Upaya Meningkatkan Percaya Diri Siswa Melalui Media Permainan Gasing Kayu Guyon Paton
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Self-confidence is the key to individual success, including in education. However, many students still show low self-confidence, such as lack of self-confidence, minimal social interaction, and negative comments about themselves. This study aims to increase students' self-confidence through the media of traditional wooden spinning top games modified into "Guyon Paton". This game combines traditional elements with interactive activities, such as truth or dare, to create a fun atmosphere and build students' self-confidence. This game consists of 2 wooden spinning tops that will be modified, a circular game board as a place to compete the 2 spinning tops and Truth or Dare cards. This game can be used by students to play while learning. This Guyon Paton wooden spinning top game was developed as a media and solution to increase students' self-confidence. This study aims to explore the effectiveness of the Guyon Paton wooden spinning top game in increasing students' self-confidence, as well as providing recommendations for further implementation in the context of guidance and counseling media.
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