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Bella Dwi Jayanti
Amin Tohari
Faisol Faisol


The impIementation of this study was to investigate and evaIuate the variabIes that affect empIoyee performance. Job Motivation, Accounting lnformation Systerns, and lnformation TechnoIogy Usage are independent variabIes. Data from the questionnaire were coIIected from PT. XYZ workers. The study's sampIe consisted of 36 workers. MultipIe Iinear regression with a 5 percent confidence IeveI was the methodoIogy empIoyed in this investigation. The findings of this study suggest that whiIe information technoIogy usage partiaIIy has no significant impact on empIoyee performance, while  accounting information systern and job motivation partially have an impact on empIoyee performance. Based on the resuIt of the F test, it’s known that the accounting information systems, job motivation and usage ofi information technology simuItaneousIy have a significant impact on empIoyee performance. The corrected R Square resuIts show a vaIue of 0.555, or 55.5 percent, which indicates that the combined impact of Accounting lnformation Systems, Work Motivation, UtiIization of lnformation Technology, Accounting lnformation Systems, Work Motivation and lnformation Technology Usage on EmpIoyee Performance is 55.5 percent, with the remainingg44.5 percent infIuenced by factors outside the scope of this study.


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How to Cite
Jayanti, B. D. ., Tohari, A., & Faisol, F. (2022). PENGUKURAN KINERJA KARYAWAN DENGAN PENDEKATAN CROSS SECTIONAL ANALYSIS. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen, Ekonomi Dan Akuntansi, 7(1), 40–47. Retrieved from


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