Pengaruh Penggunaan Platfrom Media Sosial Terhadap Perilaku Remaja
remaja, platfrom, media sosialAbstract
Social media invites anyone who is interested to participate by giving feedback openly, making comments, and sharing information quickly and without limits. With the existence of social media, there has been a cultural shift among teenagers, for example they do not hesitate to upload all kinds of personal activities via social media. When these teenagers post a side of their life that is full of fun, it is not uncommon for them to feel lonely in reality. Teenagers often think that the more active they are, they are considered cool and trendy, while teenagers who don't have social media are usually considered old-fashioned or outdated and less social. Therefore, the purpose of taking this title itself is to conduct research with the aim of being able to find out what factors influence changes in adolescent behavior due to the use of social media and how to handle it so that the negative impacts that arise do not become even worse.
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