Pengaruh Problem Based Online Learning Terhadap Hasil Berpikir Kritis Dalam Writing Essay


  • Pamadya Vitasmoro Universitas Kadiri
  • Jatmiko Universitas Kadiri
  • Titin Widya Risni Universitas Kadiri


PBOL, berpikir kritis, essay


The aim of this study is to find out whether Problem Based Online Learning learning
strategies have an impact on the critical thinking ability of students of the 2nd
semester of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Kadiri University in the academic year
2023/2024. This research design uses experimental research design.Research
instruments use writing essays according to indicators. The research hypothesis
test uses a t test where the data is tested first using a prerequisite test namely a
normality test and a homogenity test. Based on the results of the research F-count
= 65,545 with a significance of 0,000 which is below the alpha of 0,05. As for the
average learning output of critical thinking skills in two groups of students, the mean
learning outcome of the group of students who learned using a problem based
online learning strategy was 20.5 higher than the average study outcome for a
group of pupils who learned with a conventional/face-to-face learning strategy of
20.0. Thus, it can be concluded that the learning outcomes of a critical learning skill
in writing a learning essay are better than the students who learn with a PBOL
learning strategy.


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How to Cite

Pamadya Vitasmoro, Jatmiko, & Titin Widya Risni. (2024). Pengaruh Problem Based Online Learning Terhadap Hasil Berpikir Kritis Dalam Writing Essay. Prosiding SEMDIKJAR (Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran), 7, 663–672. Retrieved from


