Analisis Kebutuhan Media Pembelajaran Pada Materi Makhluk Hidup dan Lingkungannya di Kelas IV SDN Satak 2


  • Gita Pramesti Addiana Wahyu Lintang Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri
  • Farida Nurlaila Zunaidah Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri


Analysis of Needs, Media, Living Things


This study aims to determine students' needs for flipbook-based interactive learning media on living things and their environment in class IV SDN Satak 2. The subjects of this study were class teachers and students. This study uses a qualitative method. The data collection technique used was observation, which conducted interviews with teachers and gave pretest questions to students. The researcher collected data about students' understanding of living things before using flipbooks. This was reinforced by the results of the pretest with an average score of 40. The results showed that fourth grade students need media to support learning. The results of the needs analysis show that students do not understand the material explained by the teacher properly, because the teacher only uses printed books such as K13 theme books without using media as a learning support. In addition, student responses to the use of flipbooks were very positive, with high levels of engagement and strong interest in the learning material. Active interaction between students and flipbooks encourages deeper understanding and better involvement in the learning process. However, this study also identified challenges faced in using flipbooks, especially related to teachers' lack of understanding in integrating technology in learning. Therefore, the recommendations given are support and training for teachers in the use of technology, as well as improvements to the infrastructure and resources needed to facilitate the use of flipbooks in learning.


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How to Cite

Gita Pramesti Addiana Wahyu Lintang, & Farida Nurlaila Zunaidah. (2023). Analisis Kebutuhan Media Pembelajaran Pada Materi Makhluk Hidup dan Lingkungannya di Kelas IV SDN Satak 2 . Prosiding SEMDIKJAR (Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran), 6, 1508–1515. Retrieved from


