Konsep Kesempurnaan Hidup dalam Serat Madurasa: Sebuah Integrasi Layanan Bimbingan dan Konseling Berbasis Nilai Budaya

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Laelatul Arofah
Rosalia Dewi Nawantara


This research explores the Concept of Perfection in the Serat Madurasa and integrates it into guidance and counseling services with a culturally based value approach. The Serat Madurasa is the primary source discussing Nuju Marang Tekade, Pancadriya, Prayitna, Weweka, Wiragnya, Tujuane, Laku, and Oleh-Olehane. The integration of these values guides the formation of determination and life goals, moral obligations, the distinction between good and bad, self-management, setting life goals, consistent actions, and the resulting outcomes. The study aims to identify the concept of perfection in the style of Serat Madurasa and explore the form of integrating these values into guidance and counseling services. This research employs a literature review method, seeking relevant theoretical references for identified cases or issues. Key concepts in guidance and counseling services deeply rooted in Javanese culture, particularly involving terms such as Nuju Marang Tekade, Pancadriya, Prayitna, Weweka, Wiragnya, Tujuane, Laku, and Oleh-Olehane, are extensively reviewed. In conclusion, implementing these concepts can provide a solid guide for guidance and counseling practitioners to assist individuals in achieving a perfect life by understanding and appreciating Javanese cultural values


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How to Cite
Arofah, L. ., & Nawantara, R. D. . (2024). Konsep Kesempurnaan Hidup dalam Serat Madurasa: Sebuah Integrasi Layanan Bimbingan dan Konseling Berbasis Nilai Budaya . Prosiding Konseling Kearifan Nusantara (KKN), 3, 330–341. Retrieved from https://proceeding.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/kkn/article/view/4457

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