Efektivitas Media Rolling Ball Game Untuk Mengurangi Prokrastinas Akademik Siswa
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This research is based on the situation of students who have low learning outcomes, because they do academic procrastination, namely procrastinating and collecting assignments. One of the efforts to overcome this is to provide Counseling Guidance services using the Rolling Ball Game media. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the use of Rolling Ball Game media to reduce the academic procrastination of grade X students of SMAN 1 Papar. This study uses a quantitative approach with a one-group pre-test post-test design. 58 samples were taken using the proportionate random sampling technique. The collection of academic procrastination data was carried out by questionnaires given before (pretest) and after (posttest) the use of Rolling Ball Game media. The results of the data analysis showed a decrease from the average pretest score of 81.86 (high category) while the posttest was 57.48 (medium category). The analysis result of the N-Gain Test is 92% (including the high effectiveness category) because it is more than 76%. Based on these results, it can be concluded that Rolling Ball Game media is effective in reducing students' academic procrastination
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