Penerapan Teknik Sosiodrama Ande-Ande Lumut Dalam Assertive Training Untuk Meningkatkan Sikap Asertif

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Peni Catur Evi Wulandari
Nur Hidayah
Fitri Wahyuni


The problem of students who are aggressive and passive can be overcome with an assertive training approach with Ande-ande moss sociodrama. This game directs students to form a more active and more assertive personality and less aggressive. This study aims to determine efforts to increase assertiveness through sociodrama ande-ande moss. The research design uses the McTaggart and Kemmis model of action research. The research procedure used consists of four phases of activity including planning (planning), implementation (action), observation (observation), and reflection (reflection). The results showed that there was an increase in students' assertiveness classically, from the first cycle of research there was an increase in students' assertiveness to 64%. After the researchers continued to improve on the sociodrama ande-ande moss in the second cycle of research, the results also showed a significant increase, reaching 94%. Based on these results it can be said that the sociodrama ande-ande moss model can improve students' assertive behavior. In addition, student activity in the process of classical guidance in class also increased, namely from 40% in the pre-research, in research I became 82% and in research II it became 94%. This shows that assertive training with ande-ande moss sociodrama can improve students' assertiveness. Researchers suggest that assertive training can be used in other schools.


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How to Cite
Wulandari, P. C. E. ., Hidayah, N. ., & Wahyuni, F. (2022). Penerapan Teknik Sosiodrama Ande-Ande Lumut Dalam Assertive Training Untuk Meningkatkan Sikap Asertif . Prosiding Konseling Kearifan Nusantara (KKN), 2, 441–451. Retrieved from

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