Upaya Dalam Mengatasi “PAMALI” di Kota Kediri Berbasis Kearifan Lokal

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Ardhi Armadhika
Putri Muawanah
Indah Ayu Nasfatul Ramadhani
Gresica Mery Andani
Sheila Widi Kurnia
Nora Yuniar Setyaputri


This research explores "Pamali or Abstinence" in cultural terms in indigenous communities in Kediri City, East Java as an moral and social guide. A guidance and counseling approach based on local wisdom offers conflict resolution methods that are relevant to the conditions of the people of Kediri City. One relevant model is conflict resolution counseling, which includes negotiation, mediation and arbitration strategies. This approach not only provides practical solutions for society, but also strengthens cultural identity and encourages community empowerment. By utilizing local traditions as a basis, this effort has the potential to create stronger harmony amidst the current of modernization.


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How to Cite
Armadhika, A., Muawanah, P., Ramadhani, I. A. N. ., Andani, G. M. ., Kurnia , S. W. ., & Setyaputri, N. Y. . (2025). Upaya Dalam Mengatasi “PAMALI” di Kota Kediri Berbasis Kearifan Lokal. Prosiding Konseling Kearifan Nusantara (KKN), 4, 388–394. Retrieved from https://proceeding.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/kkn/article/view/6422

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