Survai Peran Guru Kelas Sebagai Konselor Dalam Mereduksi Perilaku Bullying di SDN 1 Banjarsari
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Bullying behavior is still a serious problem that occurs in the educational environment. SDN 1 Banjarsari is one of the schools where bullying behavior is still found. Observations made during the seventh batch of the teaching campus program showed that bullying is often carried out by students in grades IV, V, and VI, with various forms such as teasing, body shaming, and physical violence. This study aims to evaluate the role of class teachers as counselors in reducing bullying behavior through a survey of students. This study used a survey method quantitative approach. The data collection technique used purposive sampling, the sample was taken from 45 students in grades V and VI. The survey results showed that the perception of the teacher's role (57%) and the teacher's strategic actions (62%) were in the good category. However, the effectiveness of the anti-bullying program is only 49%, which is categorized as poor. Overall, although some
indicators are already in the good category, improvements still need to be made, especially on the effectiveness of the anti-bullying program at SDN 1 Banjarsari.
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