Popular Songs: Teaching Media to Enhance Students’ Listening Comprehension
listening comprehension, , popular song,, teaching listeningAbstract
Listening Comprehension is one of four skills that students need to master.
However, many students face difficulties in mastering listening comprehension due
to several problems such as a lack of practice making them difficult to understand
the meaning in recorded oral texts. This research aims to find out the effect of
popular songs as the media to teach listening comprehension on students’ listening
comprehension. Employing quantitative approach, the researchers carried out an
experiment to know the students’ listening comprehension score before and after
being taught using popular song. The result of this research proves that student
listening comprehension skill increased after being taught using popular songs. The
finding of the research indicates that the popular songs can be used in improving
students’ listening comprehension especially in finding meaning from oral texts.
Therefore, English teachers are recommended to apply popular songs for listening
practices to enhance students’ listening comprehension skill.
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