good in the aspect of autonomy or behavior regulation, inability to manage life such as neglecting one's obligations as a student, not having a purpose in life, lack of self-potential growth or stagnation and disinterest in the life one is living, and a lack of a sense of acceptance of other people.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Nurul Aini, Ardiah Pramesthi Regitha Cahyani, Alina Septia Nindiarto, Dyna Falsafy, Henny Indreswari Peran Guru BK dalam Mengatasi Hambatan Perencanaan Karir Peserta Didik 2023-08-14T09:33:01+07:00 Ike Ayu Anjani Aida Cintya Pramesti Nadia Carissa Putri3 Fitri Wahyuni <p>This study aims to find out how the role of counseling teachers is in overcoming barriers to student career planning. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive research method using a phenomenological approach. This research data collection was conducted at SMKN 1 Malang. The informants in this study were three counseling teachers and 4 students at SMKN 1 Malang. Collecting data using interviews and observation. From the results of interviews with BK teachers and students of SMK Negeri 1 Malang, it is known that the role of BK teachers in overcoming barriers to student career planning is to carry out several services (1) providing classical guidance so that students can have more fighting spirit and enthusiasm to the next level. desired career, job description, relationships, and career insights; (2) individual counseling, (3) collaboration with BKK (Special Job Exchange) SMK Negeri 1 Malang with companies and several universities; (4) utilization of guidance boards and Instagram as information services.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Ike Ayu Anjani, Aida Cintya Pramesti, Nadia Carissa Putri, Fitri Wahyuni Stress Akademik pada Mahasiswa Asistensi Mengajar 2023-08-14T09:42:51+07:00 Salsabila Ayuning Santi Mohammad Bagus Hilal Alkayis Donna Fauzia Dirgantara Diniy Hidayatur Rahman <p>The Asistensi Mengajar Program is one of the flagship programs for Merdeka Belajar-Kampus Merdeka, which is a learning activity carried out collaboratively in various educational units. The difference in the implementation of learning by students participating in Asistensi Mengajar then allows the emergence of academic stress pressures. The purpose of this research is to measure the academic stress level of teaching assistant students. The subjects of this study were 16 teaching assistant students at SMK Islam Batu. This study used a survey research design using an academic stress scale. The results of the research conducted, 6.25% of students experience high academic stress, 18.75% of students experience low academic stress, and 75% of Teaching Assistance students students at SMK Islam Batu experienced moderate academic stress with an average score of 48.9375.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Salsabila Ayuning Santi, Mohammad Bagus Hilal Alkayis, Donna Fauzia Dirgantara, Diniy Hidayatur Rahman Manfaat Pesan Anonim Terhadap Interaksi Sosial Siswa 2023-08-14T11:37:24+07:00 Bunga Firstrian Yusnia Cahyani Rayhana Santyaswari Santosa Tri Mulyati Puspita Sari Diniy Hidayatur Rahman <p><em>Anonymous messages are written messages with no sender's name that will be sent by someone or another party with the desire that the recipient does not know the identity of the sender. The developmental stage of middle level students is trying to recognize social interactions that are good and in accordance with the environment and surrounding conditions. This study aims to determine the benefits and drawbacks of the application of anonymous messages for students' social interactions. The research method used is a qualitative description with a type of case study research with research implementation procedures collecting data; (2) reducing data; (3) categorizing data into each research focus; and (4) concluding data. The results of this study found that student interaction is still quite lacking and cannot continue to be done in a short period of time because of confusion in writing the actual message to be conveyed. Thus, it requires a long period of time so that the purpose of the anonymous message can be obtained.</em></p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Bunga Firstrian Yusnia Cahyani, Rayhana Santyaswari Santosa, Tri Mulyati Puspita Sari, Diniy Hidayatur Rahman Pengaruh Penggunaan Teknik Self-Management Dalam Konseling Kelompok Terhadap Kedisiplinan Siswa Smk Negeri 2 Malang 2023-08-14T12:02:13+07:00 Galuh Yekti Siwi Utami Arbin Janu Setiyowati <p>This article discusses the effect of using self-management techniques in group counseling on student discipline at SMK Negeri 2 Malang. The research methods used were pretest and post-test to observe changes in student discipline before and after intervention using self-management techniques. The collected data were statistically analyzed to identify the impact of the intervention. The results showed a significant improvement in student discipline after the intervention. Students show improvements in timely attendance,&nbsp; adherence to school rules, completion&nbsp; of assignments,&nbsp; and more regular&nbsp; behavior.&nbsp; This indicates&nbsp; that&nbsp; the use of&nbsp; self- management techniques can have a positive effect on student discipline at SMK Negeri 2 Malang. These findings suggest that this technique can be an effective strategy in improving student discipline in schools. The study underscores the importance of a holistic counselling approach in developing students' self- management skills and stimulating more organized and disciplined behavior. Further research can be conducted to explore other factors that influence student discipline and develop a broader approach in school counseling.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Galuh Yekti Siwi Utami, Arbin Janu Setiyowati Efektivitas Pemberian Layanan Konseling Kelompok dengan Pendekatan Realita Untuk Meningkatkan Kepercayaan Diri Siswa 2023-08-14T12:11:14+07:00 Revi Hairunisa Arbin Janu Setiyowati <p>This study aims to determine the effectiveness of group counseling&nbsp; reality approach increasing self-confidence in class X TKJ students at SMK Negeri 2 Malang. This study used an experimental research method with a one group pre-test and post-test design. In this study, treatment will be carried out in the form of group counseling with a reality approach. Sampling in this study was carried out by purposive sampling with a sample of 10 students in class X TKJ 3 who had low self-confidence. Data collection was carried out using a self-confidence questionnaire which contained questions with five answer choices. The data obtained were analyzed using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test SPSS version 25. The result is Sig. (Two-tailed) 0.005 &lt;0.05 indicates a difference between pretest and posttest. Based on these results, the application of reality group counseling can increase the self-confidence of students of SMK Negeri 2 Malang Class X TKJ. Reality group counseling is effective in increasing students' self-confidence, because the standards for increasing students' self-confidence are in the high category.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Revi Hairunisa, Arbin Janu Setiyowati Pengaruh Pemberian Layanan Bimbingan dan Konseling terhadap Komunikasi Interpersonal Siswa SMKN 2 Malang 2023-08-14T12:19:48+07:00 Navyta Ramadhani Bakhroni Putri Arbin Janu Setiyowati <p><em>In the educational process at school, students as students are individuals who unique in all its characteristics. Student life is very dynamic and is in progress development, have needs and dynamics in their interactions with their environment. As a unique person, there are differences between students with one another. Communication One of the problems in giving an understanding of communication, namely the number of definitions that have been made by experts according to their respective fields of research. In this study, the source of research data used the "purpose sampling" technique. Schools as educational institutions based on optimization to improve quality the nation's young generation. Through interpersonal communication that applies all methods Learning in schools has succeeded in building children's character from an early age. In school apply the concept of light and fun learning in giving birth to the younger generation intelligent, active and character. Group communication strategies applied in vocational schools include planning, implementation and evaluation. Interpersonal communication is proven to be effective in helping teachers and students in the teaching and learning process at school. Because through interpersonal communication, both teachers and students can understand each other and understand each other's character so that the education can take place properly and effectively. School students grow and develop be a smart, active individual and have a strong character. Achievements achieved at school is an indication of the success of interpersonal communication applied in SMK Jabal Rahman School.</em></p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Navyta Ramadhani Bakhroni Putri, Arbin Janu Setiyowati Keefektifan Permainan Simulasi Monopoli Untuk Mengembangkan Kepercayaan Diri Siswa Kelas X Kuliner Smkn 3 Blitar 2023-08-14T12:29:38+07:00 Della Genita Permata Febrianti Nurul Laily Sela Febriana Devy Probowati <p>This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the monopoly simulation game in increasing the confidence of class X Culinary students at SMKN 3 Blitar. The method used is a quantitative experimental method with one group design pretest and posttest. The population of X Culinary students is 215 students, the sample is taken by purposive sampling. The research subjects were 36 Culinary X students at SMKN 3 Blitar for the 2022/2023 academic year. The data collection technique uses a self-confidence scale questionnaire to measure the level of student confidence. Pretest and posttest data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon Matched Pairs Test. The results showed that the monopoly simulation game was effective in increasing the confidence of class X Culinary students at SMKN 3 Blitar. Therefore this monopoly simulation game is suitable for increasing student confidence.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Della Genita Permata, Febrianti Nurul Laily, Sela Febriana, Devy Probowati Pendampingan Kesadaran Kesehatan Mental untuk Mencegah Perilaku Bullying di MA Almaarif Singosari 2023-08-15T14:07:28+07:00 Anggun Indayana Amanda Rohmatul Ummah Adhyatmaja Muhammad T.H.R Devy Probowati <p>Based on the three great sins of the world of education, one of the most highlighted in the MA Almaarif Singosari environment is bullying behavior. The majority of bullying that occurs in this madrasa is verbal bullying which is classified as mild. In order not to become a heavy scale, preventive efforts are needed in the form of assistance to prevent bullying in madrasas. The method used is mentoring through an interactive talk show program with discussion, lecture and question and answer techniques. There were 64 participants in this assistance which included grade 10 and 11 students of MA Almaarif Singosari. As a result of this activity, participants were able to understand the importance of awareness of mental health to prevent bullying behavior, strengthened by 55% of the total participants who were enthusiastic about asking questions in the question and answer session and answering quizzes. The conclusion obtained is that this assistance can prevent bullying behavior in madrasas and students gain an understanding that it is important to have awareness of mental health. The advice given is to follow up in the form of procuring facilities or media to accommodate stories from victims such as vent boxes and conducting appropriate counseling for perpetrators and victims of bullying.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Anggun Indayana, Amanda Rohmatul Ummah, Adhyatmaja Muhammad T.H.R, Devy Probowati Identifikasi Perspektif Siswa SMA NEGERI 1 LAWANG terhadap Perilaku Berpacaran Oleh Teman Sebaya 2023-08-14T12:02:23+07:00 Dinda Siti Nurjannah Nonik Aji Surya Negara Zamroni Jami’iyah <p>This study aims to determine students' perspectives on dating behavior at SMA Negeri 1 Lawang. This type of research uses a descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection techniques in this study were questionnaires and observation with a total of 1238 students. This research is analyzed using an interactive model from Miles and Huberman. The results of this study are the diverse perspectives of students on dating behavior based on perspective indicators on peers who are in dating relationships. The conclusion of this study is that there are three perspectives of SMA Negeri 1 Lawang students on dating behavior by peers, namely (1) rejection of peer dating behavior, (2) acceptance of peer dating behavior, and (3) neutral or no influence.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Dinda Siti Nurjannah,Nonik Aji Surya Negara, Zamroni dan Jami’iyah Bimbingan Kelompok untuk Meningkatkan Kecerdasan Emosional Siswa Kelas VIII MTSN 2 Kota Malang 2023-08-14T12:09:58+07:00 Fitria Nurfaidah Bela Aprilia Anggrayni Indah Febritant Khoirul Barriyah <p>In the observations made at MTsN 2 Malang City, there were still many students at MTsN 2 Malang City who&nbsp; had a low level of emotional intelligence.&nbsp; The research method used is quantitative experimental research. This study used a preexperimental design with one group pretest-posttest design. After knowing the pretest or initial conditions regarding the emotional intelligence of class VIII MTsN 2 Malang&nbsp; City,&nbsp; through the distribution&nbsp; of inventory&nbsp; questionnaires.&nbsp; Furthermore, the researchers provided guidance and counseling services using the "Emotion Card" simulation game technique on the topic of emotional intelligence. The study conducted at MTsN 2 Malang City aims to determine the optimal learning environment for students. The results showed that students with higher emotional intelligence tended to&nbsp; do&nbsp; better in their studies, with higher levels of emotional intelligence. It can be concluded that guidance and counseling services in schools need to&nbsp; be improved again&nbsp; which&nbsp; raises&nbsp; the issue&nbsp; of&nbsp; emotional intelligence&nbsp; in students</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Fitria Nurfaidah, Bela Aprilia Anggrayni, Indah Febritanti, Khoirul Barriyah Ketertarikan Peserta Didik terhadap Layanan Bimbingan Klasikal 2023-08-14T12:54:27+07:00 Alfita Rahayu1 Galih Wahyu Fithriyanti Nabila Fakhira Salsabilla Fitri Wahyuni <p>The research was to determine students' interest in classical guidance services at SMK Terpadu Al-Ishlahiyah Singosari. This research uses a qualitative descriptive study (observations and interviews). The research subjects consisted of 6 informants who were divided into 2, namely informants from students totaling 5 people from each class X which consisted of fashion production design class (1), office management class (1), film class 1 (1), film class 2 (1), and computer network engineering class (1), as well as with 1 counseling teacher, while the research object is students' interest in classical guidance services which already have a variety of service methods, and materials. The results of this study indicate that students experience changes, namely initially they are not interested in classical guidance services, then they become interested after modifying methods, media, and materials. The methods used by researchers in overcoming the problem of students' interest in classical guidance are group discussion methods, educational cinema, crossword puzzle games, and music ball games.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Alfita Rahayu, Galih Wahyu Fithriyanti, Nabila Fakhira Salsabilla, Fitri Wahyuni Peningkatan Self Confidence Siswa melalui Simulasi Debat pada Layanan Bimbingan Klasikal Berbasis Problem Based Learning 2023-08-14T13:08:59+07:00 Faza Kasyiva Az-Zahra Viona Setya Rahayu Ila Ismawati Rizka Apriani <p>This study aims to increase students' self-confidence through debate simulations on problem-based learning (PBL) classical guidance services. The research method used in this research is a systematic literature review, which is a research method that is carried out by identifying existing and selected journals or research evidence (national and international reputation) and reviewing them systematically by following the stages and established procedures. Meanwhile, the results of this study indicate that in many studies and conditions in the field it is shown that the level of self-confidence of students is at a low level, because the learning methods that have been carried out or given so far are less varied or monotonous, so that many students are lacking or even not facilitated and trained in increasing their self-confidence. So by using the problem-based learning debate simulation learning method, students are expected to be facilitated in critical thinking and skilled in dealing with any problems related to their self-confidence.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Faza Kasyiva Az-Zahra, Viona Setya Rahayu, Ila Ismawati, Rizka Apriani Efektivitas Permainan Ular Tangga untuk Meningkatkan Minat Belajar Siswa Kelas X SMA Islam Kepanjen 2023-08-14T13:13:33+07:00 Rihadatul Aisy Selfi Puspadiani Prameswari Rizka Apriani <p>This research is motivated by the low interest in learning that is owned by students when they receive guidance and counseling services. Therefore, researchers try to provide services using snakes and ladders game media. The purpose of this study was to test the effectiveness of the snakes and ladders game media on the learning interest of class X students of Kepanjen Islamic High School. This research is included in the quantitative research with pre-experimental design using one group pretest - posttest design. The research sample used was 77 class X students of Kepanjen Islamic High School. The stages of the research included pre-test, providing treatment services using snakes and ladders media, and post-test. The results showed that the average score of interest in learning increased by 4.95 points, with the highest score increasing by 7 points and the lowest score increasing by 2 points. These findings indicate that the use of snakes and ladders game media is effective in increasing students' interest in learning.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rihadatul Aisy, Selfi Puspadiani Prameswari, Rizka Apriani Pandangan Siswa Kelas X terhadap Penerapan Media Permainan BK "Round Of Truth Or Dare" di SMK PGRI Turen 2023-08-14T13:29:33+07:00 Annisau Qonitaturrohmah Kezia Gaberiella Hanauli2 Riskiyana Prihatiningsih <p>This research is motivated by the high frequency of students using gadgets during Guidance and Counseling services. This study aims to determine the views of students in the use of the Guidance and Counseling game "Round of Truth or Dare". The research method used is descriptive qualitative with data collection used is observation, interviews and documentation. The research subjects were 8 students from grade X who were determined by random sampling technique. The results of the study showed that the game media could help students reduce the use of gadgets while in class, but some students also said that it would be nice if the paper that had been obtained did not need to be returned so that it would further hone students' thinking skills and creativity.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Annisau Qonitaturrohmah, Kezia Gaberiella Hanauli, Riskiyana Prihatiningsih Keefektifan Media Ular Tangga Untuk Meningkatkan Sikap Dan Perilaku Belajar Pada Siswa Kelas 7 2023-08-14T13:34:30+07:00 Nur Izzatul Islamiyah Rahma Putri Sholichah Salsabilatuz Zakiyah Riskiyana Prihatiningsih <p>Based on the results of observations of teaching assistant students at the Malang State University Guidance and Counseling (BK) Study Program, there are phenomena that occur in schools, including; students often come late, don't do assignments, don't pay attention to the teacher, and are often allowed to leave class. This is one picture of negative learning behavior. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of snakes and ladders media in improving student learning attitudes and behavior. The method in this study used an experimental method with a one-group pre-test and post-test design. The sample of this research is 20 people. From this study, the results were obtained in the form of effective snakes and ladders media to improve student learning attitudes and behavior. This is based on the results of the Wilcoxon trial obtained the Asymp value. Sig (2-tailed) of 0.001. Because 0.005 is smaller than 0.05, it can be concluded that Ha is accepted, which means there is a difference in the value of the effectiveness of snakes and ladders media in the pretest and posttest.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Nur Izzatul Islamiyah, Rahma Putri Sholichah, Salsabilatuz Zakiyah, Riskiyana Prihatiningsih Analisis Persepsi Siswa Kelas XI SMAN 1 Bululawang terhadap Layanan Bimbingan dan Konseling di Sekolah 2023-08-14T13:46:11+07:00 Febrina Susfindah Ayu Pitaloka Imro’atus Sholikhah Indah Kurnia Febriani Widya Multisari <p>This article aims to explore students' perceptions of guidance and counseling services at SMAN 1 Bululawang. The research method used in this study is qualitative descriptive, employing interviews, observations, and documentation as data collection techniques. Data analysis involves data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusions. The research subjects consist of 11th-grade students at SMAN 1 Bululawang selected through purposive sampling, as well as the BK (Guidance and Counseling) teachers at SMAN 1 Bululawang. The findings indicate that the majority of students have a positive perception of the guidance and counseling services in the school, considering it a safe and comfortable place for consultation. However, some students have never participated in counseling or guidance sessions at the BK, leading to the perception that these services are primarily intended for students facing problems.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Febrina Susfindah Ayu Pitaloka, Imro’atus Sholikhah, Indah Kurnia Febriani, Widya Multisari Mengatasi Perilaku Bullying Menggunakan Bimbingan Kelompok Teknik “Sosiodrama” 2023-08-14T14:31:38+07:00 Prisca Aulia Ernestasya Dalfina Aflah Imron Rizka Apriani <p>Bullying is a behavior that is aggressive and negative with a pattern of behavior that is repeated due to an imbalance of power between the perpetrator and the victim with a deliberate purpose. In schools, bullying has become a serious issue because the school environment is where children and adolescents spend most of their time. This study aims to provide an understanding of bullying behavior and how sociodrama technique group guidance helps overcome bullying behavior. Using the classroom action research method gave the result that sociodrama technique group guidance can reduce bullying behavior in schools</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Prisca Aulia, Ernestasya Dalfina, Aflah Imron, Rizka Apriani Analisis Tingkat Penggunaan Handphone pada Siswa Madrasah Aliyah Negeri di Kabupaten Malang-Turen 2023-08-14T17:07:31+07:00 Amalia Khoirunnisa Ni’matul Jannah Tania Khairun Nisa Riskiyana Prihatiningsih <p>The high level of mobile phone use among some students from one of the schools in Malang Regency can be seen from the reduced focus on student learning, being unable to get away from mobile phones, paying less attention to teachers, and being difficult to talk to. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of mobile phone use among some students from one of the schools in Malang Regency. The method in this study is descriptive quantitative, namely a survey using a questionnaire instrument. The subjects in this study were some students from one of the schools in Malang Regency. Data analysis in this study used descriptive statistical techniques. The results of this study revealed that the level of mobile phone use by some students from one of the schools in Malang Regency was at a percentage of 86% which means it was at moderate level. Some students from one of the schools in Malang Regency use cellphones as entertainment when they have problems, as a 'friend' when they feel lonely, and as a medium to temporarily forget problems</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Amalia Khoirunnisa, Ni’matul Jannah, Tania Khairun Nisa, Riskiyana Prihatiningsih Gambaran Romantisasi Kesehatan Mental pada Siswa Kelas VIII di MTsN 1 Kota Malang 2023-08-14T17:28:55+07:00 Dhiza Nurhanifah Fathia Majida Thoyyib Liza Hasna Naziha Lutfi Fauzan <p>Social media as part of technological developments has had various impacts, including the romanticization of mental health in adolescents. This is the basis of this research which aims to determine the effect of social media on romanticizing mental health in class VIII students at MTsN 1 Malang City. This study used a descriptive qualitative approach with a total of 20 students as subjects. The results of the study found that all students had social media, 50% knew the term mental health romance, 85% experienced symptoms of stress, 80% experienced symptoms of stress due to school work, 55% had shared feelings of stress or the like on social media, 45% had never received responses from people around when sharing feelings of stress on social media, 90% of students never asked for expert advice or advice when experiencing symptoms of stress, and 75% did not feel involved in sharing feelings of stress. This indicates that the students did not experience mental health romance incidents but they did not know the definition of it.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Dhiza Nurhanifah, Fathia Majida Thoyyib, Liza Hasna Naziha, Lutfi Fauzan Bimbingan Lintas Kelas Upaya Prevensi Kekerasan Seksual pada Kelas X SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Malang 2023-08-14T19:39:52+07:00 Khusnul Khowatim Mina Sanikita Tutik Haryanti Djoko Budi Santoso <p>The rise of cases of sexual violence makes many parties uneasy. In order to protect and avoid acts of sexual violence, adolescents need to gain an understanding of matters relating to sexual violence. Specifically, the cross-class guidance program given to class X students of SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Malang is aimed at providing preventive steps to avoid the various dangers of sexual violence that may occur in all spaces. Community service activities are carried out by modifying various activities so that students do not get bored participating in activities that have been designed by the community service team. The stages carried out in this community service activity include (1) preparation, (2) implementation, (3) closing, and (4) evaluation. The result of this program is the creation of students' understanding of sexual violence so as to prevent sexual violence from occurring.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Khusnul Khowatim, Mina Sanikita, Tutik Haryanti, Djoko Budi Santoso Tingkat Perilaku Pacaran Siswa SMK dan Implikasinya Terhadap Bimbingan dan Konseling 2023-08-14T20:34:09+07:00 Hulwa Hanina Mafrikhah Uyunnimah Rumaisah Az-Zahro Widya Multisari <p>This study aims to determine the level of students' dating behavior and its implications for guidance and counseling. This research is a quantitative approach research with survey method. The sample in this study were 118 students. The population in this study was taken using a purposive sampling technique. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics with percentage units. The results obtained from this study are the number of students who are currently dating, namely as many as 19 students (11%), as many as 27 students (22.9%) have never dated. The highest form of student dating behavior is holding hands with a total of 53 students (44.9%). Likewise dating has positive and negative impacts on students. Services that can be used to deal with dating behavior at school are preventive efforts, which can be implemented through classical guidance.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Hulwa Hanina, Mafrikhah Uyunnimah, Rumaisah Az-Zahro, Widya Multisari Penerapan Transisi PAUD-SD yang Menyenangkan: Ditinjau Dari Aspek Psikologis Anak 2023-08-18T06:30:33+07:00 Intan Prastihastari Wijaya <p>Currently the PAUD to SD transition program is an important topic to discuss, because it is related to the Ministry of Education and Culture's program in the 24th Merdeka Learning Episode. The policy in this program is to eliminate the implementation of the calistung test on the acceptance of new students in elementary school, and apply an introductory period for the first two weeks in both PAUD and SD, and apply learning that can build six foundational abilities in children that can affect the psychological aspects of children, namely : 1) Recognizing religious and ethical values, 2) Social and language skills for interaction, 3) Emotional maturity, 4) Cognitive maturity, 5) Motor skills and self-care, 6) Meaning of positive learning. For this reason, the purpose of writing this study is the implementation of the PAUD to SD transition, which is viewed from the psychological aspect of children, by preparing the learning process in PAUD which is more focused on the psychological development and formation of children, as well as learning in PAUD which is more enjoyable. In implementing this program, of course, the involvement of all parties is needed, both from the government, teachers, parents and the community.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Intan Prastihastari Wijaya Semar Sebagai Penasehat: Cerminan Dalam Kepribadian Konselor 2023-08-18T20:26:42+07:00 Galang Surya Gumilang <p>Semar is an adviser to the knights as well as parents to the punakawan and the knights and that anyone who is guided by Semar will surely become even better. Semar plays the role of the seed of virtue that maintains harmony, harmony and balance in the journey of human relations. Semar's intact personality as an advisor is reflected in the identity of a counselor when he wants to help counselees think of solutions to problems, contemplate ideas that are expressed and might be used, and plan actions or develop choices that exist within counselee.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Galang Surya Gumilang Model Pembelajaran Integratif MKWK Melalui Metode Problem Based Learning (Inovasi Pembelajaran di Era VUCA) 2023-08-18T20:34:06+07:00 Sujarwoko <p>Learning MKWK (Compulsory Curriculum Subjects) Higher education which consists of subjects on religion, Pancasila, citizenship, and Indonesian is included in the national curriculum. This means that the four courses must be carried out by all study programs in tertiary institutions. The four courses, which have been carried out independently, in this paper are proposed to be carried out in an integrated manner in one class with 4 supporting lecturers. Through an integrated CPMK, classes are first grouped into 4 groups according to the number of courses. In accordance with the jigsaw cooperative learning type, the four groups are the original group. Each group is taken one member and become a group of experts. Expert group 1 as religious experts represented group 1 of origin, expert group 2 as Pancasila experts, group 3 as citizenship experts, and group 4 experts as Indonesian language experts. The MKWK integrative learning model can be applied in realizing the MBKM program, especially in the form of student exchange learning activities: 1) in different study programs within PT, 2) in the same study program outside PT, and 3) in different study programs outside PT, and what is more ideal is to do it in inter-island tertiary institutions.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Sujarwoko Urgensi Pendekatan Pembelajaran Tematik-Terpadu pada Era Vuca: Tantangan di Sekolah Dasar 2023-08-18T20:38:54+07:00 Kukuh Andri Aka Alia Nur Husna Afandi <p>Education in the VUCA era (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) faces major challenges due to technological changes, social dynamics, and fast and uncertain competence demands. Elementary schools are also inseparable from this impact. The thematic-integrated learning approach as a promising alternative to overcome challenges in this VUCA era. This article aims to analyze the urgency of the thematic-integrated learning approach in the VUCA era and identify the challenges at the elementary level. This approach allows students to relate various aspects of knowledge in the context of a particular theme or topic, preparing them to deal with complex changes in the real world. However, there are challenges to implementing the thematic-integrated learning approaches, including a lack of teacher understanding, school and government support, and efficient preparation and time management. To increase the application of this approach, teacher training is needed, school and government support, collaboration between teachers, the use of technology in learning, and encouraging creativity in learning. By addressing the challenges and implementing these recommendations, a thematic-integrated learning approach can be an effective solution in preparing students to deal with the complexities and uncertainties of the VUCA era. Students will develop holistically, adaptively and creatively, ready to face the future confidently and competently.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Kukuh Andri Aka, Alia Nur Husna Afandi YouTube Shorts in Teaching Idiomatic Translation for Higher Education Students 2023-08-18T06:50:13+07:00 Inggar Dwi Rahmawati Yepi Sedya Purwananti <p>This thesis aims to find out how YouTube Shorts can be used in teaching idiomatic translation for higher education students in the sixth semester at Universitas Bhinneka PGRI in the academic year 2022/2023. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative, the researcher directly observed and obtained information from respondents about conditions, processes, events and others. The source of the data in this study was 6th semester students in translation subject in English Education department of Universitas Bhinneka PGRI. The data collection method used is qestionnaires, interviews, and documentation. From the results of the study, the researcher also found that the students and the teachers responded positively to the use of YouTube Shorts as a media for learning idiomatic translation, it can be seen when learning takes place. Before using YouTube Shorts as a learning media, they were bored, lacked enthusiasm, and paid less attention to the material but after learning idiomatic translation using YouTube Shorts the student became more enthusiastic, and had a strong desire to participate in learning.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Inggar Dwi Rahmawati, Yepi Sedya Purwananti Teori Kepribadian Psikoanalisis Klasik dan Penerapannya dalam Proses Konseling di Sekolah 2023-08-18T15:31:41+07:00 Atrup Atrup Mintorowulan Mintorowulan Paini Paini <p>Psychology in education aims to understand the psychological behavior of students so that they can provide appropriate treatment, both in the praxis of counseling and instruction. Personality study is an aspect of psychology to understand the personality of students, so that they can help develop and solve the problems they face. There are several types of personality theories that can be used as a basis for solving student problems. The focus of this article is to describe and design the application of psychoanalytic personality theory in the counseling process at schools. The results of the study are expected to be useful for guidance and counseling (BK) students and counseling practitioners as an alternative to developing and solving students' problems at school. Two sections are examined in the theory of classical psychoanalytic personality, namely the main concepts in classical psychoanalysis including instincts, personality levels, personality structure, and personality dynamics, the two designs of its application in counseling practice.</p> 2023-08-18T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Atrup, Mintorowulan, Paini Potensi Teknik Focus Group Discussion Dalam Mengurangi Perilaku Konsumtif 2023-08-18T15:53:27+07:00 Dewi Fitriani Guruh Sukma Hanggara <p>In an advanced era like today, many people, even mostly people, both young and old, make transactions online and offline in various existing media, especially e-commerce. Doing business online offers many conveniences. For example, as a buyer, you don't have to buy at the store, you just have to wait for the package at home. However, what researchers discuss in this study is about online transactions and how directed discussion techniques can minimize consumer behavior. There are many techniques in group supervision, but the researchers in this study used focus group discussion techniques designed to minimize the current trend of consumerism. The purpose of this study is the group management of focus group discussion techniques to minimize consumer behavior and how this guidance is influential in overcoming the behavior while the discussion summary discussed in this study is naturally related to today's online adolescent consumer behavior.</p> 2023-08-18T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Dewi Fitriani, Guruh Sukma Hanggara The Implementation of Modelling Practice Reflection (MPR) in Training Program for The Teachers 2023-08-18T18:07:20+07:00 Anisa Rahmawati Diani Nurhajati suhartono <p>The independent curriculum must be implemented by all schools. So, the teachers must adapt to every new policy. The teachers at MI Al-Ikhlash have less knowledge about that and they have different educational backgrounds with the lessons they teach, especially in teaching English. So, training is needed for them. This study aims to describe the implementation of Modelling Practice Reflection (MPR) which focus on materials in the training activities, the steps of MPR training model, and teachers' understanding about independent curriculum. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The research data were collected through observation, documentation, and interviews. The subjects in this study were the lecturers and two teachers as representatives. The materials provided in this training are the independent curriculum, child-friendly English learning, and literacy. The trainers applied MPR training model. The first step is modeling, the trainer provides material and teaching examples. The second step is practice, teachers practice teaching based on the examples given. The third step is reflection, that is evaluation activities carried out through discussion and questionnaires. The result from evaluation turns out that the teacher's understanding of the material is lacking so further training is needed.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Anisa Rahmawati, Diani Nurhajati, Suhartono Alih Kode dan Campur Kode pada Akun Twitter @collegemenfess 2023-08-18T17:16:14+07:00 Nourma Syafaul Fadilah Marista Dwi Rahmayantis Moch. Muarifin <p>The use of language in social media as a communication tool in social interaction creates a tendency for code-switching and code-mixing to emerge. Code switching and code mixing can occur on social media, especially Twitter. This study aims to describe the forms of code switching and code mixing on the Twitter account @collegemenfess. This research approach uses a sociolinguistic approach based on the knowledge studied, and a descriptive qualitative methodological approach. The collection of data for this study used the technique of listening, free of involvement, speaking and taking notes, with the researcher's own research instruments. Based on the analysis of the research data, 5 types of code switching and code mixing were found on the Twitter account @collegemenfess. Namely internal code switching, external code switching, inner code mixing, outer code mixing and mixed code mixing.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Nourma Syafaul Fadilah, Marista Dwi Rahmayantis, Moch. Muarifin Pembelajaran di KB Labshool UNP Kediri Memanfaatkan Media Berbasis TIK (Teknologi, Informasi Dan Komunikasi) 2023-08-18T17:34:41+07:00 Osy Harisa Anik Lestariningrum <p>The development of technology and information is something that is important in this era, including in the field of education, this requires the ability of educators to have knowledge of technology. The goal to be raised in this article is how to implement ICT-based learning at the KB LABSCHOOL UN PGRI Kediri. Educators are expected not only to be able to use ICT-based media but also could be able to develop innovations using ICT media for learning process in the classroom. Learning using digital media will be more refreshing and enjoyable, so that way it makes children more active and interested to attend during the learning process in the classroom happily without any compulsion. Delivered material in learning process through digital media can be categorized as modern learning. Submission of learning material through digital media such as: displaying YouTube in the form of short movies, songs, or pictures that are in accordance with learning objectives. The method used in writing this article is a conceptual study in the form of various supporting literature sourced from relevant sources and then analyzed according to the expected goals. In the future, the implementation is utilizing ICT will be used widely by children in the learning process more optimally in accordance with the development of digital learning. Educators who design and carry out learning can utilize ICT according to the needs of students. Researchers hope that the results of their research will benefit all parties involved in early childhood learning as well as for the continuation of further research .</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Osy Harisa, Anik Lestariningrum Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (Rebt) untuk Mereduksi Kecanduan Internet pada Siswa SMP Negeri 3 Nganjuk 2023-08-18T17:43:11+07:00 Yulia Sherly Elicia Yuanita Dwi Krisphianti <p>Currently in the world of education, basically achievement is not something that is owned or obtained by students just like that, but also expects hard work to achieve it. If students are very excited to play the internet, what can be said about their study time, which in turn causes a decrease in learning achievement. Addiction is a condition where an individual feels dependent on something he values ​​at times that has results. Lack of control over behavior so feel rejected if they don't pay attention to their wishes and habits. The aim of the researcher to discuss internet addiction in students is to examine internet addiction because many high school students have high levels of internet addiction. Internet addiction can be overcome with <em>Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy</em> (REBT) counseling. <em>Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy</em> (REBT) is a methodology that can change the thinking and behavior of irrational individuals to turn into rational in learning. The expected results of the research to be conducted are the effectiveness of <em>Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy</em> (REBT) counseling to reduce internet addiction in junior high school students.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Yulia Sherly Elicia, Yuanita Dwi Krisphianti Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Matematika berbasis Android Construct 2 pada Materi Statistika Kelas X SMAN 1 Gondang 2023-08-18T18:23:48+07:00 Septyara Tri Rahayu Aldila Wanda Nugraha <p>This study aims to develop learning media on statistical material (a measure of data concentration) for grade X students and find out the validity, as well as the practicality of learning media based on the assessment of media experts, material experts and the response of educators and students to the learning media that has been made. The instruments used are validation sheets for media experts and material experts, and response questionnaire sheets. This research is a development research (Research and Development) adapted from the ADDIE development model. This ADDIE model has 5 phases: Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate. The results of this study showed that the validity level of android-based learning media based on the assessment of media experts 1 and 2 got a value of 89.28% and 80.35% and the expert assessment of material 1 and 2 got a value of 92.64% and 83.82% with the category "Very Valid". The practicality test of learning media from the teacher repon questionnaire got a score of 81.25% and from the student repon questionnaire got a score of 85.66% with the category "Very Practical". Thus, Android Construct 2-based learning media in class X statistics material of SMAN 1 Gondang can be used as a mathematics learning medium for grade X high school students</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Septyara Tri Rahayu, Aldila Wanda Nugraha Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Kartu Bergambar untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca dan Menulis Siswa Kelas 1 Di SDN 2 Gunungkidul Nganjuk 2023-10-02T23:58:12+07:00 Pungky Aulia’ Ikhsani Sutrisno Sahari Wahyudi Wahyudi Sunarsi Sunarsi <p>This research aims to develop picture card learning media to improve the reading and writing skills of grade 1 students at SDN 2 Ganungkidul Nganjuk. The research method used in this research is the ADDIE development model which is modified or applied in 4 stages, namely analysis, design, development and implementation. The material in developing learning media in the form of flashcards or picture cards includes daily activities, animals and objects around us, equipped with explanatory sentences and using simple language so that it is easy to understand. The research subjects were students at SDN 2 Ganungkidul Nganjuk in class 1 and the total sample taken was 7 students. The data collection technique uses a questionnaire from expert validation test results and sewing skills teachers as educational practitioners. The results of data analysis were calculated using descriptive statistics by calculating the average (mean) of the feasibility test assessment of developing picture card learning media by material experts, learning media expert assessments and class 1 teachers at SDN 2 Ganungkidul Nganjuk. Based on the results of &nbsp;data &nbsp;analysis, &nbsp;the feasibility test assessment by material expert validation obtained a result of 4.30 with the validator's assessment criteria being categorized as good. The learning media expert validation assessment obtained a result of 3.85 with the validator assessment criteria being categorized as good. And the grade 1 teacher's assessment obtained a result of 4.15 with the validator assessment criteria being categorized as good. It can be concluded that the use of sewing skills guidebooks is declared suitable for use in Indonesian language learning activities, especially in grade 1 reading and writing material at SDN 2 Ganungkidul Nganjuk.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Punky Aulia, Ikhsani, Sutrisno Sahari, Wahyudi, Sunarsi Analisis Media Interaktif Pada Materi Struktur Dan Fungsi Bagian Tumbuhan Kelas IV SDN Pakunden 1 2023-11-10T08:56:52+07:00 Khoirotul Binti Saniah <p>This research aims to analyze the use of interactive media in learning the structure and function of plant parts in class IV of SDN Pakunden 1. Through the interview research method, researchers collected data about the perceptions and experiences of teachers and students regarding the use of interactive media in learning. It is hoped that the results of this research will provide an in-depth understanding of the benefits, challenges, and potential for developing the use of interactive media in the context of plant learning. This research involved several class IV teachers who had used interactive media in teaching material on the structure and function of plant parts, as well as several class IV students who had participated in learning using this interactive media. Individual interviews were conducted to obtain their views on the effectiveness of interactive media, the challenges they faced, and their impact on students' understanding.</p> 2023-08-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Khoirotul Binti Saniah