Pengenalan Profesi Era Digital (Media Augmented Reality dan Strategi Layanan Berdiferensiasi)
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The Covid 19 pandemic has an impact on the acceleration of technological development. Encouraging people to change the way to survive and enjoy life. Various professions and new jobs began to emerge. So an innovative movement is needed to prepare a generation that is resilient in facing the challenges that continue to grow. One of the efforts that counseling teachers can make is to introduce a variety of new jobs or professions in the digital era. However, the current challenge is not only content but also what strategies and media can attract the interest of the digital native generation to be able to participate in services so that service achievements can be realized. Through this conceptual study, a differentiated service strategy and augmented reality media are introduced as an innovative effort to provide services in the implementation of the kurikulum merdeka. The differentiated services is an adaptation of differentiated learning. Through this strategy each student is encouraged to develop the best potential within him. Meanwhile, the use of augmented reality (AR) media is an innovation to suit current student interests. So that with differentiated services and the use of AR media besides being able to attract interest it is also able to stimulate students' curiosity.
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