Konseling Multibudaya sebagai Upaya Menjaga Kearifan Lokal di Tengah Perubahan Budaya Generasi Z

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Vima Arlani Iftirosy
Dyah Ayu Retno Wulan Wulan
Ahmad Yoga Pratama
Amelia Eka Prasasti
Tresya Dela Adelia5 Adelia
Eril Wahyu Alfiano
Nora Yuniar Setyaputri


Globalization and advances in information technology have had a major impact on the culture and values ​​of Generation Z, especially in dealing with the increasingly strong influence of global culture. Although exposure to global culture broadens their horizons, it risks weakening local wisdom, which is the cultural identity of a nation. Local wisdom, which includes traditions, values, and cultural practices, plays an important role in shaping the character and identity of a society. In this context, multicultural counseling is a relevant approach to preserving local wisdom amidst changing times. This approach focuses on understanding individual cultures, as well as helping Generation Z to appreciate and integrate local wisdom into everyday life, without being disconnected from the influence of global culture. Despite its great potential, multicultural counseling faces challenges, such as a lack of understanding of this method, stigma against counseling, and difficulties in balancing local and global cultures. Therefore, education and cooperation between counselors, the community, and educational institutions are needed to maintain the sustainability of local wisdom in Generation Z


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Iftirosy, V. A. ., Wulan, D. A. R. W., Pratama, A. Y. ., Prasasti, A. E. ., Adelia, T. D. A., Alfiano, E. W. ., & Setyaputri, N. Y. . (2025). Konseling Multibudaya sebagai Upaya Menjaga Kearifan Lokal di Tengah Perubahan Budaya Generasi Z. Prosiding Konseling Kearifan Nusantara (KKN), 4, 965–970. Retrieved from https://proceeding.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/kkn/article/view/6603

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