Pengembangan Powerpoint Interaktif Materi IPA Sistem Tata Surya Siswa Kelas 5 SDIT Al-Istiqomah
Pengembangan, Powerpoint Interaktif, Sistem tata suryaAbstract
This research is based on the results of observations of science learning activities on the solar system material in class V of SDIT Al-Istiqomah that in the learning process there is no media used by the teacher. In explaining the material, the teacher only uses a textbook, so that students only use one teaching material. As a result, students are less able to explain the solar system material. The type of research used in this study is Research and Development (R&D). The development model used is the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). The results of this study are that the interactive PPT learning media has met three criteria, namely validity, practicality and effectiveness. The results are as follows (1) From the results of the validation trial, the results obtained were 89.5% which were declared valid for use. (2) The Learning Media was tested for its practicality through teacher and student questionnaires, obtaining a score of 99.2% with the category of practical to use. (3) The Learning Media was tested for its effectiveness in obtaining student learning completion results in limited trials and extensive trials, obtaining an average score of 96.8% with a classical learning completion percentage of 100% and having reached the predetermined KKTP, namely 75, so it falls into the very effective criteria.
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