Pengembangan E-Hand Out Berbasis Microsoft Sway Didukung Game Edukasi Word Wall Materi Sifat dan Perubahan Wujud Benda Siswa Kelas 3 di SDN 3 Balonggebang
Pengembangan, Microsoft Sway, Word Wall, Sifat dan Perubahan Wujud BendaAbstract
This research is motivated by the results of research in 3 elementary school, in general, they are required to be more creative in designing and implementing learning while creating an interesting and enjoyable learning process. This research to 1) describe the validity of E-Hand Out based on Microsoft Sway supported by educational Word Wall games regarding the nature and changes in shape of objects for grade 3 students at SDN 3 Balonggebang. 2) describe the practicaly of E- Hand Out, and 3) describe the effectiveness of E-Hand Out. This research uses the development method or Research and Development (R&D). The development model is borg and gall with 10 stages: Research and data colletion, Planning, Initial product development, initial field trials, Revision of initial field tests, Operational product revisions, Wide scale field tests, Final product revisions, Deployment and implementation. The result of this research were declared valid by getting a percentage of 88% from media experts and 96% from material experts. It was stated that it was practical to get 90% of teacher responses and students 97,39%. Found to be highly effective in extensive trials getting 100%.
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