Pengembangan Media Ajar Interaktif Articulate Storyline Perubahan Wujud Benda Kelas Ⅳ SDN Gayam Ⅱ
Research, interactive teaching media, articulate storyline, changes in the form of objectsAbstract
The use of technology in education has become the main focus in increasing the
effectiveness of learning in this digital era. This article discusses the development
of interactive teaching media to improve students' analytical skills in learning. The
aim of the research is to determine the validity, practicality and effectiveness of
interactive teaching media based on Articulate Storyline. The method used in
research is development or Research and Development (R&D) ADDIE model. In
this research, several results were obtained in the form of the validity of the
assessments of material experts and media experts, each of whom received a
score of 85.41% with very valid criteria and 79.6% with quite valid criteria. The
results of the teacher practicality questionnaire got a score of 75.62% and the
results of the practicality questionnaire in the limited trial got a score of 100%, while
in the extensive trial it got a score of 95.55%. The effectiveness of teaching media
is also included in the good criteria based on post test data. In a limited trial, 87.5%
of students scored above the KKM with very good criteria and in a wide trial, 70%
of students scored above the KKM with good criteria. By achieving the research
objectives, interactive teaching media can be said to be suitable for use.
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