Permainan KENTANG KARI (Kejujuran dan Tantangan Efikasi Diri) sebagai Media BK untuk Meningkatkan Self-efficacy Siswa SMA

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Anis Lailatul Fitriyah
Vivi Ratnawati


Self-efficacy is the belief held by a person about his abilities and also the results that will be obtained from his hard work will affect the way individuals behave. Self-confidence in students is important, students with strong self-confidence believe that they can do even a difficult task, on the other hand, students who doubt their abilities or are unsure of their ability to complete a difficult task see it as a threat, so students are easy to give up. Based on observations made at SMAN 7 Kediri class XI and XII, students are not confident in their ability to do difficult things, hesitate when making decisions, afraid to express opinions in front of the class, stressed if their test scores are bad and confused about planning career choices or study choices. Continued seeing this phenomenon, counselor needs to develop innovative BK media. One of the media described in this paper is a truth or dare game in which there are aspects of self-efficacy. The purpose of writing this paper is for describing a KENTANG KARI game media as a BK Media to improve the self-efficacy of high school students.


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How to Cite
Lailatul Fitriyah, A., & Ratnawati, V. (2022). Permainan KENTANG KARI (Kejujuran dan Tantangan Efikasi Diri) sebagai Media BK untuk Meningkatkan Self-efficacy Siswa SMA. Prosiding Konseling Kearifan Nusantara (KKN), 2, 21–28. Retrieved from

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