Analisis Unsur Gramatikal dan Leksikal pada Pidato Ganjar Pranowo dan Megawati dalam Memutuskan CAPRES di PILPRES 2024
discourse, grammatical, lexical, speechAbstract
Speeches have a variety of interesting ideas in the form of spoken discourse which are transcribed into written discourse which makes them interesting points to research, one of which is from the perspective of discourse analysis. The aim of this research is to describe: (1) the grammatical elements in Ganjar Pranowo and Megawati's speeches in deciding on the CAPRES in the 2024 PILPRES, (2) the lexical elements in Ganjar Pranowo and Megawati's speeches in deciding on the CAPRES in the 2024 PILPRES. Type This research is descriptive qualitative. The data source in this research is Ganjar Pranowo and Megawati's speeches on the Youtube account. This research data is in the form of written discourse that has been transcribed in the form of words, phrases, clauses and sentences. The results of this research are the grammatical elements and lexical elements of Ganjar Pranowo and Megawati's speech. The grammatical elements found are reference, substitution (substance), and conjunction. Meanwhile, in lexical elements, repetition, synonyms, collocations and hyponyms are found
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