Self Control pada Peserta Didik

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Rozy Bintang Ambar Pratiwi
Yuanita Dwi Krisphianti
Guruh Sukma Hanggara


Self-control is the ability of an individual to manage oneself, regulate physical and psychological processes, control impulses, and choose actions that lead to positive consequences. It is influenced by various factors and enables a person to resist impulses while managing emotions, awareness, and behavior according to the situation. Factors affecting self-control are categorized into internal factors, such as motivation, cognition, and age, and external factors, such as social environment and family. Students with good self-control tend to avoid social conflicts, build healthy relationships, and succeed in education and character development. This study aims to explore self-control in students and the factors influencing it. The method used in this research is library research, prioritizing data sources from literature. The results indicate that developing self-control is crucial for students to avoid social conflicts and form a healthy personality. Educational support is needed to optimally develop self-control abilities.


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How to Cite
Pratiwi, R. B. A., Krisphianti, Y. D. ., & Hanggara, G. S. . (2025). Self Control pada Peserta Didik. Prosiding Konseling Kearifan Nusantara (KKN), 4, 489–496. Retrieved from

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