Profil Literasi Sains Siswa kelas III SDN Tarokan 3 Pada Materi Perubahan Wujud Benda


  • Fikri Arga Saputra Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri
  • Mumun Nurmilawati Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri


Scientific Literacy, Elementary School Science


Scientific literacy is an understanding and knowledge of a scientific concept. Scientific literacy itself consists of three indicators, namely identifying scientific evidence, explaining scientific phenomena, and using scientific evidence in everyday life. One of the subjects taught in schools related to scientific literacy and environmental life issues is Natural Sciences where in this subject the aim is for students to know about natural events, natural characteristics and everything that has happened to nature that they have so far stay. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The instrument used is a questionnaire (questionnaire). The research subjects were students of SDN Tarokan 3, Kediri Regency. The results of this study indicate that the indicator of identifying scientific evidence obtained a percentage of 85%, for indicators explaining scientific evidence a percentage of 77% was obtained, for indicators of using scientific evidence in everyday life, it was obtained 77%.


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How to Cite

Fikri Arga Saputra, & Mumun Nurmilawati. (2023). Profil Literasi Sains Siswa kelas III SDN Tarokan 3 Pada Materi Perubahan Wujud Benda. Prosiding SEMDIKJAR (Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran), 6, 1602–1606. Retrieved from




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