Pemanfaatan Media BK Kartu Truth Or Dare sebagai Sarana Meningkatkan Sopan Santun Peserta Didik
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Manners are one of the cultures that characterize the Indonesian nation, courtesy itself is a behavior that is in accordance with the values of goodness and manners that exist in the surrounding environment. The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the habits of learning activities which were initially carried out face-to-face to online learning which has an impact on reducing the manners of students in attitude and behavior, this occurs due to the lack of teacher supervision of student activities while participating in learning activities. With the help of Guidance and Counseling media in the form of a truth or dare card game, the values of decency as students will grow again. The Guidance and Counseling media in the form of a truth or dare card game was chosen because of its popularity among teenagers so that by modifying this game into Guidance and Counseling media it will make students easy to play and understand the meaning in this game, so manners will be able to grow into the character of the participants educate.
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