Nilai-Nilai Sosial dalam Novel Panji Asmarabangun: Kajian Sosiologi sastra
nilai sosial, novel panji asmarabangun, pembelajaran bahasa IndonesiaAbstract
The Panji Asmarabangun story doesn't just tell a love story, the philosophy of the Panji Asmarabangun story is "search and find" like the story of the moon and the sun. This research aims to (1) describe the forms of social values contained in the novel Panji Asmarabangun. (2) Implementation of social values in the novel Panji Asmarabangun in Indonesian language learning in class XII high school. This research uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The data taken is in the form of sentences and paragraphs. The technique used is the note-taking technique. Next, data analysis uses data reduction, data presentation, then verification or drawing conclusions. A total of 68 data were found regarding devotion, mutual assistance, loyalty, care, sense of belonging, discipline, empathy, justice, tolerance, cooperation, democracy. The implications of social values in learning Indonesian for class The conclusions of this research are (1) 68 social values have been found from the novel Panji Asmorobangun. (2) This research can have implications for class XII Indonesian language learning at KD 3.9, namely discussing the language of novels.
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