Penguatan Konselor Sebaya sebagai Implementasi Buddy Program untuk Mencegah Bullying di Sekolah

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Sri Panca Setyawati


The high quantity and quality of bullying cases, especially those that occur in the school in some regions, causes Indonesia to be in an emergency condition of bullying. Even this bullying phenomenon is like an iceberg, only viral cases are in the spotlight but behind the viral cases stored a very dangerous latent danger. Perpetrators, victims, even witnesses of bullying if they do not get proper treatment will cause problems. At school the most competent party in handling bullying cases is the guidance and counseling teacher (BK teacher) and or school counselor. But based on data, the ratio of guidance and counseling/counselors is not proportional to the number of students who must be given services. As a result, BK/counselor teachers in providing less than reach of service. The purpose of presenting this article is to offer alternatives to overcome the problem of BK/counselor teacher ratios that can be implemented, especially related to efforts to prevent bullying in schools, namely strengthening peer counselors as the implementation of Buddy programs.


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How to Cite
Setyawati, S. P. . (2024). Penguatan Konselor Sebaya sebagai Implementasi Buddy Program untuk Mencegah Bullying di Sekolah. Prosiding Konseling Kearifan Nusantara (KKN), 3, 14–21. Retrieved from

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