Bentuk Pelanggaran Karakteristik Bahasa Jurnalistik pada Berita Bohong di Media Sosial Masa Kampanye Capres dan Cawapres 2024
Fake news, Violations, Characteristics, Journalism, and Social mediaAbstract
Fake news during the 2024 Capres and Cawapres campaigns must be watched out so that no fake news affects political decisions to divide the people. Violations of journalistic language characteristics can undermine the credibility of the media and affect public perception of the validity of the news and information received. Objectives of the research to describe: (1) the use of journalistic language on fake news in social media during the 2024 Capres and Cawapres campaigns, (2) techniques to determine fake News on social media from a review of the characteristics of the journalist language, (3) forms of violation of the journalistic language characteristics on the false News in Social Media during the Capres & Cowapres 2024 campaigns. This type of research is qualitative descriptive. The data source for this study is social media such as facebook, X, WhatsApp, and websites. The data in this study is qualitative data of words, phrases, clauses and sentences. Data collection techniques: preparation of tabulation of data, exploration of fake news on social media, identification of candidates, classification of data related to violations of the characteristic language of false journalism in social media. Violations of the characteristics of journalistic language include simple, concise and compact, clear, interesting, straightforward, transparent, democratic, logical, and populist
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