Desain Pembelajaran Materi Sistem Pernapasan Manusia Berbasis Lokal Material untuk Kelas VIII SMPN 2 Rejotangan
human respiratory system, local materials, validation studyAbstract
The human respiratory system is material whose concepts cannot be achieved through note-taking or memorization alone. The result of observations and interviews show that students have difficulty in understanding the material. So, learning needs to be redesigned by utilizing object or events that are around (local material). This study aims to obtain a local material-based human respiratory system learning design. This study uses design research type validation study method which consists of three stages including: 1) preparing for the experiment. 2) experiment in the classroom, 3) retrospective analysis with research subjects 12 students of class VIII SMPN 2 Rejotangan. The data obtained were analyzed by compatiring and describing the research results so that the right learning design can be obtained. Learning activities consist of the stage of material delivery by the teacher, practicum session with simple tools based on local materials, students presenting the results of the practicum, question and answer sessions. From these learning activities, the results of the percentage of student understanding of human respiratory system material increase by 37,33% obtained from the pre-test and post-test
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