Pengaruh Media Brigam Terhadap Hasil Belajar Bahasa Indonesia Pada Siswa Kelas VI
Brigam Media, Learning Results, Indonesian, Media Brigam, Hasil Belajar, BahasaIndonesiaAbstract
Abstrak This research is based on the results of observations and interviews in the form of questionnaires. That Indonesian language learning at SDN TIRON 3 class VI is still relatively passive due to the lack of media that supports the learning process, which has an impact on student learning outcomes. The aims of this research are: (1) the influence of brigam media on student learning outcomes. (2) the influence of no brigam media on student learning outcomes. (3) the difference between students using brigam media and not using brigam media. The approach used is quantitative. In this research, the sample used consisted of a limited class and a wide class. The instruments used are lesson plans and pre-tests, post-tests to determine learning outcomes. The conclusions from the results of this research are (1) There is an influence of brigam media on student learning outcomes based on the results of post-test score data for the limited class which got an average score of 84% and the wide class 81%. (2) The effect without brigam media from the pre-test score data for the limited class was 69% and for the broad class 65%. (3) The existence of influence is confirmed by the Paired Sample T-Test, the limited class Sig (2-tailed) value is 0.000, the broad class Sig (2-tailed) value is 0.000.
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