Pelatihan Microsoft Excel terhadap Sekolah Inklusi di SDN 02 Taman Menggunakan Metode Verbal Prompts


  • Andien Nugrahaningtyas Universitas PGRI Madiun
  • Rika Triana Universitas PGRI Madiun
  • Elly Astuti Universitas PGRI Madiun


Microsoft Excel, Inclusion School, Children With Special Needs


Microsoft Excel Training for Inclusive Schools at SDN 02 Taman was motivated by several students who could not read, the teacher's lack of attention to students with special needs and students who had difficulty concentrating. The purpose of this research is to develop students' ability to adapt to technology, one of which is by holding Microsoft Excel training through the verbal prompts method. The training activities that we carry out include inputting data in columns, neatness in making tables, skills in applying Excel formulas and saving the files they have worked on. With this training activity, it can instill habits in utilizing technology in the education sector and give birth to a golden generation that can adapt to technology. The method used is verbal prompts, namely giving directions and guiding students directly by emphasizing the word in each sentence. The media used is a projector. The result of the implementation of this training is that students experience an increase in operating Microsoft Excel properly and correctly and can apply this knowledge in everyday life.


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How to Cite

Andien Nugrahaningtyas, Rika Triana, & Elly Astuti. (2023). Pelatihan Microsoft Excel terhadap Sekolah Inklusi di SDN 02 Taman Menggunakan Metode Verbal Prompts. Prosiding SEMDIKJAR (Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran), 6, 953–963. Retrieved from


