Analisis Validitas, Reabilitas Dan Tingkat Kesukaran Soal Pada Materi Siklus Air
question analysis, level of difficultyAbstract
Analysis of question items is a very important activity to do in order to improve the quality of the questions created. The aim of this research is to describe the analysis of validity, reliability and level of difficulty of questions based on the results of test items on water cycle material. The sample in this study was class VI at SDN Sukorame 2 Kediri, totaling 10 students. This research method is a quantitative descriptive method. Based on the data processing results obtained, the results of the validity test stated that of the 20 questions there were 12 valid questions and 8 invalid questions. Meanwhile, the results of the reliability trial stated that the questions tested had very high reliability, namely 0.88. In the results of the difficulty level, the easy category was 95% and the moderate category was 5%. So it can be concluded that the 20 questions on water cycle material can be used, but the question items still do not meet the proposed level of difficulty and require updating
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