Developing Creativity Through Drama In Teaching Speaking At SMAN 2 Kediri
Creativity, Drama, Teaching SpeakingAbstract
The government has developed a new curriculum called Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar for all school levels. This curriculum emphasizes all the school subjects must develop various skills for all school graduates to enhance competitiveness in the 21st century. One crucial skill that school graduates must have, is creativity. Therefore, the English teachers should facilitate learning activity through a certain method to develop students’ creativity. This research was carried out to describe the effectiveness of drama in training students' creativity in teaching speaking English. This pre-experimental one shot case study was carried out when the researcher did teaching practice at SMAN 2 Kediri. The students were assigned to perform a short drama in groups. To take the students’ scores, the researcher considered 4 aspects to assess creativity. They were fluency, flexibility, originality and elaboration. The results of the research shows that the average score was 81, in which this score is included in the “very creative” category. In other words, to develop students' creativity and speaking ability the English teacher can make use of drama.
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