Kajian Petirtaan Belahan (Candi) di Kabupaten Pasuruan

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Zeni Zulaikah
Heru Budiono


Belahan Temple is a temple that has exotic statues of Lord Vishnu, Goddes Laksmi and also Goddes Sri. Belahan Temple is the dharma Temple of King Airlangga. This Temple is on the slopes of a mountain that considered sacred, namely  Mount Penanggungan. The statues in Belahan Temple of King Airlangga. The statues in Belahan Temple have deep meanings and values which were intended to be conveyed by the disigners and builders of Belahan Temple. Especially King Airlangga as a dharma figure there. We can find out the meaning and values, one of which is by studying the iconography of Belahan Temple.The statue of Lord Vishnu, which is the embodiment of King Airlangga, is a symbol of a leader who is able to protect humans and the universe . Meanwhile, the statues of Dewi LAksmi and Dewi Sri are the embodiment of the wife of Lors Vishnu who always accompanies and helps Lord Vishnu. The Goddes Laksmi ststue in Belahan Temple is a symbol of a mother’s love for her child which will never be broken and the Dewi Sri statue in Belahan Temple symbolizez the bread of knowledge and prosperity.


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How to Cite
Zulaikah, Z. ., Yatmin, Y., & Budiono, H. . (2024). Kajian Petirtaan Belahan (Candi) di Kabupaten Pasuruan. Prosiding Konseling Kearifan Nusantara (KKN), 3, 404–412. Retrieved from https://proceeding.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/kkn/article/view/4464