Student Well-being pada Remaja Mataraman dalam Kajian Multibudaya
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Student well-being is the degree of effectiveness of adolescent functioning, which can be seen from two dimensions, namely the intrapersonal dimension and the interpersonal dimension. The intrapersonal dimension is the internalization of feelings of self as a learner and the effectiveness of their function within the school community. Meanwhile, the interpersonal dimension is related to students' assessment of their environment and the effectiveness of their functions in the school community. Student well-being positively influences the learning process and learning outcomes of adolescents as students, because students who are satisfied with themselves will develop a positive attitude towards the learning process and improve their achievement and enable them to overcome the adverse effects of their learning environment. This study will describe the concept of well-being in Mataraman youth which contains multicultural studies in it. Mataraman youth are young people who have a Mataraman cultural background. Which Mataram culture is a culture based on the Mataram kingdom in Yogyakarta and Solo.
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