Keefektifan Pengembangan Buku Suplemen IPAS Sumber Daya Alam untuk Siswa Kelas IV SDN Gayam 1
keefektifan, buku suplemen, Sumber Daya AlamAbstract
Teaching materials are one of the important components in education. Teaching materials are used as teacher guidelines in teaching. At SDN Gayam 1, grade IV teachers only use ready-to-use teaching materials with few materials and have a black and white design to teach the material. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of the IPAS supplement book for grade IV of SDN Gayam 1. The data collection techniques carried out are observation, interviews and giving pretest and posttest questions to students. This study uses qualitative and quantitative descriptive methods. The research was conducted at SDN Gayam 1 with a total of 27 students. Based on the results of the effectiveness test through the post test that has been carried out, it shows that 27 students obtained a score above the KKM (75). Thus, it can be concluded that the supplementary book is effectively used for learning IPAS Class IV SDN Gayam 1.
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