Pemanfaatan Design Thinking Sebagai Metode Perancangan Prototype Website Bank Sampah Lastari (Kelola Sampah Tanpa Ribet) Sidoarjo


  • Deva Aprillia Hamidah Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri
  • Galang Surya Gumilang Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri
  • Restin Meilina Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri


Design Thinking, prototype website, Bank Sampah Lastari, design, waste management, Sidoarjo.


In this digital era, the design and development of websites have become crucial in promoting and enhancing the success of businesses or organizations. In the context of Bank Sampah Lastari in Sidoarjo, designing an effective and user-friendly prototype website can be a vital initial step in optimizing the operations and success of Bank Sampah Lastari in waste management. In this study, we employ the Design Thinking method as a design approach to build a prototype website for Bank Sampah Lastari. This method places a strong focus on the users (user-centric) and incorporates elements of creativity, empathy, and iteration in the design process. By following the steps of Design Thinking, we can understand the needs and desires of Bank Sampah Lastari users and design an intuitive, efficient, and tailored website to meet their requirements. The methodology used consists of five key stages in Design Thinking, namely empathy, definition, ideation, prototyping, and testing. In the empathy stage, we conducted observations and interviews with Bank Sampah Lastari members to understand their experiences in  waste management. The definition stage involved  data collection and analysis to identify the users' primary needs. The ideation stage is where we generated various design concepts and ideas for the website that have the potential to meet the users' needs. The prototyping stage involved creating a website prototype based on the selected concepts. Finally, in the testing stage, we gathered feedback from Bank Sampah Lastari users to identify weaknesses and potential improvements in the built prototype. The outcome of this study is a prototype website for Bank Sampah Lastari that aligns with the users' needs and desires. This website features an appealing design, easy-to-understand navigation, and user-friendly functionalities for efficient waste management. The utilization of Design Thinking in designing the Bank Sampah Lastari website provides a holistic approach and yields more relevant solutions for the users. This prototype website serves as a foundation for further development and the official launch of the Bank Sampah Lastari website.


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How to Cite

Deva Aprillia Hamidah, Galang Surya Gumilang, & Restin Meilina. (2023). Pemanfaatan Design Thinking Sebagai Metode Perancangan Prototype Website Bank Sampah Lastari (Kelola Sampah Tanpa Ribet) Sidoarjo . Prosiding SEMDIKJAR (Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran), 6, 1005–1013. Retrieved from


