Bentuk-Bentuk Ketidaksantunan Berbahasa Yang Terdapat Pada Tayangan Talkshow Rosi Dengan Tema “Demo Mahasiswa Dan Ade Armando”


  • Redta Anjani Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri


language impoliteness, talkshow, pragmatic


Language impoliteness is a violation of politeness. Impoliteness occurs because of emotional impulses, anger, annoyance, and stress. This causes the speech to be impolite and makes the interlocutor hurt by the utterance that is spoken. This study aims to describe the form of language impoliteness in the Rosi talk show. The data source is a video recording of Rosi’s talk show with the theme “Student Demo and Ade Armando”, on the Kompas TV YouTube channel, uploaded in 2022. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. Researchers observe the object of research directly and continuously. After the data is collected, the data is grouped and understood so that problems can be found. Next, the researcher describes the data in the form of words or sentence. The analysis technique used is reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results showed that there were five forms of impoliteness, namely recklessness, playing face, harassing face, threatening face, and removing face. Impoliteness that often occurs is levity, because when the discussion takes place the utterances expressed are in the form of jokes, not being serious, and sarcasm. So that at the end of the event, the presenter and resource person did not find a solution to solve the problem being discussed.


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How to Cite

Redta Anjani. (2023). Bentuk-Bentuk Ketidaksantunan Berbahasa Yang Terdapat Pada Tayangan Talkshow Rosi Dengan Tema “Demo Mahasiswa Dan Ade Armando”. Prosiding SEMDIKJAR (Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran), 6, 893–931. Retrieved from


