Pemanfaatan Buku Panduan dalam Melaksanakan Konseling Kelompok

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Elisabeth Ayu Febrianti
Sri Panca Setyawati


One form of professionalism of the counseling teacher in counseling practice is conducting counseling with stages and techniques that are in accordance with the approach taken. In guidance and counseling services there are counseling services that can help overcome students' problems, one of which is by using group counseling. Group counseling is a counseling service that includes a number of students in the form of a group with the guidance counselor/counselor, in this case the guidance counselor/counselor teacher as the leader of group counseling activities. It is carried out in a group atmosphere where students have the same problem. Therefore, based on these problems, it is necessary to develop a guidebook, in guidance and counseling the guidebook is very beneficial to the BK/Counselor teacher. The guidebook is one of the counseling media that can be used as a medium for implementing counseling in schools. The benefits of this guidebook are indispensable for guidance counselors/counselors to help and facilitate the implementation of group counseling. The purpose of using this guidebook is to make it easier for counseling teachers to carry out and provide an overview and innovation in the implementation of counseling services, especially in group counseling techniques.


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How to Cite
Ayu Febrianti, E., Panca Setyawati, S., & Atrup. (2022). Pemanfaatan Buku Panduan dalam Melaksanakan Konseling Kelompok. Prosiding Konseling Kearifan Nusantara (KKN), 2, 1–6. Retrieved from

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